Shells, System Calls, and Signals - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Shells, System Calls, and Signals


A shell is a command line interface to the operating system ... very compact syntax which makes it obtuse for novice users but very efficient ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Shells, System Calls, and Signals

Shells, System Calls, and Signals
  • Michael Scherger
  • Department of Computer Science
  • Kent State University

What is a Shell?
  • A shell is a command line interface to the
    operating system
  • Fetch a command from the user and execute the
  • Sometimes the commands are built-in to the shell
  • Other times the commands are external system
    programs or user programs
  • There are lots of different shells available in

Bourne Shell
  • Historically the sh language was the first to be
    created and goes under the name of The Bourne
  • It has a very compact syntax which makes it
    obtuse for novice users but very efficient when
    used by experts
  • It also contains some powerful constructs built in

Bourne Shell
  • On UNIX systems, most of the scripts used to
    start and configure the operating system are
    written in the Bourne shell
  • It has been around for so long that is virtually
    bug free

C Shell
  • The C Shell (csh)
  • Similar syntactical structures to the C language
  • The UNIX man pages contain almost twice as much
    information for the C Shell as the pages for the
    Bourne Shell, leading most users to believe that
    it is twice as good

C Shell
  • Actually, there are several compromises within
    the C Shell which makes using the language for
    serious work difficult
  • (Check the list of bugs at the end of the man

C Shell
  • The real reason why the C Shell is so popular is
    that it is usually selected as the default login
    shell for most users
  • The features that guarantee its continued use in
    this arena are aliases and history lists

tcsh An Enhanced C Shell
  • An enhanced but completely compatible version of
    the Berkeley UNIX C Shell, csh
  • It is a command language interpreter usable both
    as an interactive login shell and a shell script
    command processor
  • Uses a C-like syntax

tcsh An Enhanced C Shell
  • It includes
  • Command-line editor
  • Programmable word completion
  • Spelling correction
  • History mechanism
  • Job control

  • GNU Bourne Again Shell
  • A complete implementation of the IEEE POSIX.2 and
    Open Group Shell specificaiton with
  • Interactive command line editing
  • Job control on architectures that support it
  • Csh-like features such as history substitution
    and brace expansion
  • and a slew of other features

Korne Shell
  • The ksh was made famous by IBMs AIX version of
  • The Korne Shell can be thought of as a superset
    of the Borne Shell as it contains the whole of
    the Borne Shell world within its own syntax rules

Processes and the CWD
  • Every process runs in a directory
  • The attribute is called the current working
    directory (cwd)
  • Finding the CWD
  • char getcwd( char buf, size_t size )
  • Returns a string that contains the absolute
    pathname of the current working directory
  • There are functions that can be used to change
    the current working directory (chdir)

Other Process Attributes
  • Getting the process id number
  • include ltunistd.hgt
  • pid_t getpid( void )
  • Getting the group id number
  • gid_t getgid( void )
  • Getting the real user ID of a process
  • uid_t getuid( void )

Creating a Process
  • The only way to create a new process is to issue
    the fork() system call
  • Fork() splits the current process into 2
    processes, one is called the parent and the other
    is called the child

Parent and Child Processes
  • The child process is a copy of the parent process
  • Same program
  • Same place in the program
  • Almost.
  • The child process get a new process ID

Process Inheritance
  • The child process inherits many attributes from
    the parent including
  • Current working directory
  • User id
  • Group id

The fork() system call
  • include ltunistd.hgt
  • Pid_t fork( void )
  • fork() returns a process id (small unsigned
  • fork() returns twice!!!!!!!
  • In the parent process, fork returns the id of the
    child process
  • In the child, fork returns a 0

  • include ltunistd.hgt
  • include ltiostreamgt
  • using namespace std
  • int main( int argc, char argv )
  • if( fork() )
  • cout ltlt "I am the parent" ltlt endl
  • else
  • cout ltlt "I am the child" ltlt endl
  • return( 0 )

Bad Example (dont do this)
  • include ltunistd.hgt // This is called a
  • include ltiostreamgt // fork bomb!!!!!
  • using namespace std // please dont do this
  • int main( int argc, char argv )
  • while( fork() )
  • cout ltlt "I am the parent" ltlt endl
  • cout ltlt "I am the child" ltlt endl
  • return( 0 )

Switching Programs
  • fork() is the only way to create a new process
  • This would be almost useless if there was not a
    way to switch what program is associated with a
  • The exec() system call is used to start a new

  • There are actually a number of exec functions
  • execlp, execl, execle, execvp, execv, execve
  • The difference between these functions is the
  • How the new program is identified and some
    attributes that should be set

The exec Family
  • When you call a member of the exec family, you
    give it the pathname of the executable file that
    you want to run
  • If all goes well, exec will never return!!!
  • The process becomes the new program!!!

  • int execl( char path,
  • char arg0,
  • char arg1,
  • ,
  • char argN,
  • (char ) 0)
  • execl( /home/mscherge/bin/foobar, alpha,
    beta, NULL )

A Complete execl Example
  • include ltunistd.hgt
  • include ltiostreamgt
  • using namespace std
  • int main( int argc, char argv )
  • char buf 1000
  • cout ltlt "Here are the files in " ltlt getcwd(
    buf, 1000 ) ltlt endl
  • execl( "/bin/ls", "ls", "-al", NULL )
  • cout ltlt "If all goes well, this line will not
    be printed!!!" ltlt endl
  • return( 0 )

fork() and exec() Together
  • The following program does the following
  • fork() results in 2 processes
  • Parent prints out its PID and waits for child
    process to finish (to exit)
  • Child process prints out its PID and then exec()
    ls and then exits

execandfork.cpp (1)
  • include ltunistd.hgt // exec, fork, getpid
  • include ltiostreamgt // cout
  • include ltsys/types.hgt // needed for wait
  • include ltsys/wait.hgt // wait()
  • using namespace std

execandfork.cpp (2)
  • void child( void )
  • int pid getpid()
  • cout ltlt "CHILD Child process PID is " ltlt pid
    ltlt endl
  • cout ltlt "CHILD Child process now ready to exec
    ls" ltlt endl
  • execl( "/bin/ls", "ls", NULL )

execandfork.cpp (3)
  • void parent( void )
  • int pid getpid()
  • int stat
  • cout ltlt "PARENT Parent process PID is " ltlt pid
    ltlt endl
  • cout ltlt "PARENT Parent waiting for child" ltlt
  • wait( stat )
  • cout ltlt "PARENT Child is done. Parent
    returning" ltlt endl

execandfork.cpp (4)
  • int main( int argc, char argv )
  • cout ltlt "MAIN Starting fork system call" ltlt
  • if( fork() )
  • parent()
  • else
  • child()
  • cout ltlt "MAIN Done" ltlt endl
  • return( 0 )

execandfork.cpp (output)
  • 58 a.out
  • MAIN Starting fork system call
  • CHILD Child process PID is 32557
  • CHILD Child process now ready to exec ls
  • PARENT Parent process PID is 32556
  • PARENT Parent waiting for child
  • a.out lowcost_DB_NOW.pdf
    Project 1.pdf
  • asc mail
  • Backup MASC Software
  • bin MPISpawn2
  • hybrid_parallel_system.pdf Parallaxis
  • icp_fall2004_prj4.txt Pictures
  • PARENT Child is done. Parent returning
  • MAIN Done
  • /.automount/b2/users/cs/grad/mscherge
  • 59

A More Concise Example
  • int main()
  • Pid_t pid
  • / fork another process /
  • pid fork()
  • if (pid lt 0) / error occurred /
  • fprintf(stderr, "Fork Failed")
  • exit(-1)
  • else if (pid 0) / child process /
  • execlp("/bin/ls", "ls", NULL)
  • else / parent process /
  • / parent will wait for the child to complete
  • wait (NULL)
  • printf ("Child Complete")
  • exit(0)

System Calls for Files and Directories
More System Calls
A Simple Shell
  • while( true ) // repeat forever
  • type_prompt() // display prompt
  • read_command( command, parameters ) // input
    from terminal
  • if( fork() ! 0 ) // fork off child process
  • // parent code
  • waitpid( -1, status, 0 ) // wait for child
    to exit
  • else // child code
  • execve( command, parameters, 0 ) // execute

Signaling Processes
  • Signal
  • A signal is a notification to a process that an
    event has occurred. Signals are sometimes called
    software interrupts.
  • Features of Signal
  • Signal usually occur asynchronously.
  • The process does not know ahead of time exactly
    when a signal will occur.
  • Signal can be sent by one process to another
    process (or to itself) or by the kernel to a

Sources for Generating Signals
  • Hardware
  • A process attempts to access addresses outside
    its own address space.
  • Divides by zero.
  • Kernel
  • Notifying the process that an I/O device for
    which it has been waiting is available.
  • Other Processes
  • A child process notifying its parent process that
    it has terminated.
  • User
  • Pressing keyboard sequences that generate a quit,
    interrupt or stop signal.

Three Courses of Action
  • Process that receives a signal can take one of
    three action
  • Perform the system-specified default for the
  • notify the parent process that it is terminating
  • generate a core file
  • (a file containing the current memory image of
    the process)
  • terminate.
  • Ignore the signal
  • A process can do ignoring with all signal but two
    special signals SIGSTOP and SIGKILL.
  • Catch the Signal (Trapping)
  • When a process catches a signal, except SIGSTOP
    and SIGKILL, it invokes a special signal handing

POSIX-Defined Signals (1)
  • SIGALRM Alarm timer time-out. Generated by
    alarm( ) API.
  • SIGABRT Abort process execution. Generated by
    abort( ) API.
  • SIGFPE Illegal mathematical operation.
  • SIGHUP Controlling terminal hang-up.
  • SIGILL Execution of an illegal machine
  • SIGINT Process interruption.
  • Can be generated by ltDeletegt or ltctrl_Cgt keys.
  • SIGKILL Sure kill a process. Can be generated by
  • kill -9 ltprocess_idgt command.
  • SIGPIPE Illegal write to a pipe.
  • SIGQUIT Process quit. Generated by ltcrtl_\gt
  • SIGSEGV Segmentation fault. generated by
    de-referencing a NULL pointer.

POSIX-Defined Signals (2)
  • SIGTERM process termination. Can be generated by
  • kill ltprocess_idgt command.
  • SIGUSR1 Reserved to be defined by user.
  • SIGUSR2 Reserved to be defined by user.
  • SIGCHLD Sent to a parent process when its child
    process has terminated.
  • SIGCONT Resume execution of a stopped process.
  • SIGSTOP Stop a process execution.
  • SIGTTIN Stop a background process when it tries
    to read from its controlling terminal.
  • SIGTSTP Stop a process execution by the
    control_Z keys.
  • SIGTTOUT Stop a background process when it tries
    to write to its controlling terminal.

Sending Signals
  • You may send signals to a process connected to
    your terminal by typing
  • C SIGINT terminate execution
  • \ SIGQUIT terminate and core dump
  • Z SIGSTOP suspend for later
  • The terminal driver is a program that processes
    I/O to the terminal can detect these special
    character sequences and send the appropriate
    signal to your interactive shell.
  • The shell in turn generates an appropriate signal
    to the foreground process.

  • The user can use the csh built-in kill command or
    use regular UNIX kill command to send a specific
    signal to a named process.
  • kill -sig process
  • If no signal is specified, then SIGTERM
    (15)(terminate) is assumed
  • In C/C the system call is
  • include ltsignal.hgt
  • int kill( int pid, int sig_id )
  • Return values Success 0, Failure -1, Sets

Signal Delivery and Processing
  • When an interrupt or event causes a signal to
    occur, the signal is added to a set of signals
    that are waiting for delivery to a process.
  • Signals are delivered to a process in a manner
    similar to hardware interrupts.

Signal Delivery
  • If the signal is not currently blocked by the
    process, it is delivered to the process following
    these steps
  • The same signal is blocked from further
    occurrence until delivery and processing are
  • The current process context is saved and a new
    one built
  • A handler function associated with the signal is
  • If the handler function returns, then the process
    resumes execution from the point of interrupt,
    with its saved context restored. Among other
    things, the signal mask is restored.
  • Signals have the same priority
  • But processes can block listening to specific
    signals via a signal mask

Signal Trapping
  • The system call signal() is used to trap signals
  • include ltsignal.hgt
  • signal( int sig_id, void handler() )
  • Example Write a C program to count the number
    of times CTRL-C is pressed at the terminal
  • cc_counter.cpp

Signal Trapping
  • The system call signal() is used to trap signals
  • include ltsignal.hgt
  • signal( int sig_id, void handler() )
  • Example Write a C program to count the number
    of times CTRL-C is pressed at the terminal
  • cc_counter.cpp

  • Function
  • The alarm API requests the kernel to send the
    SIGALRM signal after a certain number of real
    clock seconds.
  • include ltsignal.hgt
  • int alarm( unsigned int time_interval)
  • Return
  • Success the number of CPU seconds left in the
    process timer Failure -1 Sets errno Yes
  • Argument
  • time_interval the number of CPU seconds elapse
    time. After which the kernel will send the
    SIGALRM signal to the calling process.
  • Example Write a C program to set an alarm for
    signal 5 seconds after process startup and trap
    the alarm signal.
  • alarmer.cpp
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