Title: Robert Burns
1 Robert Burns (1759 1796) the national
poet of Scotland
2Robert Burns was born in Alloway, Scotland in
1759. His father was a poor farmer, but his
greatest wish was to give his Children the best
education he could afford. He was a clever man
and had a shelf with books in his poor house.
3British people celebrate his birthday every year
on the 25 January. The celebration is called
Burns Night. It takes the form of a supper called
Burns Supper, at which traditional Scottish
dishes are eaten. Often a Scottish piper plays
for men is a kilt.
4 Burns made several trips around the Scotland.
He saw beautiful landscapes and lochs of the
Highlands. He visited some historical
places, which made a great impression on him.
5The poet My Hearts in the Highlands was the
result of his tour. My heart's in the
Highlands, my heart is not here My
heart's in the Highlands a chasing the deep
Chasing the wild deep, and following the roe
My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I
go.- Farewell to the Highlands, farewell
to the North
6 The birth place of Valour, the country of
Worth Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,-
The hills of the Highlands for ever I love.
Farewell to the mountains high cover d
with snow Farewell to the straths and
green vallies below Farewell to the
torrents and loud pouring floods.- My
heart's in the Highlands, my heart is My
heart's in the Highlands a has chasing the deep
Chasing the wild deer , and fallowing the
roe My heart's in the Highlands, wherever I
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8Task 1 Match the dates with the facts of R.
Burns life.
- 1759 Robert was sent to school, but his school
days didnt last long as their teacher
left the school. - 1765 He was born in Alloway, on 25 January.
- 1772 He wrote his first poet Handsome Nell.
It was written for a girl who worked in the field
with him. - 1773 At 13 he had to begin working on the farm
as his family was poor. - 1786 He married Jean Armour, the daughter of a
rich master mason. - 1789 He published his first volume of poets
chiefly in Scottish Dialect. - 1796 He died on the 21 of July in Dumfries.
9Task 2Say if the facts are true or false.
- R. Burns traveled all over the world.
- He was a hardworking boy at 13 he worked in
the field as much grown ups. - When Robert was 25 years old, his father died
and he became the head of family. - Robert fell in Love with Jean Armour as she
was the most beautiful girl in the village. - Jean's Armour's parents wanted Jean to marry
Robert Burns. - In 1788 Robert and Jean got married.
- Jean had a beautiful voice. She sang his songs
with great pleasure. R. Burns composed Songs for
her. - In Last years Robert lived in London with his
family. He liked the beauty of this town.
10Auld land syne
- Should old acquaintance be forgot
- And never brought to mind?
- Should old acquaintance be forgot
- And days of auld Lang syne?
- Chorus
- And days of auld lang syne, my
dear, - And days of auld lang syne,
- Should old acquaintance be forgot
- And days of auld Lang syne?
11And there's a hand, my trusty friend, And
gi's a hand o'thine, We'll take a cup
o'kindness yet, For auld lang ayne.
Chorus For auld lang ayne, my
dear, For auld lang ayne,
We'll take a cup o'kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
12(No Transcript)