Title: PowerPointPrsentation
1Workshop B5
Coexistence and Seeds
Christian Schlatter, Research Institute on
Organic Farming, Switzerland
2Presentations content
- Regulation of seed in a broader national context
- Spatial aspects of coexistence
- Seeds in Organic Agriculture Organic X Seed
3GMO and Coexistence in Switzerland
- Law Coexistence by law Bio ordinance bans use
of GMONo market admission - Economy Trade bans GMO food because of critical
consumersSuisse Garantie and IP SUISSENo GMO
Crops - Politics Gentechfrei-Initiative Legal base to
tackle the problem
4Decision Tree for GMO Seeds in CH according to
seed ordinance
5GMOs in Seeds Regulation
- Swiss Ordinance on Seeds (SR 916.151(since 1999))
- GMOs seeds are labelled
- Threshold of 0.5 per cent (Food/Feed 0.9)
- Approval according the Ordinance on Feed/Food
- Approval according the Swiss Ordiance on GMOs or
an equal Risk Assessment (e.g. EU) - Quality Assurance system for seed companies
- Valid for organic agriculture
- Ordinance is controlled by the Government
(Tomatoes, Chicory, Corn, Oil Seed Rape,
Soybeans, Sugar Beet, Fodder Beet) - Since 1999 only GM-Corn was detected
6Spatial Aspects of Coexistence
- WWF Project on spatial aspects of coexistence for
7The problem on the national levelLabel
production per community
8Estimated spatial probability of OGM cultivation
in Switzerland
9Case Studies
- Coexistence on farm level What does it mean in
spatial terms?
10The farm levelWheat production
Farm 1 Crop production 7 neighbours 100 m
pollen dispersal for wheat
11Case study Reusstal Neighbours
26 Neighbours
12Pollen transfer distances for oil seed rape
13Areas to supervise for typical Swiss farm
14Case study Isolation of GMO farm
1 rape field 18 communities 3 cantons
15Seeds in Organic Agriculture
- Today An instrument to assure organic seed for
Organic Agriculture
- A large amount of seed is imported (e.g. oil rape
seed about 100 ) - A requirement from the federal office of
agriculture - An instrument to provide information on
availability of biological seed according to the
regulation on biological agriculture (SR910.18) - The whole organic seed on the Swiss market is
registered. - It is used as a base for permissions for the
bio-seed service.
18Step 1 Find organic seed for your memberstate
Here Oil seed rape
19Step 2 Check availability of seed adress of
seed producer Oil rape seed in Engl.
20Possible addition for GMO handling Comment on
nearest GMO farm
Attention The nearest rape GMO producer is in
Filton (about 8 km dist.)
- Tomorrow An instrument to assure certified seed
for GMO free production
21Weight of OrganicXSeeds Number of organic seed
product offers
- 5533 products (November 2004)
United Kingdom
Number of products
- Coexistence in federal ordinance
- Problems on farm level due to small-scaled
agriculture - Need for organic agriculture to use certified
seed (federal regulation) Organic X Seed databse - Possibilities to reduce problems on different
levels - Political Moratorium initiative
- Economic Private initiative to organise
agriculture and seed production - Technical Database
23- Thank you for your attention
- Christian Schlatter, FiBL
- CH- 5070 Frick
- Christian.schlatter_at_fibl.org