Border Layout, using Panels, - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Border Layout, using Panels,


Add to our CannonWorld a button that allows the user to change the color of the ... code in the program does, or even whey the code is written in a particular way. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Border Layout, using Panels,

Session 11
  • Border Layout, using Panels,
  • Introduction to PinBallGame

An Exercise
  • Add to our CannonWorld a button that allows the
    user to change the color of the cannonball from
    blue to red to yellow to blue....
  • Place the button on the lefthand side of the

An Exercise
  • Place the button on the left-hand side of the
  • public CannonWorld()
  • ...
  • Button changeColor new Button( "change
    ball color" )
  • changeColor.addActionListener( new
    ChangeColorButtonListener() )
  • add( "West", changeColor )

Steps to the solution
  • 1. Add a button to the CannonWorld.
  • 2. Add a listener class to CannonWorld.
  • The listeners actionPerformed method needs to
    tell the ball to take the next color. I could
    have written an if expression that toggles the
    colors in sequence, but...
  • Shouldnt the ball be controlling its own
    color, rather than the application using the
  • So I decided to have the CannonBall respond to a
  • nextColor() message and toggle its own color.

More on a Solution to the Exercise
  • The next question is, do I add a nextColor()
    method directly to the CannonBall class, or do I
    create a subclass?
  • In general, if we need a new kind of object, then
    we should create a new kinds of object.
  • (If a particular method turns out to be more
    generally useful than we anticipate, then we can
    always refactor the solution so that the method
    lives higher in the class hierarchy.)
  • So
  • 3. Implement a ChangingCannonBall class.
  • 4. Use instances of ChangingCannonBall in the

Layout Managers
  • Frame is a subclass of the Container class
  • so it can hold objects such as buttons, scroll
    bars, etc.
  • layout manager assigns locations to these objects
    within the container
  • the default LayoutManager is BorderLayout

Layout Managers
  • Five standard types of layout managers
  • BorderLayout
  • GridLayout - creates an rectangular array of
  • FlowLayout - places components in rows left to
    right, top to bottom
  • CardLayout - stacks components vertically with
    only one visible at any one time
  • GridBagLayout - most general, but most complex.
    It allows for a nonuniform grid of squares with
    components placed in various positions within
    each square.

Using Panels with BorderLayout
  • BorderLayout seems very restrictive, but you can
    use a panel to hold several components in each

Class Interaction
  • Relationships between classes
  • 1. composition
  • A Ball contains a Color.
  • An instance of Color is a part of a Ball.
  • 2. inheritance
  • A MovableBall is a kind of Ball.
  • A CannonWorld is a kind of Frame.
  • 3. association
  • A BoundedBall interacts with the Frame that
    contains it.
  • A CannonWorld interacts with a ColorWheel.

Pinball Game Construction Kit
  • Study a cleaned up and refactored version of
    Budds code from Section 7.1
  • Construct a list of three questions (to turn in)
    that you have about this code.
  • Your questions can be about how it works, what
    some piece of code in the program does, or even
    whey the code is written in a particular way.

Some cool new features
  • Replaced the fire button with a mouse event.
  • Multiple balls can be in the air at once.
  • Control is no longer in the paint method.
  • But before we talk about what Budd did well

Say It Once and Only Once!
  • In the interest of simplifying the number of
    files we need to run a program, Budd has repeated
    code that can be reused by inheritance (figure
    7.3, p 102).
  • Gravity affects a PinBall in the same way that it
    affects a CannonBall. The only differences
    between a PinBall and a CannonBall are its size
    and its initial trajectory.
  • So, we can say
  • public class PinBall extends CannonBall
  • public PinBall( int sx, int sy )
  • super( sx, sy, 10,-2 Math.random()/4, -15 )
  • Inheritance makes our job easieras well as
    isolating repeated code.

Looks the same, but its not.
  • Replaced the fire button with a mouse event.
  • Multiple balls can be in the air at once.
  • Control is no longer in the paint method.

Handling Mouse Events
  • The CannonWorld handles only events that are
    generated by the active components a button and
    a slider that we added to it.
  • More generally, though, we will want to trap and
    respond to any mouse action, anywhere within the
  • Any listener that wishes to monitor mouse
    activity must implement the MouseListener

  • public interface MouseListener
  • public void mouseClicked ( MouseEvent e )
  • public void mouseEntered ( MouseEvent e )
  • public void mouseExited ( MouseEvent e )
  • public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent e )
  • public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e )
  • The MouseListener interface is part of the
    package java.awt.event. It specifies what an
    object must do to be a mouse listener within the
    Java Event Model.

How the MouseListener works.
  • Think back to how we implemented Button
  • private class FireButtonListener implements
  • We can do a similar thing for MouseListeners
  • private class PinballGameListener implements
  • However, to implement an interface, the Java
    language insists that the programmer provide a
    definition for all operations.

MouseAdapter to the rescue
  • To simplify this process, the Java library
    provides a simple class named Mouse Adapter. The
    class MouseAdapter implements the MouseListener
    interface, but uses an empty method for each
  • Rather than implement a MouseListener, we may
    choose to implement a MouseAdapter. (Lets go
    back to the code (also p 104))

Mouse Events in the Pin Ball Game
  • In the PinBallGame class, we have the following
    class relationship
  • MouseListener
  • implements
  • MouseAdapter
  • extends
  • MouseKeeper

  • What does a MouseKeeper do?

  • What does a MouseKeeper do?
  • If the mouse is pressed in theshooting area,
    then it creates and launches a new pinball.

  • What does a MouseAdapter do?

  • What does a MouseAdapter do?
  • Nothing, in response to any sort of mouse event.

  • Why do you suppose that Javas creators call it
    an adapter?

  • Why do you suppose that Javas creators call it
    an adapter?
  • They use a common design from the world as an

  • Why do you suppose Javas creators bothered to
    define the MouseListener interface? Why not have
    everyone extend MouseAdapter?

  • Why do you suppose Javas creators bothered to
    define the MouseListener interface? Why not have
    everyone extend MouseAdapter?
  • Inheritance is not free. Why force programmers
    who plan to implement most or all of the
    interface to pay the extra price?
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