Title: Lecture 40 Plants, Flowers and Fruits in Art
1Lecture 40 Plants, Flowers and Fruits in Art
Illustration of plants, flowers, and fruits is
part of artistic traditions from prehistory to
modern times
2Paleolithic and Neolithic representations of
3Primitive drawings of trees, Assyria
Pre-dynastic drawing of plant 5000-6000 years ago
4Peruvian Ceramic Jars
Source Leonard,First Farmers, 1973
Cacao pod
Cacao god
Source Indianapolis Museum of Art
Source Smith, The Aztecs, 1996
5Maize, Moche Jars, Peru (500 CE)
Source M. Eubanks
6Ancient Egyptian
Tomb of Osiris withsacred tamarisk
Garden estate of awealthy Egyptian
7Roman Antiquity
Bowl of fruit, Pompeii
Painting of peaches, Pompeii
8Plums and quince in glass bowlVilla at Torre
Source The Gardens of Pompeii, Jashemski, 1979
9Basket of figsVilla at Torre Annunziata
Source The Gardens of Pompeii, Jashemski, 1979
10Garden painting, Pompeii
11Woodblock prints from theCommentarii (1544) of
12Woodblock print of Psyllium
Boy with a Basket of Fruit
Source The Age of Caravaggio,The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, 1985
14Boy with a Basket of Fruit (Detail)
Source The Age of Caravaggio, The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, 1985
15The Supper at Emmaus
Source The Age of Caravaggio, The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, 1985
16The Supper at Emmaus (Detail)
Source The Age of Caravaggio, The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, 1985
Source Caravaggio,Alfred Moir, 1982
18Bacchus (Detail)
Source Caravaggio, Alfred Moir, 1982
19Still Life with a Basket of Fruit
Source The Age of Caravaggio, The Metropolitan
Museum of Art, New York, 1985
20RenaissanceGiuseppe Arcimboldo, 16th century
23Summer(Portrait of Rudolph II)
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25Flemish Flower Paintings (17th century)
26Paulus Theodorus van Brussel, Fruit and Flowers
Jacob van Walscappelle, Flowers in Glass Vase
27Jan Davidsz de Heem
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3119th Century ImpressionistsVincent van Gogh
Wheat Field with Cypresses at the Haute Galline
Near Eygalieres, 1889
Olive Trees with Yellow Sky and Sun, 1889
32Irises 1889,1890
34Paul Gauguin
Still Life with Apples,a Pear, and a Ceramic
Still Life with Tomatoes
35Paul Cezanne
36Claude Monet
Water Lilies
3719th Century Japanese
Japanese Influence in America
Tiffany window
38Georgia OKeeffe, 20th century American
Jack in the Pulpit
39Jimson Weed
41Georgia OKeeffe
Morning Glories
Apple blossom
White Pansy Â
Rose Larkspur
Yellow Galla
43The Sunflower in Art
44Pietro Andrea Mattioli, from De Plantis Epitome
Utilissima, 1586
John Gerarde, The Herbal or Generall Historie of
Plantes, 1597
Flos Solisminor mas, Flos Solisminor foemina
Gross indianisch sonnenblum, or Flos Solis
Helianthemon peruuianum
Of the Flower of the Sunne, or the Merigolde of
Peru Flos Solismaior, Flos Solisminor
45Wood Block Botanical Illustrations
Sunflower, Flos Solis minor The lesser Sunne
floure Gerard, 1633
Sunflower, Flos Solis major The greater Sun
floure Gerard, 1633
46Daniel Froeschl (1563-1613)
47Basilius Besler, 1613, colored engravings
Flos Solismaior
Flos Solisprolifer
48Self-Portrait with Sunflower, Antony van Dyke,
49Woman with Roses and Sunflowers, Karel de Moor,
late 17th/early 18th century
A Boy Blowing Bubbles, Frans van Mieris the
Elder, 1663
50Fruit and Flowers with Eucharistic Wine,Jan
Davidsz de Heem, 1651
The ascension of the Virgin, Antonio Ponce, 1654
51Vase of Flowers on a Marble Base,Jakob van
Walscapelle, 1672
52The Nymph Clithea Transformed into
Sunflowers,Charles de Lafosse, 1688
53Vincent van GoghSunflowers, 1888
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55Girl with Sunflowers, Michael Ancher, 1889
56Georgia OKeefe
57New York cartoon,The Judge A Thing of Beauty
Not a Joy Forever, 1883 (Caricature ofOscar