Title: Raising the Ceiling
Raising the Ceiling Rising to the Challenge
2What does love mean?
3'Love is what makes you smile when  you're
tired.' Terri - age 4
4'Love is when my mummy makes coffee  for my daddy
and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to
make sure the  taste is OK.' Danny - age 7
5'If you want to learn to love  better, you should
start with a friend who you hate,' Nikka - age
6 Â
6'Love is like a little old woman and  a little
old man who are still friends even after they
know each other so  well.' Tommy - age 6
7'Love is what's in the room with you  at
Christmas if you stop opening presents and
listen.' Bobby - age 7
8Yorkshire and Humber Regional Gifted Talented
- Using Data to Raise Achievement
- Regional Gifted Talented Centre Status
9Using Data to Raise Achievement
- Criteria
- The school improvement plan specifically refers
to raising the achievement of gifted and talented
pupils. - The funding is used to extend the current work of
the school.
10Where have we come from?
11What was our objective ?
- To extend and challenge our gifted and talented
pupils through planned activities in the
classroom with a particular focus on raising
attainment in writing.
What did we hope to achieve ?
- To improve the attainment, aspirations,
motivation and self-esteem of our Gifted
Talented pupils, especially those who were
12Able under-achievers
- To identify and re-engage underachieving pupils
from vulnerable groups and under-represented
13Effective Classroom Provision
14Effective Classroom Provision
Performance Management
15Effective Classroom Provision
16Extra Curricular Activities
Mini Enterprise Group
Road Safety Group
Speaking Poetry
17Recognising Talent
Japanese week
Indian Dancing
Drama Workshops
African Arts
Caribbean week
Music School
Art club
18BCAP Project
We can talk more confidently when we are
We can say what is distinctive about our culture.
19Tracking children through school
20Lindley CE (VA) Infant School Date Feb 2007 End
of Year 1 Group Profile Class Targets for July
2007 (Sample group)
21Data Analysis
Average Point Score
How well they met their target
Boys Girls Achievement
October Level July Target Level July Level (
point scores)
Average Point Progress
Summer Born
- Childrens self confidence and self esteem are
raised because their skills and talents have been
- Outstanding leadership and management
- Teaching and learning in meeting the full range
of the learners' needs that is at least good - An improvement plan or equivalent that explicitly
refers to GT - Evidence of exemplary practice in at least 5
elements of IQS - External support from one of LA, SIP, Challenge
Award - How the school intervenes to avoid the
underachievement of those it has identified as
GT - Capacity to be a Regional Centre in the areas of
expert coaching, research and dissemination
26What experience do we have to offer?
- GT Co-ordinator is a key member of SLT
- Balance of skills within SLT ensures we can offer
a range of support - The strength within the team means we have the
capacity to support others while continuing to
make progress ourselves. - We are realistic about our ability to become a
regional GT centre. - We realise we still have the capacity to improve
and we can learn from other schools while
supporting them.
27What do we have to offer as an infant school?
- Skills for early identification
- Audit of provision for all children
- Clear identification systems
- A clear understanding of identifying GT children
in the early years and how it can change. - Well developed transition arrangements between FS
KS1 and between year groups. - Effective provision in the classroom
28Priorities for this year
29What support is available to you?