Title: Darlene J. Ruscitti, Ed.D.
1Darlene J. Ruscitti, Ed.D. Superintendent
DuPage County Regional Office of Education 421
N. County Farm Road Wheaton IL 60187 630.407.5800
School Improvement Status Informational
Meeting September 7, 2004
For more information contact Guy Todnem ROE
Professional Development Center 1519 S. Grace
Street Lombard IL 60148 630.495.6080 gtodnem_at_dupa
2Which schools are represented here?
3Schools in 'Preliminary' School Improvement Status
The total number of Title I schools in School
Improvement status is 694, with some schools
entering their first year of restructuring under
the No Child Left Behind Act. Letters were sent
to the affected districts on Thursday August 19
regarding these schools. The breakdown of the
694 schools includes CHChoice 216CSChoice and
SES 213CACorrective Action 242RSRestructuring
Year 123
ISBE.NET on August 23, 2004
4Of the schools represented here
What gains in student performance has your
school achieved?
What caused your school to be identified for
school improvement status?
5How Illinois Calculates AYP Adequate Yearly
Progress (AYP) calculations in Illinois are now
based on three factors, beginning in 2003
1- The percent of reading and math scores that
meet or exceed standards, compared to the
annual state targets 2-The participation
rate of students in taking the state tests,
which must meet or exceed 95 and 3-The
attendance rates of students in elementary and
middle schools, and the graduation rates of
students in high schools, which must meet or
exceed the state's annual targets.
6(No Transcript)
7Illini Equal Steps
8Meeting Targeted Math Reading Scores The
percent of reading and math scores that meet or
exceed standards, compared to the annual state
9Elementary and Middle SchoolsThe school must
have an 88 attendance rate overall and for each
subgroup. Performance Targets for Attendance
10High SchoolsOverall, and within each sub-group,
65 of students must graduate from high
school. Performance Targets for High School -
Graduation Rate
11What do schools in status need to do now?
- Notify all parents within your school of your
status - Offer school choice
- Develop and implement an approved school
improvement plan
12REgional Service PROvider, or RESPRO
Regional Service Provider Area 1-C Will County
Regional Office of Education Grundy/Kendall
Counties Regional Office of Education Lake County
Regional Office of Education Kane County Regional
Office of Education DuPage County Regional Office
of Education Illinois State Board of Education
System of Support Competitive Grant
13System of Support for Schools in Status
- Network of Schools and Services
- Support Services and Technical Assistance for
Network Schools - Funding for Network Services
- School Improvement Planning (SIP)
- Data Collection and Analysis
- Illinois Assessment Frameworks (IAF)
- Curriculum Matching with Illinois Assessment
Framework - Standards Aligned Classroom (SAC)
- Administrator and Teacher Leadership Training
- Standards and Assessment Skills Series (SASS)
- Research-Based Instructional Strategies
Policy Guidancehttp//www.ed.gov/policy/elsec/gu
- Access to Student Information by Military
Recruiters Answers questions about the
requirement that military recruiters be given
access to secondary school students and students'
information. - Calculating Participation Rates in Assessments
New policies for calculating "participation
rates" under No Child Left Behindthe percentage
of enrolled students who participate in an
assessment program. - Charter School Program Guidance Addresses
questions about provisions the Charter Schools
Program related to student admissions, the use of
lotteries, private school conversions, and the
involvement of for-profit organizations. - Education of Migratory Children How state and
local education agencies can use Migrant
Education Program funds to develop and implement
supplemental educational and support services for
migrant children. - English Language Learners Two policies give
states and school districts greater flexibility
to assist Limited English Proficient students. - Even Start Family Literacy Programs Guidance
Assists states and local projects in
understanding, administering, and implementing
Even Start family literacy program.
15(No Transcript)
16DuPage ROE GOAL Every student in DuPage
County will meet or exceed Illinois Performance
- Areas of Service 2004-2005
17Meet the Professional Development Specialists
of the DuPage County Regional Office Of
18For more information, technical assistance, and
to hear what schools are doing, contact
Guy Todnem ROE Professional Development
Center 1519 S. Grace Street Lombard IL
60148 Phone 630.495.6080 Email