Title: Growing the green collar economy
1Growing the green collar economy
- Dr Megan Clark, CSIRO Chief Executive
- 4 March 2009, Big Skills Conference, Sydney
2For the first time in history
- over half our population, 3.3 billion people,
will be living in urban areas
Shenzhen 1982
3By 2030
- this is expected to swell to almost 5 billion.
Shenzhen 2007
4By 2030
- 81 of people in developing nations will
completely depend on urban infrastructure for
food, water, air
5By 2030
- 81 of people in developing nations will
completely depend on urban infrastructure for
food, water, air - and to remove their waste and provide their
6There is an urgent need for sustainable design
at all scales
- CSIRO Zero Emissions House in partnership with
Henley Property Group at the Delfin Lend Lease
Laurimar development in Victoria
7Todays future
- Decisions planners make today will profoundly
impact how we live and work in the future.
8New industries are emerging in battery
technology UltraBattery
9New manufacturing First trial of printing
organic solar cells like money Feb 2009
Peter Batchelor Minister for Energy and Resources
for Victoria and CSIRO's Future Manufacturing
Flagship research leader Gerry Wilson with the
first print trial of organic solar cells
10Employment by major sector in scenario of 100
reduction of net emissions from 2010
- Model assumes 100 reductions in net emissions
and one-off tax reform to increase employment and
participation. (Hatfield-Dodds et al, 2008)
11Thank you