RCGP International - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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RCGP International


RCGP International – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: RCGP International

RCGP International
  • Differences of habit and language are nothing
    at all if our aims are identical and our hearts
    are open
  • J. K. Rowling,
  • Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

The role of the general practitioner
  • has not changed. It is open-ended, inclusive
    rather than exclusive, dealing in wholes not
  • It is personal, it is continuing, it means
    making the patients feel you care about each one
    of them, it is about respect, trust, independence
    and personal integrity.

The role of the general practitioner
  • .It is founded on science, and yes, yes,
    evidence, but it also involves the reconciliation
    of incompatibles, irrationalities and impossible
  • It rejects the inhuman and the formulaic. It
    involves privileged access to other peoples
    deepest secrets, their bodies, and yes, their

General Practice the Jewel in the NHS Crown
  • Almost one million people visit their GP every
  • Almost 90 of problems are dealt with in general
  • About 350 million consultations with general
    practitioners per year
  • 78 of people consult their general practitioner
    at least once during the year
  • 1.5 million prescriptions issued on average on a
    daily basis

  • that academic GPs and researchers in the UK are
    doing brilliant work that helps all GPs raise the
    standards of care we provide for our patients. 

RCGP International
RCGP GP Federations
  • Change will not come
  • if we wait for
  • some other person
  • or some other time

  • "It is not the strongest
  • of the species that survive,
  • not the most intelligent,
  • but the one most responsive to change."
  • Charles Darwin

GP Federations
The RCGP GP Federations
  • The RCGP Roadmap (Sept 2007)
  • introduced the concept of Primary Care
    Federations, with practices working to share
    resources, expertise and services. (before
  • Primary Care Federations putting patients
    first (June 2008)
  • builds on and preserves the strengths of general
  • shows how services can be extended to meet the
    new challenges ahead. 

Federations and Teams without walls
Paul Corrigan's Slide which asserts.London can
build a new delivery model using 6 types of
Darzi NHS Next Stage Review
Direction of travel NHS reforms
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The RCGP GP Federations
Diagnosis, enhanced services and ambulatory
care provided by specialists and generalists
Systematic functions of a federated model in
2015 Improving health and equity Early
diagnosis and problem definition Comprehensive
and accessible services Navigation
and integration of care Quality and
safety systems Commissioning and
Resource management Teaching and research
Aggressive long-term condition management
Practice Team
Practice Team
Practice Team
Community Network Facility
Practice Team
Practice Team
Practice Team
GP Federations
The RCGP GP Federations
  • Strength in collective working between GP
    Practices to benefit Patients
  • Better access to GP services (cf opening hours)
  • Different ways of accessing services (unscheduled
    / pre-booked)
  • Services closer to home in GP settings
  • Strong patient representation and involvement
  • Tailored services designed to address very local
  • Improved choice and access to a wider range of
  • A greater emphasis upon health promotion
  • Continuity of care, with links to patients own GP

GP Federations
The RCGP GP Federations
  • Strength in collective working between GP
    Practices to benefit Practices and GPs
  • Help ensure the continued viability of primary
    care reduce isolation, shared learning,
    improved quality and mutual support for
  • Enable GPs to maintain a high degree of autonomy
    to drive the agenda pro-actively
  • Economies of scale management, Admin, premises
  • Effective care referrals, service range,
    Integration, EBM
  • Cost effectiveness service delivery,
    maximising income c.f. Recession
  • Commissioning and beyond

GP Federations
The RCGP GP Federations
  • Barriers to collective working between GP
  • Herding Cats!
  • Opinionated individualism / self importance?
  • Corporate working?
  • Strategic outlook?
  • Leadership qualities ?
  • Implementing Innovation not invented here
  • Small business corner shop mentality?
  • Invest to save speculate to accumulate?
  • Are we other GPs greatest critics?

Towards High Quality Responsive General Practice
  • Established November 2007
  • 16 self selected GP Practices
  • 140,000 registered population
  • from different parts of Croydon work
  • To explore new models of working to deliver more
    improvements more rapidly.

Towards High Quality Responsive General Practice
  • Croydon Federation is underpinned by a legal
    accountability agreement between member
  • a not for profit organisation
  • It is not a Practice Based Commissioning (PBC)
    Group / Consortium, Limited Company, Limited
    Liability Partnership, Social Enterprise, nor is
    it a provider organisation
  • The underpinning accountability agreement allows
    individual practices to lead and tender for
    services on behalf of the Croydon Federation

GP Federations
GP Federations
  • November 2007 Croydon Federation formed
  • February 2008 diagnostics in the Community
    Pilot went live
  • Ultrasound Echo from six GP surgeries direct
    access to MRI
  • less than 3months from conception to
    implementation (an NHS first??)
  • April 2008 Integrated community leg ulcer
    clinic commenced
  • May 2008 Pathway re-design
  • Heart failure availability of echo and
    involvement of the Heart Failure nurse in the
  • Low back pain pathway due to availability of
    direct access MRI
  • Musculoskeletal pathway supported by
    availability of ultrasound of Joints and direct
    access MRI
  • Gynaecology Pathway due to convenient and easy
    access to Transvaginal ultrasound scanning

GP Federations
GP Federations
  • June 2008 Clinical Champions Programme started
  • Heart Failure, Learning Difficulties, Cardiac
    Arrythymias, COPD, Paediatrics
  • July 2008 visit by RCGP Chair, enquires from
    PMDU and mentioned in Hansard.
  • September 2008 Funding secured by Learning
    Difficulties Clinical Champion for a pilot study
    involving Learning Difficulties and the patients
    in a range Federation Practices
  • November 2008 Further Clinical Champion
    Palliative Care appointed
  • December 2008 HSJ Award Improving Access
    Category Winners


GP Federations
  • January 2009 - Rt Hon Alan Johnson, Secretary of
    State for Health visits to congratulate the
    Croydon Federation
  • February 2009 concept of ST4 trainees attached
    to the Croydon Federation under consideration by
    London Deanery
  • March 2009 3 month Improving GP access and the
    In Hours Urgent Care response and Patient Survey
    completed (To be presented at the KINGs FUND in
    June 2009)
  • March 2009 Teledermatology pilots being scoped
  • April 2009 Rapid Intervention Psychological
    Therapies pilot being scoped

We must becomethe changewe wantto see in the
  • Mahatma Ghandi

RCGP International
RCGP International
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Revalidation an update
  • Shipman Inquiry
  • Very critical of appraisal and GMCs proposals
    for revalidation
  • House of Commons Public Accounts Committee Report
  • Clinical governance is not as well established in
    primary care
  • Lack of clarity between PCTs and their
    contractors as regards accountability for
    ensuring quality and safety
  • CMOs Revalidation Working Group / KPMG
  • Description of Clinical Governance and appraisal
    being patchy
  • In primary care, structures also by and large in
    place though concerns re contractual status and
    to extent by which they large number of
    relatively small organisational units provide
    specific information about individual
  • Formative system problem of partiality and
    selectivity and doesnt routinely draw on hard
    data from clinical governance systems

The CMOs proposals
The CMOs proposals
  • Revalidation i
  • Needs to support doctors to meet their personal
    professional commitment to continually sustaining
    and developing their skills
  • Include strong element of patient participation
    and evaluation of the work of their doctors
  • Should be a supportive process to raise standards
    across the board not simply a way to identify a
    few poor performing doctors

The CMOs proposals
The CMOs proposals
  • Revalidation ii
  • The appraisal system is the key
  • Sound local clinical governance systems are
    essential but must avoid bureaucracy
  • Needs remediation and rehabilitation system
  • Rolling process over 5 years, not one single
  • Introduced incrementally piloting
  • Need consistency across the UK

The RCGP Revalidation for GPs
  • The RCGP Prototype

The purpose of Revalidation
  • Relicensing To demonstrate that licensed doctors
    practise in accordance with the GMCs generic
  • Recertification For GPs on the GP register,
    confirm that they continue to meet the standards
    that apply to the discipline of general practice)
  • Also. To identify those doctors who need further
    investigation or remediation (as a backstop where
    local systems are not robust or dont exist)  

(No Transcript)
The main tasks for the RCGP
  • Work with key partners to
  • Define the general standards against which
    revalidation will be assessed
  • Define the specific criteria, standards and
    evidence to be used in revalidation
  • Describe a system for revalidation
  • Undertake pilots
  • Gain GMC approval and launch in 2010/11

Good Medical Practice for GPs
  • The foundation stone
  • Published July 2008
  • Wide consultation
  • RCGP GPC support
  • Defined the general standards against which
    revalidation will be assessed
  • www.rcgp.org.uk

The second task for the RCGP
  • Define the specific criteria, standards and
    evidence to be used in revalidation
  • Mapped to GMC Framework
  • Consultation completed in January 2009
  • Over 400 responses, mostly positive

The second task for the RCGP
  • Ten criteria
  • Clinical and communication skills
  • Maintenance of knowledge and skills
  • Reflective practice and quality assurance
  • Relationship with colleagues
  • Record keeping
  • Trained and fit for all roles undertaken
  • Good delegation
  • Training, teaching and research
  • Probity
  • Health

The 13 items of evidence
  • 1. A description of all the professional roles
    undertaken by the general practitioner and
    demographic data
  • presented in year one and updated annually
    reflecting any change in roles
  • 2. Exceptional Circumstances
  • E.g. prolonged absence, sickness etc

The 13 items of evidence
  • 3. Evidence of active and effective participation
    in a cycle of five annual appraisals over the
    five year revalidation cycle.
  • 4. A personal development plan (PDP) for each
    year agreed with the appraiser
  • presented annually year one to five

The 13 items of evidence
  • 5. A review of the previous years PDP, with
    reflection on whether educational needs
    identified have been met or reasons as to why
    they have not been or only partially been met
  • 6. Self-accreditation of a minimum of 250
    learning credits over the 5 year revalidation
    cycle, normally at least 50 credits each year,
    discussed and agreed at annual appraisal

The 13 items of evidence
  • 7. Results of at least two multi-source feedbacks
    from colleagues, with evidence of reflection,
    appropriate change and discussion in appraisal
  • 8. Results of at least two patient surveys of
    their consultations and care during the
    revalidation cycle, with evidence of reflection,
    appropriate change and discussion in appraisal

The 13 items of evidence
  • 9. A review of any formal complaint in which the
    doctor has been directly involved, with a
    description of the circumstances, lessons learnt,
    and appropriate actions taken, and evidence of
    discussion in appraisal. In cases where there
    have been no complaints this should be recorded
  • 10. A minimum of five significant event audits
    involving the GP that demonstrate reflection and
    change, with evidence of discussion in appraisal
    can be presented at any point during the five
    year cycle

The 13 items of evidence
  • Audits of your care in at least two significant
    clinical areas of your practice, with standards,
    re-audit and evidence of both appropriate
    improvement, compliance with best practice
    guidelines and discussion in appraisal
  • 12. Statements of probity, health and
    appropriate use of health care, including
    registration with an independent GP evidence of
    appropriate insurance or indemnity cover

The 13 items of evidence
  • There will be additional evidence required if you
  • Teacher or trainer
  • In any extended clinical role (such as GP with
    Special Interest)
  • Appraiser
  • Researcher etc

The third task for the RCGP
  • Describe a system for revalidation
  • E-Portfolio extension of the Appraisal
  • Submission to Responsible Officer
  • RO does initial assessment into 3 categories
  • RO, RCGP Assessor and Lay Assessor meet
  • Recommendation to GMC for revalidation OR
    referral to RCGP centrally
  • RCGP sampling for quality assurance

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The third task for the RCGP
  • Managed CPD scheme
  • E learning
  • E Portfolio
  • Essential General Practice
  • EGP Knowledge Challenge
  • Accredited CPD 50 Credits
  • Quality awards
  • Practice Accreditation / QPA

The remaining tasks for the RCGP are to.
  • Publish and evolve full revalidation guidance
  • Undertake pilots started
  • Gain GMC approval
  • Launch in 2010/11

  • If you're walking
  • down
  • the right path and
  • you're willing
  • to keep walking,
  • Eventually you'll
  • make progress

RCGP International
The RCGP the heart and voice of general practice
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