Title: MSP Review Process nontechnical positions Rev. April 2003
1MSP Review Process(non-technical positions)
Rev. April 2003
- Vice Chancellor (VC)/Control Unit Administrator
Human Resources Compensation (HR-Comp)
Process begins when a fully prepared reclass
request is formally received by the VC of the
control unit to which the submitting unit belongs.
For MSP I-IV requests, no action
VC receives request and forwards it to HR-Comp.
CUA sends notification to submitting unit/cc
For MSP V and above (vacancy and reclass
requests) VCAC reviews in next regularly
scheduled VCAC meeting. VCAC renders final
decision. If there is no consensus, the EVCP will
make the final decision.
HR-Comp receives request from VC. Analyzes
request, consulting as necessary. Forwards
recommendation to requesting VC and copies other
Vice Chancellors.
For MSP IIV vacancy and reclass requests, Vice
Chancellor reviews HR analysis, receives input
from other VCs (5 days-vacancies 10 business
days-filled), makes classification decision.
Process is completed when employee is informed
about classification decision.
The EVCP Office notifies HR-Comp of final
VC notifies HR-Comp and submitting unit/employee
of classification decision.