Title: The New World
1The New World Division of Labour
2What, me worry
- Service trade revolution white collar jobs.
- Demise of manufacturing in industrialized
countries. - Ballooning trade deficits, especially with China.
3U.S. Trade Deficits Revisited Broken Value Chain
Inflated by a factor of two to account for the
fact that that U.S. trade doubled during this
period. Source IMF Direction of Trade. U.S. data
used for transactions involving the U.S and
Japan-Korea-Singapore-Taiwan data used for
intra-Asian trade.
4Comparative Advantage A Different View
5The 64,000 Job Question Whither China and India?
Ironclad Law of Comparative Advantage
6Hourly Compensation Relative to the U.S.
7The 64,000 Job Question Whither China and India?
- Value added has been robust.
- The trade deficit is not much changed since
pre-China days. - Successful low-wage countries have become
higher-cost, productivity-lagging competitors.
Ironclad Law of Comparative Advantage
8The 64,000 Job Question Whither China and India?
Ironclad Law of Comparative Advantage
9Institutions Matter
(Kaufmann et. al, 1999)
10Institutions Determine
- Determinant of Comparative Advantage Innovation
Trajectories - Make or Buy Integration vs. Outsourcing
- Project location Domestic or Offshore
11Institutions Matter For Trade (Nunn, QJE, 2006)
Quality of a Countrys Institutions
b 0.40 t 6.37
Complex, Contract-Intensive
Type of Good Exported
12Property Rights View
13Innovation Trajectories Wrong end of the Value
14Innovation Trajectories The American Dis
15Manufacturing Whos Next?
16Which End of the Comparative Advantage Stick?
17The 64,000 Job Question Whither China and India?
Ironclad Law of Comparative Advantage