Title: Ag Chem Base
1Ag Chem Base Online (www.a2os.com)Brief
introduction to Online Access to Ag Chem Base
(June 2006)
2Click here
First step Go to website at www.a2os.com Second
step Click on Ag Chem Base to reach Ag Chem Base
3Click here
Click on Search Ag Chem Base to reach Ag Chem
Base login screen
4Enter username and password
5Click here
You are now logged into the Ag Chem Base. Click
to start searching
Can look at latest entries by changing this date
Next step set up query (example shows search for
all Bayer CropScience fungicides)
Click on profile to see full text and structure
Five pages of listings is obtained full profiles
on compounds of interest can be readily viewed -
see the next page
8After viewing a specific profile it can be printed
9Advanced user search is more powerful - click on
heading on left of screen
10Click here
Advanced user search is more powerful - click on
heading on left of screen
11Click here to read extensive help file
Basic screen of the advanced user search
12The help file gives details of how to search -
can print it out for reference Now go back to
main search screen
Number of records listed
Lets look at the search features. First press
the binoculars
14Ticking or de-ticking the display fields, enables
the user to choose only the information of
interest. To look at structures of fungicides,
click just those boxes
15Top half of screen
Bottom half of screen
Tick generic name
Structures shown
How data is ordered
Have now set up a search for commercial (C)
fungicides (F) and will display their names and
structures in descending (Z-Z) order of
commercialisation year
Click to view profile
Result is 235 hits, starting with the most
recently launched AI. Scroll down and click the
magnifying glass to see profiles.
17Profile of fluoxastrobin
18Drill-down function
Using drill down (equivalent to filter by
19First sort AIs by type using A-Z box in dark
green headings - all compounds now sorted in
order F, then H, then I then O.
20Now press drill down and while this feature is
activated (it has a toggle action), press on
Kumiai. This produces a list of Kumiai AIs.
21 Press F in drill down mode
Now, while this feature is still activated press
on F
22This produces a list of Kumiai fungicides.
23Press the cancelled funnel symbol to return to
the basic data set (i.e. remove the currently
applied filter)
24The lt and ltlt symbols move the screens back and
the gt and gtgt symbols move the screens forward
25Click here to print
Having searched for a specific company, using the
binocular function, a list of AIs for Nippon
Kayaku has been sorted (see above). Now press
the printer symbol
26This preview can be printed out or printed to
Acrobat for a pdf file.
27Agranova hopes that the preceding demonstration
will assist its clients to understand and use the
powerful search features of Ag Chem Base
Online Further support and information are
available from Dr Rob Bryant Ko
Matsushita Agranova ACA Agrochemical
Service 34 The Drive Tokyo Office Orpington
Yoshida Bldg 7F Kent BR6 9AP 1-2-2
Hirakawa-cho United Kingdom Chiyoda-ku
Tokyo 102-0093 Japan Tel 44
1689 600 501 Tel 81 3 3237 3406 Fax 44 1689
897 786 Fax 81 3 5212 1708 Email
agranova_at_compuserve.com Email
kmatsuhsita_at_drk.ne.jp Website www.agranova.com,
www.a2os.com Website www.aca-jp.com