Title: Incident reporting
1Incident reporting Updated PR1418 procedure July
2Background Why change
- Introduction of the Life-Saving rules per 1 July
09 requires formalisation of reporting and
investigation of suspected Life-Saving rules
violations. Currently this is not embedded in the
PR1418 - Objective of this communication
- Clarify details of the reporting and
investigation process in case of suspected
Life-Saving rules violations.
3The changes Updated Incident Reporting and Follow
up Procedure
- All suspected violations of the Life Saving rules
whether or not an incident occurs shall be
reported in Fountain. - Investigation report where a Life-Saving rule
violation was suspected, can be limited to the
failed life saving rule, the human
error/violation type the precondition and the
underlying cause. - If concluded that a Life Saving Rule was
violated, the incident owner should record in FIM
which Life Saving rule was violated. - Changes have been approved by MSE and is aligned
to changes in EP2005-170 - The focus is on prevention and not on dismissal
of workers. The worst consequence is that someone
is injured due to violations of our Life-Saving
4Additional information
A In the current EP standard (EP2005-170 ST) it
is not well defined how to report violations of
rules in cases there is no actual injury/damage.
Also the type of investigation and report for
these violation of rules is not explicit. To
arrive at a simple and consistent process across
EP, the procedure is updated, with focus to
Life-Saving Rules violations BTicking the box
in FIM that life saving rules was violated is
done by incident owner after the investigation
concludes that there was a violation. The
consequence management is done by HR, based on
the investigation report, local legislation and
other relevant information. C As part of the
investigation report, the preconditions under
which the suspected violation took place is
investigated. If supervisor created the
conditions, his role will be investigated as
well. D Identification of the violation type,
precondition and underlying cause of the
suspected violated rule are essential to provide
a picture under which the suspected violation
took place. It is in line with EPs incident
causation theory.
5New FIM input Updated Incident reporting and
follow up procedure In FIM incident management
Add Investigation/Immediate Cause/
6For any questions ask
- Willem Peuscher UI HSE
- or
- David Milne UI HSE