Title: The More'the Better
1The More.the Better
2Do you know that
- certain farm practices actually increase
3- What are those practices?
- How do they increase photosynthesis?
4 5- Farming Practice No. 1 Plowing/harrowing
breaks soil into clumps and form thick soil-water
Click to see how plowing enhances photosynthesis
6- Farming Practice No. 1 Plowing/harrowing
breaks soil into clumps and form thick soil-water
Kills weeds that compete with crops for sunlight
and water for photosynthesis.
7- Farming Practice No. 2 Irrigation provides
crops with water.
Click to see how irrigation enhances
8 Farming Practice No. 2 Irrigation provides
crops with water.
Water is a raw material for photosynthesis and
carries food and nutrients to different parts of
the plant.
9How much water do plants need?
- rice plant highest right after sowing and
gradually decreases until just before harvest
time. - vegetables, potatoes and corn least during the
initial stage, highest during the development
stages, and decreases when nearing harvest.
10 Farming Practice No. 3 Applying organic or
inorganic fertilizer provides Nitrogen,
Phosphorus and Potassium to crops.
Click to see how fertilizers enhance
11- Farming Practice No. 3 Applying organic or
inorganic fertilizer provides Nitrogen,
Phosphorus and Potassium to crops.
Nitrogen provides proteins to cells and as
enzymes control the rate of chemical
reactions. Phosphorus is needed to form ATP, a
high-energy molecule which is a product of light
reactions during photosynthesis. Potassium is
involved in the opening and closing of the
12How do plants look without N, P, K?
No nitrogen yellow/green leaves, weak stem
No potassium poor flower and fruit growth
No phosphorus poor root growth
Source Modular Science Biology
13bigger fruits --
- Yes, photosynthesis has something to do with it!
14For additional info
- Visit our class web site at
- http//www.geocities.com/photosyn
For the Text
- Carale, L. R., Galvez, E.R. Reyes, R. L.
(1999). Science and technology for a better life
Biology. (3rd ed.) Makati City Diwa Scholastic
Press. - Carale, L. R., Galvez, E. R. Reyes, R. L.
(1989). Science and technology for a better life
Biology. (3rd ed.). Makati City Diwa Scholastic
Press. - AQUASTAT FAOs Information System on Water and
Agriculture http//www.fao.org/ag/AGL/AGLW/aquasta
t/water_use/index4.stm - For the Graphics
- Beckett, B. Gallagher, R. (2001).Modular
science biology. Oxford Oxford University Press.
- Clip art images from Microsoft Office 2000