Title: Cognitive Science in Bratislava, Slovakia
1Cognitive Sciencein Bratislava, Slovakia
2Roadmap of the Talk
- History of Cognitive Science in Slovakia
- Education in CogSci in Slovakia
- Research Project Opportunities
3History of CogSci in Slovakia
- origins in 1980s...
- paper Kovác L. Introduction to Cognitive
Biology, Biologické listy 53, 1986. - 1990s seminar Cognitive Science for students of
AI (E. Gál) - edition of antology of papers Gál E., Kelemen J.
Mysel, telo, stroj (Mind body - machine), 1992.
4First interdisciplinary contacts
- Prof. Ladislav Kovác founder of cognitive
biology (also at Konrad Lorenz Institute,
Altenberg), biochemistry - Prof. Vladimír Kvasnicka theoretical chemistry,
neural and evolutionary modeling - Ing. Egon Gál philosophy of mind
- doc. Ján Rybár cognitive psychology,
epistemology - Prof. Jozef Kelemen AI, multiagent systems
- Prof. Ivan ucha psychiatry
- doc. Martin Kanovský cognitive anthropology
- doc. Lubica Benuková neuroscience,
neurogenetics (also at Univ. of Vienna)
5History of CogSci in Slovakia contd.
- annual interdisciplinary seminar Cognitive
Sciences at the Faculty of Chemical and Food
Technology 1998-2001. - first Slovak monography Benuková L. et al.
Hladanie spolocného jazyka v kognitívnych vedách
(Quest for a Common Language in Cognitive
Sciences), 2000.
6Annual Czech-Slovak conference Cognition and
Artificial Life
- 2001 Smolenice, SK
- 2002 Mílovy, CZ
- 2003 High Tatras, SK
- 2004 Hradec nad Moravicí, CZ
- 2005 Smolenice, SK
- 2006 Tret, CZ
- 2007 Smolenice, SK
- 2008 Prague, CZ
- first Slovak textbook Rybár J. et al. (eds.)
Kognitívne vedy (Cognitive Sciences), 2002. - Rybár et al. (eds.) Jazyk a kognícia (Language
and Cognition), 2005. - in preparation Mozog a mysel (Brain and Mind)
- books on related subjects
8Education in Cognitive Science
- Middle European Interdisciplinary Master
Programme in Cognitive Science - joint Masters Program in Cognitive Science
- Faculty of Math., Physics, and Informatics (FMFI
UK) - Faculty of Social and Economical Sciences (FSES
9Education in Cognitive Science at FMFI UK
- MEiCogSci
- Cognitive Sciences 2 semester open
whole-university lectures (foreign guests P.
Gärdenfors, W. Haselager, I. M. Havel, J.
Kelemen, S. Reiterer, W. van Heuven, M.
Kovacevic, M. Mayberry, L. Ropolyi) - related subjects of AI (NN, neurocomputing,
knowledge representation, comp. linguisitics,
machine learning, cogn. psychology, etc.)
10Education in Cognitive Science at FSES UK
- MEiCogSci
- associated subjects
11Department of Applied Informatics FMFI UK
- history Department of Artificial Intelligence,
Institute of Informatics
12Structure of KAI FMFI UK
- Artificial Intelligence
- Computer Graphics
- Declarative Programing
- Cognitive Science Centre
13Research Areas
- cognitive modeling with focus on linguistics
- cognitive semantics
- knowledge representation and dynamic logic
programming - neurocomputing
- cognitive psychology, filosophy of language,
filosophy of cognitive sciences
14Cognitive Modeling
- Topic Modeling complex systems with neural
networks with focus on linguistics - People Igor Farka, Mária Markoová
- Means
- small-world networks
- neural network modeling
15Cognitive Modeling contd.
- Small-world networks
- typical properties (small average path length b/w
two nodes, high clustering), scale-free
organization - lexicon as a small-world network (graph whose
nodes words, edges semantic associations b/w
words) - growing networks, analysis of dynamics
- Neural network modeling
- focus on recurrent self-organizing models and
echo state networks - representing sequences and trees - modeling
language learning (e.g. via next-word prediction
16Cognitive Modeling contd.
- Recently published results (selected)
- I. Farkas, M. Crocker Recurrent networks and
natural language exploiting self-organization.
In Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of
the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada,
pp. 1275-1280, 2006. - I. Farkas Self-organization as a driving force
for dynamic patterns of activity in brain and
mind (in Slovak). In J. Kelemen J. and V.
Kvasnicka (Eds.) Cognition and artificial life
VI, Trest, Czech Republic, pp. 143-148, 2006. - P. Tino, I. Farkas, J. van Mourik Dynamics and
Topographic Organization of Recursive
Self-Organizing Maps. Neural Computation, 18, pp.
2529-2567, 2006. - M. Markosova Language as a small world network
(in Slovak), in Language and cognition, editors
Rybar, Kvasnicka, Farkas, Kalligram, Bratislava,
2005, page 306
17Cognitive Semantics, Modeling of Language Origins
and Acquisition
- Topic Cognitive Semantics for Dynamic
Environments - Symbol Grounding Building semantic
representations from scratch by sensory motor and
linguistic interactions with the environment and
community - Interactions between language and meanings in the
acquisition process - Influence of the dynamics of interactions
- People Martin Takác students
- Means Multi-agent systems simulations
18Cognitive Semantics, Modeling of Language Origins
and Acquisition contd.
- Recently published results (selected)
- Takác, M. Autonomous Construction of
Ecologically and Socially Relevant Semantics.
Cognitive Systems Research, in press. - Takác, M. Construction of Meanings in Living and
Artificial Agents. In Trajkovski, G., Collins,
S. G. (eds.) Agent-Based Societies Social and
Cultural Interactions, IGI Global, Hershey, PA,
in press. - Takác, M. Categorization by Sensory-Motor
Interaction in Artificial Agents, in Proceedings
of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive
Modeling, Trieste, Italy, 2006.
19Knowledge representation
- Topics
- Logic-based knowledge representation.
- Nonmonotonic reasoning.
- Logic programming.
- Dynamic logic programming.
- Belief revision.
- Description logics, ontologies, semantic web.
- Modal logics.
- People Ján efránek students
20Knowledge representation contd.
- Recently published results (selected)
- Martin Homola Dynamic Logic Programming Various
Semantics are Equivalent on Acyclic Programs. In
Leite, Torroni (eds.) Computational Logic in
Multi-Agent Systems. Springer 2005. - Jozef Siska Dynamic Logic Programming and world
state evaluation in computer games. Proc. of the
Workshop on Logic Programming, WLP, Vienna, 2006
64-70 - Jan Sefranek Irrelevant updates and nonmonotonic
assumtions. Logics in Artificla Intelligence.
Springer 2006. - Jan Sefranek Rethinking semantics of dynamic
logic programming. Proc. of the Workshop on
Nonmonotonic Reasoning, NMR 2006, Lake District,
UK - Jan Sefranek and Jozef Siska Irrelevant updates
of nonmonotonic knowledge bases. Proc. of the
European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
(ECAI 2006) - Jan Sefranek Nonmonotonic integrity constraints.
10th Workshop on logic programming (WLP), Vienna
2006 - Jan Sefranek Semantic considerations on
rejection Proc. of NMR 2004, Whistler, BC, Canada.
21Computational Neurogenetics
- Topic
- Computational Modelling of Genes, Proteins and
Brain Functions - the worlds first theoretical
framework and original computational models of
biologically plausible artificial neural networks
that simulate neural activity of certain brain
areas in relation to internal networks of genes - People
- Lubica Benuková (Director of the Center for
Neuroinformatics and Brain Study
_and_brain_study/ )
22Computational Neurogenetics
- Recently published results (selected)
- Benuskova L. and Kasabov N. (2007) Computational
Neurogenetic Modeling. Springer, New York. - Kasabov N. and Benuskova L. (2005) Neuro-,
genetic-, and neurogenetic information
processing. In Handbook of Computational and
Theoretical Nanoscience, vol X, pp. 1-38, M.
Rieth and W. Schommers (eds), American Scientific
Publishers, Los Angeles. - Kasabov N. and Benuskova L. (2004) Computational
neurogenetics. Journal of Computational and
Theoretical Nanoscience, 1(1) 47-61.
23Cognitive Science Centre
- Topic Philosophical problems of Cognitive
Science - Ján Rybár (popularization of cognitive science,
cognitive psychology, optical illusions) - Dezider Kamhal (philosophy of language, speech
acts theory, pragmatics, L. Wittgenstein)
24Related AI research
- Topics
- expert systems
- speech recognition and synthesis
- quantum computing
- parallel computing
- declarative programming
- robotics
25Joint Laboratoryof Mobile Robotics
- Topics teleoperated mobile robotics, autonomous
mobile robotics, image processing, articial
intelligence, sensor fusion, embedded systems,
multi-agent systems, wireless communications,
education / e-learning - People Richard Balogh, Andy Lúcny, Pavel
Petrovic - www.robotika.sk
26Thank you for your attention...
- This presentation can be found at