Chem. 230 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chem. 230


Chem. 230 10/07 Lecture GC Instrumentation Sample Injection Gas Samples Fixed Loop Injectors A loop of fixed volume is filled with a gas The injection valve ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chem. 230

Chem. 230 10/07 Lecture
Announcements I
  • Second Homework Set Due
  • Exam 2
  • Next Week
  • You can bring a 3 x 5 note card with notes
    (front and back) to the exam
  • I will provide constants but no equations
  • Topics Covered
  • Simple Separations vs. Chromatography
  • Chromatographic Theory (Basic definitions of
    parameters, meaning of parameters, how to read
    chromatograms, rate theory)
  • Intermolecular Forces Their Effects
  • Optimization

Announcements II
  • Should Sign Up for Presentation Topic Today
  • Todays Topics
  • Optimization (last topic on Exam I)
  • Gas Chromatography
  • Comparison of methods
  • Historical Development
  • Column types
  • Analytes and Samples
  • Instrumentation (mobile and stationary phases,
    flow control, injection?)

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization - Overview
  • How does method development work?
  • Goal of method development is to select and
    improve a chromatographic method to meet the
    purposes of the application
  • Specific samples and analytes/solutes will
    dictate many of the requirements (e.g. how many
    solutes are being separated and in what
    concentration? what is the purpose of the
    separation?, what other compounds will be
  • Coarse method selection (e.g. GC vs HPLC and
    selection of column type and detectors) is often
    based on past work or can be based on initial
    assessment showing problems (e.g. 20 compounds
    all with k between 0.2 and 2.0 with no easy way
    to increase k)
  • Optimization then involves making equipment work
    as well as possible (or limiting equipment

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization What are we
  • Ideally, we want sufficient resolution (Rs of 1.5
    or greater for analyte/solute of interest peaks)
  • We also want the separation performed in a
    minimum amount of time
  • Other parameters may also be of importance
  • sufficient quantity if performing prep scale
  • sufficient sensitivity for detection (covered
    more with instrumentation and quantitation)
  • ability to identify unknowns (e.g. with MS

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Some trade
  • Flow rate at minimum H vs. higher flow rates
    (covered with van Deemter Equation) low flow
    rate not always desired because of time required
    and sometimes smaller S/N
  • Maximum flow rate often based on
    column/instrument damage this can set flow rate
  • Trade-offs in reducing H
  • In packed columns, going to small particle sizes
    results in greater back-pressure (harder to keep
    high flow)
  • In GC, small column and film diameters means less
    capacity and greater likelihood of column
  • Trade-offs in lengthening column (N L/H)
  • Longer times due to more column (can be
    considerably longer for HPLC due to pressure

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Improved
Resolution Through Increased Column Length
  • Example
  • Compounds X and Y are separated on a 100 mm
    column. tM 2 min, tX 8 min, tY 9 min, wX
    1 min, wY 1.13 min, so RS 0.94. Also, N
    1024 and H 100 mm/1024 0.097 mm
  • Lets increase L to 200 mm. Now, all times are
  • tM 4 min, tX 16 min, tY 18 min. So DtR
    (or d) now 2 min. Before considering widths,
    we must realize that N L/H (where H is a
    constant for given packing material).
  • N200 mm 2N100 mm. Now, N 16(tR/w)2 so w
  • w200 mm/w100 mm (tR200 mm/tR100 mm)(N100
    mm/N200 mm)0.5
  • w200 mm/w100 mm (2)(0.5)0.5 21-0.5 (2)0.5
  • w200 mm 1.41w100 mm
  • RS d/ave(w) 2/1.5 1.33
  • Or RS 200/RS 100 d/wave (d200/d100)(w100/w200
    ) (L200/L100)(L100/L200)0.5
  • So RS is proportional to (L)0.5

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Resolution
  • Increasing column length is not usually the most
    desired way to improve resolution (because
    required time increases and signal to noise ratio
  • Alternatively, k values can be increased (use
    lower T in GC or weaker solvents in HPLC) or a
    values can be increased (use different solvents
    in HPLC or column with better selectivity) but
    effect on RS is more complicated

Note above equation is best used when deciding
how to improve RS, not for calculating RS from
Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Resolution
  • Dont use above equation for calculating Rs
  • How to improve resolution
  • Increase N (increase column length, use more
    efficient column)
  • Increase a (use more selective column or mobile
  • Increase k values (increase retention)
  • Which way works best?
  • Increase in k is easiest (but best if k is
    initially small)
  • Increase in a is best, but often hardest
  • Often, changes in k lead to small, but
    unpredictable, changes in a also (for problems in
    this class we will assume no change in a with
    change in T or solvent composition)

Chromatographic TheoryGraphical Representation
Smaller H (narrower peaks)
Initial Separation
Larger k - separation increases more than width
Increased alpha (more retention of 2nd compound)
Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Back to 1st
  • Compounds X and Y are separated on a 100 mm
    column. tM 2 min, tX 8 min, tY 9 min, wX
    1 min, wY 1.13 min, so RS 0.94. Also, N
    1024, kY 4.5 and a 1.13.
  • What change is needed in N, k, and a to get RS

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization 2nd Example
  • tM 1 min, tX 2 min, wX 0.1 min, tY 2.1
    min, wY 0.105 so RS 0.98, a 1.1, kY 1.1
  • With small initial k values, increasing k helps
  • After k gt 5, only minor increases in resolution

Maximum RS
Baseline Resolved
Start Point
Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Changes in
a - I
  • In GC analysis on a DB-1 (non-polar) GC column,
    the compounds acetone (KOW 0.58, bp 56C)
    elutes at 7.82 min while diethyl ether (KOW
    7.76, bp 34.6C) elutes at 7.97 min. Peak
    widths are around 0.2 min. If the unretained
    time is 1.00 min., this is a difficult separation
    with this column.
  • Occasionally, changing T to change k will also
    increase a (more on this on next slide)
  • Suggest a column switch (aimed at increasing a to
    improve the separation).

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Changes in
a - II
  • Changes in a with T
  • Example alkanes and toluene
  • In Plot, most alkanes show similar temp.
    retention behavior (similar slopes no overlap)
  • If two alkanes overlap (e.g. two branched
    alkanes), there is not much chance in increasing
    a (since both have same Dret/DT)
  • If a separation of octane and toluene had been
    performed at 150, coeluting peaks would be
  • Decreasing T would lead to improvement because
    different slopes lead to a change in a

note if chromatogram started at 200C, one would
be disappointed by initial change
Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Changes in
a - III
  • In HPLC, it is possible to change the mobile
    phase to affect solute solvent interactions and
  • For example, if molecules A and B are separated
    by normal phase HPLC using 15 2-propanol/85
    hexane and are found to co-elute, solvent changes
    may resolve.
  • One might expect that changing solvent to 25
    toluene 75 hexane will increase affinity of
    compound B for mobile phase relative to compound
    A (due to compound B being aromatic) leading to
    increase retention of B

compound A
compound B
Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Changes in
a - IV
  • The two compounds below are found to give
    retention times of 8.91 and 9.02 min. (aniline
    and benzaldehyde, respectively) when separated
    using HPLC on a C18 column using 60 methanol/40
    water vs. an unretained time of 1.62 min.
  • There is an easy way to increase a for this
    separation. How can the mobile phase be changed
    to increase a?

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Some
  • Indicate how the chromatograms could be improved?

Chromatographic TheoryReview Questions
  • What is the most common way to increase retention
    of analytes in gas chromatography?
  • a) decrease flow rate
  • b) decrease temperature
  • c) increase flow rate
  • d) use carrier gas with larger molecular weight
  • Increasing the flow rate in chromatography will
    increase which term in the van Deemter equation.
    (Give name or term).
  • What type of intermolecular force is typically
    the most important for analyte stationary phase
    in reversed phase HPLC?
  • An obviously tailing peak is observed in a
    chromatogram. The concentration of the standard
    is decreased by a factor of 10 and the sample is
    re-injected. The tailing looks about the same.
    What can be concluded about the source of
    tailing? List one other possible source of the
    tailing. (added later)

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Some
  1. Why is it usually more difficult to improve the
    separation factor (a) when there are a larger
    number of analytes/contaminants?
  2. Both using a longer column or using a column of
    smaller H will improve resolutions. Which method
    will lead to a better chromatogram? Why?
  3. RS 0.93 and kB 2.7. What is the maximum RS
    value just by changing kB?
  4. An initial run of two standards at moderate
    concentrations results in RS 1.9, kA 3.3 and
    kB 4.0. Why might an analytical chemist and a
    prep chemist change k in opposite directions?

Gas ChromatographyOverview of Topics
  • Comparison of mobile phases (Chapter 6)
  • History, analyte stationary phase interaction
    (Section 7.1)
  • Instrumentation (Section 7.2, 7.3)
  • Stationary phase (Section 7.4)
  • Temperature issues (Section 7.6)

Gas ChromatographyComparison of Mobile Phases
  • Two key differences between GC and LC
  • No analyte mobile phase interaction in GC
  • Temperature is routinely changed (and always
    controlled) in GC
  • Effects of gases (vs. liquids)
  • Much higher diffusivity (larger B term of van
    Deemter equation but very small CM term)
  • Lower viscosity of gases (backpressure is not as
    big an issue)
  • Much lower density (capacity of column is a big
    issue with liquid samples)
  • Gases are compressible

Gas ChromatographyCompressibility of Gases
  • The volume flow rate will not be a constant along
    a column because as the pressure drops, the
    volume increases
  • There are various ways to calculate average flow
    rates which we will not go into

Gas ChromatographyAdvantages vs. HPLC
  • Main practical advantage comes from high N values
    (although H is usually larger) achieved with open
    tubular columns.
  • Another advantage comes from being able to use
    quite long columns (60 m vs. 250 mm for HPLC)
    because backpressure is not a major issue
  • Other advantages have to do with instrument cost
    and better detectors
  • Main disadvantage is for analysis of non-volatile

Gas ChromatographyDevelopment and Theory
  • Initially, GC was developed to improve upon
    fractional distillations
  • In fractional distillations, the liquid at each
    plate is a mixture of analytes
  • In gas chromatography analytes are present, but
    stationary phase interactions are dominant and
    analyte X and Y generally dont interact

Liquid (or solid) stationary phase interacts with
x and y
Liquid at each plate is mixture of distillates
(only X and Y)
Gas ChromatographyDevelopment and Theory
  • Types of Columns
  • Packed Columns
  • Older type of column
  • Both solid and liquid stationary phase
  • Best column for preparatory GC and for use with
    thermal conductivity detectors
  • Sometimes used for very specific applications
    (low production volume less of an issue)
  • Open Tubular Columns
  • More modern columns
  • Much better analytical performance (large N
  • Most common in wall coated format (WCOT)
  • Variety of diameters (0.25 to 0.53 mm most
    common) allow high resolution vs. easier
  • Stationary phases are mainly bonded of varying
    amounts of polarity
  • Good reliability
  • Disadvantages harder to make and less capacity

Gas ChromatographyDevelopment and Theory
  • Retention of Compounds
  • KC value depends on
  • Volatility
  • Polarity of analyte vs. polarity of stationary
  • Measure of volatility
  • Best measure is vapor pressure at temperature
  • Boiling point temperature is used more frequently
  • Depends on molecules size and polarity
  • Polarity in separations
  • Compounds of similar polarity as stationary phase
    will be more retained than similar compounds of
    different polarity if their boiling points are
    the same (ether vs. acetone example)

Gas ChromatographyDevelopment and Theory
  • Application of GC
  • Gas samples
  • Somewhat different equipment (injector and oven
    range) is needed vs. liquid samples
  • Liquid samples
  • Compounds must be volatile (plus small amounts of
    non-volatile interferences)
  • Compounds must be stable at GC temperatures
  • Separations are better for less polar compounds
  • Issues occur for very volatile and low volatility
    samples (due to min and max temperatures)

Gas ChromatographyDevelopment and Theory
  • Application of GC
  • Extension to non-volatile, thermally labile
  • Derivatization example fatty acids are highly
    polar and do not produce narrow peak with
    non-polar columns, but they can be reacted to
    produce fatty acid methyl ester (same reaction
    used to produce biodiesel) that are volatile and
  • Pyrolysis GC non-volatile samples are heated
    and breakdown products are measured by GC. This
    give information about compounds building

Gas ChromatographyStationary Phase
  • Selection of stationary phase affects k and a
  • Main concerns of stationary phase are polarity,
    functional groups, maximum operating temperature,
    and column bleed (loss of stationary phase due to
  • More polar columns suffer from lower maximum
    temperatures and greater column bleed

Type Functional Groups Polarity
OV-1 methyl Non-polar
OV-17 50 methyl/50 phenyl Somewhat polar
OV-225 Cyanopropyl, methyl, and phenyl More polar
carbowax Ether groups polar
GC InstrumentationMobile Phase
  • Since there is no mobile phase analyte
    interaction in GC, why does the mobile phase
  • Affects diffusion
  • Smallest MW gases diffuse faster
  • van Deemter B term at low flow rates (fast is
    worse) and C term at higher flow rates (fast is
  • Hmin not affected much, but umin affected by gas
  • Smallest MW allows fastest runs at min. H
  • Detector requirements
  • He is most common (inert, safe gas with high
    diffusivity for better efficiency at high flow
  • H2 also can be used with even better efficiency,
    but is less safe

CO2 min
H2 min
GC InstrumentationSome Questions
  • If a set of compounds in a sample could be
    analyzed by GC or HPLC what would be two reasons
    for picking GC?
  • What is a concern in analyzing a liquid sample
    that has numerous highly volatile compounds?
  • In the case of the situation in question 2, would
    you want a column with the stationary similar to
    or different from the polarity of the analytes?
  • What is one way in which low volatility samples
    can be analyzed by GC?
  • In response to high He prices, a lab director
    says that no more He can be purchased. Would you
    want to use Ne or N2? (assuming reasonable prices
    for both of those gases)? What other change
    would be needed to get reasonable separations
    with Ne or N2 carrier gases?
  • How is the retention of polar compounds affected
    by switching from He to H2 as a carrier gas?

GC InstrumentationFlow Control
  • Flow can be controlled by regulating inlet
    pressure (either constant pressure or
    compensation for constant linear velocity).
  • Equipment consists of valves for regulating
    pressure (constant pressure) in older instruments
    or electronic pressure control (solenoid valve
    opens or closes in response to pressure).
  • Flow rate is typically checked at detector using
    bubble meter.

Pressure Transducer
Solenoid valve
Soap film
GC InstrumentationSample Injection
  • Several types of injectors are available and
    choice of injector depends on sample phase,
    analyte concentration, and other sample
  • The most common injectors are designed for
    liquids (but can be used for gases)
  • Injectors for gases only can be used for gases
  • Liquids require much smaller volumes (1 µL, a
    typical liquid injection volume, is equivalent to
    1 mL after evaporation) and column overloading
    is common
  • Column overloading is most common with narrow
    diameter OT columns and least common with packed
  • Most injectors are heated (except on-column)

GC InstrumentationSample Injection Gas Samples
6 port valve
  • Fixed Loop Injectors
  • A loop of fixed volume is filled with a gas
  • The injection valve is twisted so that the mobile
    phase pushes the gases in the loop into the
  • Very similar to most common injections in HPLC
    (Covered later)
  • Very reproducible injection

He in
To GC column
Gas sample in
GC InstrumentationSample Injection Gas Samples
  • Specialized Injectors (Fixed loop injectors with
    trapping capability)
  • Best for trace analysis
  • In place of loop is a trap (adsorbant or cold
    trap) so that all gas sent into loop gets
    trapped, then injected
  • These allow injection of greater volumes but may
    require removal of interferents (oxygen, water)
    and require better quantitative control of gases
    (careful volume or pressure monitoring)
  • Thermal trapping (cool to trap, then hot to
    desorb) can increase efficiency
  • Other ways to inject gas samples (using injectors
    designed for liquids)
  • Direct syringe injection (samples at higher
  • Solid phase microextraction (SPME with fibers
    exposed to gas samples)
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