Title: Product, Services, and Branding Strategy
1Product, Services, and Branding Strategy
2Learning Goals
- Understand products and the major classifications
of products and services - Learn the decisions companies make regarding
their products and services - Understand branding strategy
- Identify the four characteristics that affect the
marketing of a service - Realize additional product issues
3Case StudyKrispy Kreme
- Produce 7.5 million doughnuts each day
- Sell more than doughnuts they sell an experience
- New store openings are eagerly anticipated in
part due to extensive promotion
- Product
- Anything offered to a market for attention,
acquisition, use, or consumption that might
satisfy a need or want. - Service
- A form of product that consists of activities,
benefits or satisfactions offered for sale that
are essentially intangible and do not result in
the ownership of anything.
Goal 1 Understand products and their
5What is a Product?
- Products, Services, and Experiences
- Market offerings may consist of a combination of
goods and services - Experiences are used to differentiate offerings
- Levels of Product and Services
- Core benefit, actual and augmented product
- Product and Service Classifications
- Consumer products and industrial products
Goal 1 Understand products and their
6What is a Product?
- Products, Services, Experiences
- Market offerings, pure tangible goods, pure
services, experiences
Experiences include zoos and aquariums
7Figure 8-1 Three Levels of Product
8What is a Product?
Types of Consumer Products
- Frequent purchases bought with minimal buying
effort and little comparison shopping - Low price
- Widespread distribution
- Mass promotion by producer
- Convenience
- Shopping
- Specialty
- Unsought
Goal 1 Understand products and their
9What is a Product?
- Less frequent purchases
- More shopping effort for comparisons.
- Higher than convenience good pricing
- Selective distribution in fewer outlets
- Advertising and personal selling
Types of Consumer Products
- Convenience
- Shopping
- Specialty
- Unsought
Goal 1 Understand products and their
10What is a Product?
Types of Consumer Products
- Strong brand preference and loyalty, requires
special purchase effort, little brand
comparisons, and low price sensitivity - High price
- Exclusive distribution
- Carefully targeted promotions
- Convenience
- Shopping
- Specialty
- Unsought
Goal 1 Understand products and their
11What is a Product?
Types of Consumer Products
- Little product awareness and knowledge (or if
aware, sometimes negative interest) - Pricing varies
- Distribution varies
- Aggressive advertising and personal selling by
producers and resellers
- Convenience
- Shopping
- Specialty
- Unsought
Goal 1 Understand products and their
12Product and Service Classifications
- Consumer products
- Industrial products
- Materials and parts
- Capital items
- Supplies and services
Goal 1 Understand products and their
13Product and Service Classifications
- Organizations, persons, places, and ideas
- Organizational marketing makes use of corporate
image advertising - Person marketing applies to political candidates,
entertainment sports figures, and professionals - Place marketing relates to tourism
- Social marketing promotes ideas
Goal 1 Understand products and their
14Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions
- Product attributes
- Quality, features, style and design
- Branding
- Packaging
- Labeling
- Product support services
- Individual Product
- Product Line
- Product Mix
Goal 2 Learn decisions companies make regarding
15Product Service Decisions
- Innovative product design can help revitalize a
company, such as with the Apple iMac.
16Product and Service Decisions
- Product line
- A group of products that are closely related
because they may - function in a similar manner
- be sold to the same customer groups,
- be marketed through the same types of outlets
- fall within given price ranges
Key Decisions
- Individual Product
- Product Line
- Product Mix
Goal 2 Learn decisions companies make regarding
17Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions
- Product line length
- Line stretching adding products that are higher
or lower priced than the existing line - Line filling adding more items within the
present price range
- Individual Product
- Product Line
- Product Mix
Goal 2 Learn decisions companies make regarding
18Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions
- Product mix
- Also known as product assortment
- Consists of all the product lines and items that
a particular seller offers for sale
- Individual Product
- Product Line
- Product Mix
Goal 2 Learn decisions companies make regarding
19Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions
- Product mix width
- Number of different product lines carried by
company - Product mix depth
- Number of different versions of each product in
the line - Product mix consistency
- Individual Product
- Product Line
- Product Mix
Goal 2 Learn decisions companies make regarding
20Product Service Decisions
- Brand
- A name, term, sign, symbol, design, or a
combination of these, that identifies the maker
or sellers of a product or service.
21Branding Strategy
- Brand equity is the positive differential effect
that knowing the brand name has on customer
response to the product or service - One measure of equity is the extent to which
customers are willing to pay more for the brand - Brand valuation is the process of estimating the
total financial value of a brand
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
22Branding Strategy
- Brands with strong equity have many competitive
advantages - High consumer awareness
- Strong brand loyalty
- Helps when introducing new products
- Less susceptible to price competition
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
23Branding Strategy
- Brands are powerful assets that must be
carefully developed and managed. - Both Tiger Woods and Nike can be considered
24Brand Strategy
Line Extensions May Feature Different Things
25Brand Strategy
Key Decisions
- Three levels of positioning
- Product attributes
- Least effective
- Benefits
- Beliefs and values
- Taps into emotions
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Name Selection
- Brand Sponsorship
- Brand Development
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
26Brand Strategy
- Good Brand Names
- Suggest something about the product or its
benefits - Are easy to say, recognize and remember
- Are distinctive
- Are extendable
- Translate well into other languages
- Can be registered and legally protected
Key Decisions
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Name Selection
- Brand Sponsorship
- Brand Development
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
27Brand Strategy
Key Decisions
- Manufacturer brands
- Private (store) brands
- Costly to establish and promote
- Higher profit margins
- Licensed brands
- Name and character licensing has grown
- Co-branding
- Advantages / disadvantages
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Name Selection
- Brand Sponsorship
- Brand Development
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
28Brand Strategy
Key Decisions
- Line extensions
- Minor changes to existing products
- Brand extensions
- Successful brand names help introduce new
products - Multibrands
- Multiple product entries in a product category
- New brands
- New product category
- Brand Positioning
- Brand Name Selection
- Brand Sponsorship
- Brand Development
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
29Figure 9-4 Brand DevelopmentStrategies
30Managing Brands
- Brands are known through advertising, personal
experience, word of mouth, the Internet - Everyone in the company represents the brand
- Companies need to periodically run a brand audit
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
31Services Marketing
- Services
- Account for 74 of U.S. gross domestic product.
- Service industries include business
organizations, government, and private
not-for-profit organizations.
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
32Characteristics of Services
- Intangibility
- Consumers look for service quality signals
- Inseparability
- Services cant be separated from providers
- Variability
- Employees and other factors result in variability
- Perishability
- Services cant be inventoried for later sale
Goal 3 Understand branding strategy
33Figure 9-6 Three Types of Marketing in
Services Industries
34Service Firm Marketing Strategies
- The Service-Profit Chain
- Internal Marketing
- Interactive Marketing
- Managing Service Differentiation
- Managing Service Quality
- Managing Service Productivity
Goal 4 Identify 4 characteristics that affect
marketing a service
35Product Decisions and Social Responsibility
- Acquiring and dropping products
- Patent protection
- Product quality and safety
- Product warranties
Goal 5 Realize additional product issues
36International Product and Services Marketing
- Special challenges
- Which products should be marketed
internationally? - Should the products be standardized or adapted
for world markets? Packaging?
Goal 5 Realize additional product issues