Chem. 230 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chem. 230


Chem. 230 9/30 Lecture – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chem. 230

Chem. 230 9/30 Lecture
Announcements I
  • Quiz 1 Results
  • Solutions have been posted
  • See class distribution
  • Large number of high scores (best ever 90)
  • Also significant numbers of low scores

Score Range N
60-62 (100) 2
54-60 7
48-53 3
42-47 4
36-41 2
lt36 3
Announcements II
  • Second Homework Set Are Online (due 10/7)
  • Todays Topics Mainly Chromatographic Theory
  • Basic definitions (more questions)
  • Rate Theory (cause of band broadening Sect.
  • Intermolecular Forces and Their Effects on
    Chromatography (Sect. 4.1)
  • Optimization if time

Chromatographic TheoryQuestions on Definitions
  1. List 3 main components of chromatographs.
  2. A chemist perform trial runs on a 4.6 mm diameter
    column with a flow rate of 1.4 mL/min. She then
    wants to scale up to a 15 mm diameter column (to
    isolate large quantities of compounds) of same
    length. What should be the flow rate to keep u
    (mobile phase velocity) constant?
  3. A chemist purchases a new open tubular GC column
    that is identical to the old GC column except for
    having a greater film thickness of stationary
    phase. Which parameters will be affected KC,
    k, tM, tR(component X), ß, a.

Chromatographic TheoryQuestions on Definitions
  1. What easy change can be made to increase KC in
    GC? In HPLC?
  2. A GC is operated close to the maximum column
    temperature and for a desired analyte, k 10.
    Is this good?
  3. If a new column for problem 8 could be purchased,
    what would be changed?
  4. In reversed-phase HPLC, the mobile phase is 90
    H2O, 10 ACN and k 10, is this good?
  5. Column A is 100 mm long with H 0.024 mm.
    Column B is 250 mm long with H 0.090 mm. Which
    column will give more efficient separations
    (under conditions for determining H)?

Chromatographic TheoryQuestions on Definitions
  • Given the two chromatograms to the right
  • Which column shows a larger N value?
  • Which shows better resolution (1st 2 peaks top
  • Which shows better selectivity (larger a 1st 2
    peaks on top)?
  • Should be able to calculate k, N, RS, and a

Unretained pk
Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
  • We have covered parameters measuring column
    efficiency, but not covered yet what factors
    influence efficiency
  • In order to improve column efficiency, we must
    understand what causes band broadening (or
  • van Deemter Equation (simpler form)
  • where H Plate Height
  • u linear velocity
  • and A, B, and C are constants

Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
Most efficient velocity
C term
B term
A term
Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
Inside of column (one quarter shown)
  • How is u determined?
  • u L/tM
  • u F/A (A effective cross-sectional area)
  • Constant Terms
  • A term This is due to eddy diffusion
  • Eddy diffusion results from multiple paths

Shaded area cross-sectional area areaporosity
Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
  • A Term
  • Independent of u
  • Smaller A term for a) small particles, b)
    spherical particles, or c) no particles (near
  • Small particles (trend in HPLC) results in
    greater pressure drop and lower flow rates

Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
  • B Term Molecular Diffusion
  • Molecular diffusion is caused by random motions
    of molecules
  • Larger for smaller molecules
  • Much larger for gases
  • Dispersion increases with time spent in mobile
  • Slower flow means more time in mobile phase

at start
Band broadening
Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
  • C term Mass transfer to and within the
    stationary phase
  • Analyte molecules in stationary phase are not
    moving and get left behind
  • The greater u, the more dispersion occurs
  • Less dispersion for smaller particles and thinner
    films of stationary phase
  • Less dispersion for solute capable of faster
    diffusion (smaller molecules)

Column particle
Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
  • More generalities
  • Often run at u values greater than minimum H
    (saves on time reduces time based s which can
    increase sensitivity depending on detector)
  • For open tubular GC, A term is minimal, C term
    minimized by using smaller column diameters and
    stationary phase films
  • For packed columns, A and C terms are minimized
    by using small particle sizes

Low flow conditions
Higher flow conditions
Chromatographic TheoryRate Theory
  • Some Questions
  • What are advantages and disadvantages of running
    chromatographs at high flow rates?
  • Why is GC usually operated closer to the minimum
    H value than HPLC?
  • Which term is nearly negligible in open tubular
  • How can H be decreased in HPLC? In open tubular

Chromatographic TheoryEffects of Intermolecular
  • Phases in which intermolecular forces are
    important solid surfaces, liquids, liquid-like
    layers, supercritical fluids (weaker)
  • In ideal gases, there are no intermolecular
    forces (mostly valid in GC)
  • Intermolecular forces affect
  • Adsorption (partitioning to surface)
  • Phase Partitioning
  • Non-Gausian Peak Shapes

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Types of Interactions
  • Interactions by decreasing strength
  • Ion Ion Interactions
  • Strong attractive force between oppositely
    charged ions
  • Of importance for ion exchange chromatography
    (ionic solute and stationary phase)
  • Also important in ion-pairing used in
    reversed-phase HPLC
  • Very strong forces (cause extremely large K
    values in absence of competitors)
  • From a practical standpoint, can not remove
    solute ions from stationary phase except by ion
    replacement (ion-exchange)
  • Ion Dipole Interactions
  • Attractive force between ion and partial charge
    of dipole

d- d
Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Types of Interactions
  • Interactions by decreasing strength cont.
  • Ion Dipole Interactions cont.
  • Determines strength of ionic solute solvent
    interactions, ionic solute polar stationary
    phase interactions, and polar solute ionic
    stationary phase interactions
  • Important for some specific columns (e.g. ligand
    exchange for sugars or Ag for alkenes)
  • Metal Ligand Interactions
  • ion ion or ion dipole interaction, but also
    involve d orbitals

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Types of Interactions
  • Interactions by decreasing strength continued
    (non-ionic interactions van der Waal
  • Van der Waals Forces
  • dipole dipole interactions (requires two
    molecules with dipole moments)
  • important for solute solvent (especially
    reversed phase HPLC) and solute stationary
    phase (especially normal phase HPLC)
  • Hydrogen bonding is a particularly strong
    dipole-dipole type of bonding
  • dipole induced dipole interactions
  • induced dipoles occur in molecules with no net
    dipole moment
  • larger, more electron rich molecules can get
    induced dipoles more readily
  • induced dipole induced dipole interactions
    (London Forces)
  • occur in the complete absence of dipole moments
  • also occur in all molecules, but of less
    importance for polar molecules

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Types of Interactions
  • Modeling interactions
  • Somewhat of a one-dimensional model can be made
    by assigning a single value related to polarity
    for analytes, stationary phases, and mobile
    phases (See section 4.3)
  • These models neglect some interactions however
    (e.g. effects of whether an analyte can hydrogen
    bond with a solvent)

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Asymmetric Peaks
  • More than one possible cause (e.g. extra-column
  • One common cause is sample or analyte overloading
    of column
  • Analyte loading shown ?
  • More common with solid stationary phase
  • More common with open tubular GC less common
    with HPLC

5 by mass ea.
20 by mass ea.
Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Asymmetric Peaks
Low Concentrations
  • Most common for solid stationary phase and GC
  • Less stationary phase (vs. liquid)
  • GC behavior somewhat like distillations
  • At low concentrations, column sites mostly not
    occupied by analyte
  • As conc. increase, sites occupied by analyte
    increases, causing change in analyte stationary
    phase interaction

Active sites
High Concentrations
New analyte
Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Asymmetric Peaks
  • As concentration increase, interactions go from
    analyte active site to analyte analyte
  • If interaction is Langmuir type (weak analyte
    analyte vs. strong analyte active site),
    tailing occurs (blocking of active sites causes
    additional analyte to elute early)
  • If interaction is anti-Langmuir type (stronger
    analyte analyte interactions), fronting occurs
    (additional analyte sticks longer)

Tailing peak (up fast, down slow)
Fronting peak (up slow, down fast)
Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Asymmetric Peaks
  • If tailing is caused by saturation of stationary
    phase, changing amount of analyte injected will
    change amount of tailing and retention times

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Odd Peak Shapes
  • Other Reasons for Odd Peak Shapes
  • Large volume injections
  • Example 1.0 mL/min. 0.1 mL injection
  • Injection plug time 0.1 min 6 s (so no peaks
    narrower than 6 s unless on-column trapping is
  • Injections at high temp./in strong solvents

Will not partition to stationary phase until
mobile phase mixes in
In strong solvent
Analytes stick on column until stronger mobile
phase arives
In weak solvent
Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Odd Peak Shapes
  • Analyte exists in multiple forms
  • Example maltotetraose (glu1?4glu1?4glu)
  • Has 3 forms (a, ß, or aldehyde on right glu)
  • a and ß forms migrate at different rates
  • At low T, interconversion is slow relative to tR.
    At high T, interconversion is faster
  • Extra-column broadening/turbulent flow
  • Multiple types of stationary phase

Low T
High T
Polar groups
Non-polar groups
Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Some Questions
  1. Describe the dominant forces involving the
    molecules to the right in interacting with
    non-polar molecules? in interacting with polar
  2. How does going from DB-1 (100 methyl stationary
    phase) to DB-17 (50 methyl 50 phenyl) in GC
    affect elution of fatty acid methyl esters? (e.g.
    C16 vs. C18 vs. C181)

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Some Questions
  1. Describe the dominant forces involving the
    molecules to the right in interacting with
    non-polar molecules? in interacting with polar
  2. How does going from DB-1 (100 methyl stationary
    phase) to DB-17 (50 methyl 50 phenyl) in GC
    affect elution of fatty acid methyl esters? (e.g.
    C16 vs. C18 vs. C181)

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Some Questions
  1. Silica has many SiOH groups on the surface (pKa
    2). What interactions will occur with the
    analyte phenol, C6H5OH, if the eluent is a
    mixture of hexane and 2-propanol?
  2. Sugars are often separated on amino columns. A
    sugar that has a carboxylic acid group in place
    of an OH group will have extremely large
    retention times (at least at neutral pH values).
    What does this say about the state of the amino

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Some Questions
  1. In reversed phase HPLC with a C18 column, benzene
    and methoxybenzene (anisole) have very similar
    retention times. What are the differences in the
    interactions between the two solutes and mobile
    phases and stationary phases?
  2. A heavily used non-polar GC column is used to
    separate non-polar to polar columns. Polar
    compounds are observed to tail. A new column
    replaces the old column, tailing stops, and the
    polar compounds elute sooner. Explain the

Chromatographic TheoryIntermolecular Forces
Some Questions
  1. A megabore GC column (d 0.53 mm) is replaced
    with an 0.25 mm diameter column in order to
    improve resolution of constituents from a sample.
    However, when the same sample is injected into
    the 0.25 mm diameter, little improvement in
    resolution and poor peak shape is seen. What is
    a possible reason? How can this be tested?
  2. Normal phase HPLC is used to separate esters. Is
    better peak shape expected if hexane or methanol
    is the solvent? Why?

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization - Overview
  • How does method development work?
  • Goal of method development is to select and
    improve a chromatographic method to meet the
    purposes of the application
  • Specific samples and analytes will dictate many
    of the requirements (e.g. how many analytes are
    being analyzed for and in what concentration?,
    what other compounds will be present?)
  • Coarse method selection (e.g. GC vs HPLC and
    selection of column type and detectors) is often
    based on past work or can be based on initial
    assessment showing problems (e.g. 20 compounds
    all with k between 0.2 and 2.0 with no easy way
    to increase k)
  • Optimization then involves making equipment work
    as well as possible (or limiting equipment

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization What are we
  • Ideally, we want sufficient resolution (Rs of 1.5
    or greater for analyte/solute of interest peaks)
  • We also want the separation performed in a
    minimum amount of time
  • Other parameters may also be of importance
  • sufficient quantity if performing prep scale
  • sufficient sensitivity for detection (covered
    more with instrumentation and quantitation)
  • ability to identify unknowns (e.g. with MS

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Some trade
  • Flow rate at minimum H vs. higher flow rates
    (covered with van Deemter Equation) low flow
    rate not always desired because of time required
    and sometimes smaller S/N
  • Maximum flow rate often based on
    column/instrument damage this can set flow rate
  • Trade-offs in reducing H
  • In packed columns, going to small particle sizes
    results in greater back-pressure (harder to keep
    high flow)
  • In GC, small column and film diameters means less
    capacity and can require longer analysis times
  • Trade-offs in lengthening column (N L/H)
  • Longer times due to more column (often not
    proportional since backpressure at same flow rate
    will be higher)

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Improved
Resolution Through Increased Column Length
  • Example
  • Compounds X and Y are separated on a 100 mm
    column. tM 2 min, tX 8 min, tY 9 min, wX
    1 min, wY 1.13 min, so RS 0.94. Also, N
    1024 and H 100 mm/1024 0.097 mm
  • Lets increase L to 200 mm. Now, all times are
  • tM 4 min, tX 16 min, tY 18 min. So DtR
    (or d) now 2 min. Before considering widths,
    we must realize that N L/H (where H is a
    constant for given packing material).
  • N200 mm 2N100 mm. Now, N 16(tR/w)2 so w
  • w200 mm/w100 mm (tR200 mm/tR100 mm)(N100
    mm/N200 mm)0.5
  • w200 mm/w100 mm (2)(0.5)0.5 21-0.5 (2)0.5
  • w200 mm 1.41w100 mm
  • RS 2/1.5 1.33
  • Or RS 200/RS 100 d/wave (d200/d100)(w100/w200
    ) (L200/L100)(L100/L200)0.5
  • So RS is proportional to (L)0.5

Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Resolution
  • Increasing column length is not usually the most
    desired way to improve resolution (because
    required time increases and signal to noise ratio
  • Alternatively, k values can be increased (use
    lower T in GC or weaker solvents in HPLC) or a
    values can be increased (use different solvents
    in HPLC or column with better selectivity) but
    effect on RS is more complicated

Note above equation is best used when deciding
how to improve RS, not for calculating RS from
Chromatographic TheoryOptimization Resolution
  • Dont use above equation for calculating Rs
  • How to improve resolution
  • Increase N (increase column length, use more
    efficient column)
  • Increase a (use more selective column or mobile
  • Increase k values (increase retention)
  • Which way works best?
  • Increase in k is easiest (but best if k is
    initially small)
  • Increase in a is best, but often hardest
  • Often, changes in k lead to small, but
    unpredictable, changes in a also
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