Title: Hydraulic Geometry
1Hydraulic Geometry
2Hydraulic Geometry
- Relationships between the mean stream channel
form and discharge both at-a-station and
downstream along a stream network in a
hydrologically homogeneous basin. - Independent variable discharge (Q) (climate or
anthropogenic controls) - Dependent variables width (w), depth (d),
velocity (v)
3Leopold and Maddock (1953)
- Expressed the hydraulic geometry relationships
for a channel in the form of power functions of
discharge as - w aQb d cQf v kQm
- Where w width, d depth, v velocity
- a,c,k,b,f,m are constants
- exponents indicate rate of increase in a
hydraulic variable (w,d,v) with increasing Q
4- Because Q is a product of wdv
- Q (aQb) (cQf) (kQm) or
- Q ack Q bfm
- Therefore ack and bfm must 1
- Exponents change with location, climate, and
discharge conditions
5Quasi-equilibrium Condition
- Tendency for river to establish equilibrium
- between dominant discharge and sediment load
- Adjustments in width, depth, velocity, roughness,
water slope - Processes are differential, mutually changing
no true equilibrium, quasi-equilibrium
7General Relationships
- w,d,v increase downstream, therefore Q gt
downstream - Depth influences velocity much more significantly
than slope - Once considered that the relationships were
climatically controlled anthropogenic signal
increasing. Balance?
8Two Types of Analyses
- At-a-site hydraulic geometry (Leopold and
Maddock, 1953) uses mean values over a certain
period, such as a week, a month, a season, or a
year. -
- Downstream hydraulic geometry (Dunne and Leopold,
1978) involves spatial variation in channel form
and process at a dominant discharge.
9Regional Hydraulic Geometry Curves
- log-log plots comparing channel dimensions (top
width, mean depth, and cross-sectional area) - at 'bankfull' or effective discharge (usually
between the 1.1 and 1.9 year return interval)
versus drainage area.
10WARSSS, from Dunne and Leopold, 1978
11 Regional Curve Equations Eastern United
States(Estimated from Dunne and Leopold, 1978)
- Wbkf 14 DA 0.399
- Dbkf 1.5 DA 0.294
- Abkf 21 DA 0.679
13Regional Curve Equations(Ohio, from Sherwood and
Huitger, 2005)
- Wbkf 18 DA 0.356
- Dbkf 1.52 DA 0.265
- Abkf 27.1 DA 0.621
- Qbkf 93.3 DA 0.637
14Gray, H.H., 2001, Map of Indiana Showing
Physiographic Divisions, IGS Misc. Map 69
15Rosgen (1994)
- bankfull maximum depth (dmbkf)
- floodprone area width (Wfpa)
- bankfull surface width (Wbkf)
- bankfull mean depth (dbkf)
16Rosgen Stream Type Level II Morphological
- Determined by
- Entrenchment ratio
- Width/depth ratio
- Sinuosity
- Water surface slope
- Channel materials D-50
17Entrenchment RatioWfpa / Wbkf
18Channel Geometry
- Sinuosity
- Slope
- Entrenchment Ratio
Flood width
Flood width
Flood Width Bankfull Width
Entrenchment Ratio
Robinson, 2006
19Width/Depth RatioWbkf / dbkf
21Influence of Slope (S)
- S important in maintaining equilibrium
- Model - graded, concave up long profile
- Slope adjusts with sediment load, climate,
- S is an adjustable property
- Observation as Q ? slope is maintained
- River must then change other variables to
accommodate Q - So gtQ gtv as a result of gtd, ltroughness, or
both - Downstream ltS, gtv results in gtd
23Effect of Slope