Title: The Programme Guide of the Youth in Action Programme
1The Programme Guide of the Youth in Action
Programme 2007-2013
2What changes in Youth in Action?
- Instrument for the implentation of the White
Paper on Youth and the European Cooperation in
the field of youth - New Actions and sub-Actions
- Enlarged geographical scope
- Enlarged age access (13 to 30 years)
3New Programme Guide
- Permanent call for proposals
- Detailed information on all Actions
- eligibility criteria, selection criteria, award
criteria - Outline of general financial rules
4- Objectives of the programme
- Active European citizenship Action 1
- Solidarity among young people Action 2
- Mutual understanding Action 3
- Quality of support systems for youth activities
Action 4 - Cooperation in youth policies Action 5
5- 4 Priorities of the programme
- European Citizenship
- Participation of young people
- Cultural Diversity
- Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities
6European citizenship
- Making young people aware that they are European
citizens - European values
- ?Encourage young people to reflect upon European
7Participation of young people
- Encourage young people to be active citizens
- Increase participation by young people in the
civic life of their community - Increase participation by young people in the
system of representative democracy - Support various forms of learning to participate
8Cultural diversity
- Make young people aware of the intercultual
dimension of projects - Fight against racism and xenophobia
9Social inclusion
- Give young people with fewer opportunities access
to YiA - Avoid exclusion of specific target groups
- ?Inclusion strategy of Youth in Action
10- Important Features of the programme
- Non-Formal Learning
- Recognition of non-formal learning
- Visibility of Youth in Action Programme
- Valorisation of Results
- Anti-discrimination
- Equality between women and men
- Protection and safety
- Multilingualism
11Non-formal learning
- Youth in Action provides opportunities for young
people to acquire skills and competences
instrument for non-formal and informal learning - Participative and learner-centred approach,
voluntary basis - Complementary to formal education and training
12Recognition of non-formal learning
- Instrument of validation and recognition of
non-formal learning experiences under Youth in
Action - ? Youthpass
- Ready to be implemented in 2007 (for Youth
Exchange and EVS) - Developed in cooperation with SALTO Germany
- Dissemination and exploitation of results in view
of optimising their value and impact -
- ? valorisation strategy of Youth in Action
14Protection and safety of young people
- Child protection in a broader sense covering all
kinds of problems including sexual and moral
harassment, intercultural problems, accidents,
fire - Guidelines adopted under YOUTH
- Training
15Supportive approach
- The supportive approach of the Youth in Action
Programme consists of guiding users of the
Programme through all phases, from the first
contact with the Programme through the
application process to the realisation of the
project and the final evaluation
16Training strategy of Youth in Action
- Training and Cooperation Plans of NAs
- Staff training
- SALTO Resource Centres
- Action 4.3 Training and Networking for those
active in the field of youth - Partnership between the European Commission and
the Council of Europe
17Age limits
- General target group
- Young people between 13 and 30
- Core target group
- Young people between 15 and 28 years
18Age limits
- Lower age limit Upper age limit
Exception - Action 1 Youth for Europe
- 1.1 Youth Exchange 13 25
26-30 - 1.2. Youth Initiatives
18 30 15-17 - 1.3. Youth Democracy
- Projects 13 30 None
- Action 2 European Voluntary Service
- Lower age limit Upper age
limit Exception - 18 30 16-17
- Action 3 Youth in the world
- For Youth Exchanges, the rules as in Action 1
apply, for Training and Networking Projects, the
rules as in Action 4 apply. - Action 4 Youth support systems
- No age limits
- Action 5 European cooperation in the youth field
- 5.1 Transnational Youth Seminars and National
Youth Seminars
19Who can participate?
- Programme Countries
- EU Member States
- EFTA/EEA countries
- Candidate Countries
- Neighbouring Partner Countries
- Other Partner Countries of the world
20Who can participate?Neighbouring Partner
21- Actions of the programme
- Action 1 - Youth for Europe
- Action 2 - European Voluntary Service
- Action 3 Youth in the World
- Action 4 - Youth support systems
- Action 5 Support for policy cooperation
22- Action 1 Youth for Europe
- Action 1 is divided in 3 sub-Actions
- Youth Exchanges
- Youth Initiatives
- Youth Democracy Projects (new)
23Action 1.1 Youth Exchanges
- Similar scheme than under YOUTH
- Focus on advance planning visit
- Focus on child protection
- Priority for multilateral youth exchange
- Follow up/valorisation activity possible
- Youthpass
24Action 1.2 Youth Initiatives
- Distinction between National Youth
Initiatives and Transnational Youth
Initiatives - Coaching
- Follow-up/valorisation activity
25Action 1.3 Youth Democracy Projects
- To increase active participation of young people
in their local, regional or national community
and at internatiional level - To support the participation of young people in
the mechanisms of representative democracy - To develop a dialogue which includes
disadvantaged young people and young people who
are not members of organisations - Networking National and transnational networking
dimension - Participative working methods
26Structuring Action 1
- Mainstreaming of visibility and valorisation
- Follow-up activities
- Multi-Measure-Agreements
- Thematic networking
- ? call for pilot projects
- ? top down approach definition of action
lines - ? bottom up approach networking meetings at
all levels
27- Action 2 European Voluntary
- Service
- One single EVS (independent of individual or
group character, application level or geography) - One project can include individual and/or group
EVS activities - International cooperation is possible within EVS
28Action 3 - Youth in the World 3.1. Cooperation
with the neighbouring countries of the enlarged
Europe 3.2. Cooperation with countries not
covered by the neighbouring policy (annual call
for proposals)
29Eligible activities under Action 3.1
- Youth Exchanges
- Training and Networking Projects
30(No Transcript)
31Action 4 - Youth support systems 4.1. Support
for bodies active at European level in the field
of youth 4.2. Support for the European Youth
Forum 4.3. Training and networking of youth
workers 4.4. Projects encouraging innovation and
quality 4.5. Information activities for young
people and youth workers 4.6. Partnerships 4.7
Support for the structures of the programme (NAs,
SALTO, EuroDesk) 4.8 Adding to the value of the
32Calls for proposals under Action 4
- Action 4.1 Support for bodies active at
European level in the field of Youth - Action 4.4 Projects encouraging innovation and
33Action 4.3 Training, Exchange and Networking in
the youth field
- Two general Objectives
- Promoting exchanges, cooperation and training in
European youth work - Supporting project-development under the Youth in
Action programme
34Action 4.3 Eligible Activities
- Job shadowing
- Feasibility visits
- Evaluation meetings
- Study visits
- Partnership-building activities
- Seminars
- Training courses
- Networking
35Action 5 - Support for policy cooperation 5.1
Meetings of young people and those responsible
for youth policy 5.2 Support for activities to
bring about better understanding and knowledge of
the field of youth 5.3 Co-operation with
international organisations
36Action 5.1Eligible activities
- Transnational Youth Seminars
- NationalYouth Seminars
37Application deadlines
- Deadline
- 1 February
- 1 April
- 1 June
- 1 September
- 1 November
- Projects start between
- 1 May and 30 September
- 1 July and 30 November
- 1 September and 31 January
- 1 December and 30 April
- 1 February and 31 July
also for projects selected at European level