Title: The water planet
The water planet
2Dear User, Shame to you all, the Ignorant, I am
your life But you seem not to value me Give me
all the respect For in me is eternal life If
you continue abusing me Surely, all forms of
life will wither away Have you ever imagined,
Life without me? I tell you, it will be
unbearable Think twice For every drop counts...
A letter from ___________
3- How much do you know about water?
4The earth is a water planet.
5 Without water, life would not exist.
Water is a must to life.
6Collect as many words as possible related to
7What properties or characteristics do you know
about water?
feeling wet
three forms
absorbing heat
822nd, March
10Group work
- What property of water does each of the four
experiments illustrate? - What causes this phenomenon?
- Whats this phenomenon related to?
- Experiment 1 shows how air pressure causes a
piece of thick paper to cling to an upturned
glass of water.
- Experiment 2 illustrates how substances with
different density behave when placed in the same
- Experiment 3 is an example of how water
dissolves substances and objects.
- Experiment 4 illustrates some of the differences
between salt water and fresh water.
16 17Part 1
Listen to the story and find the information
about it.
When Where Who What
18th century? On a ship Sailors / mariners
One of the sailors kills a bird
that brings good luck to the ship, by doing which
he has brought bad luck and death to the sailors.
18Part 1
1.Who tells the story in the poem?
A mysterious guest tells a strange story to the
people at a wedding.
2. What does one of the sailors do?
One of the sailors, or mariners, shoots a bird
that flies above the ship.
19 3. What do you think will happen next?
When the other mariners see what he has done,
they are frightened and angry.
4. Why are the other sailors frightened?
The bird he has killed is a bird that brings
good luck to the ship. By killing the bird, the
mariner has brought bad luck and death to the
20Part 2
1. What happens to the sailors?
All must die except the mariner who shot the
2. What happens to the mariner?
He must live through it all and will pay by
having to tell the story to all the people he
meets the rest of his life.
21 3. Why is the person telling the story?
He will pay by having to tell the story to
all the people he meets the rest of his life.
4. Who is the person actually?
The person is actually the mariner.
23Listening text (Part 1) Many great poets have
written about the beauty and dangers of the seas
and oceans. In the 18th century, the English poet
Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote a poem calledThe
Rime of the Ancient Mariner. In the poem, a
mysterious guest tells a strange story to the
people at a wedding. He begins his story by
describing how a ship sets out to sea. One day,
one of the sailors, or mariners. Shoots a bird
that flies above the ship. When the other
mariners see what he has done, they are
24frightened and angry. The bird he has killed Is a
bird that brings good luck to the ship. By
killing the bird, the mariner has brought bad
luck and death to the sailors. Soon, things turn
bad. The wind dies down and the sailors are
hungry and thirsty. There is water all around
them, but they cant drink it because it is too
salty. Water,water everywhere, nor any drop to
drink. The mariners are so thirty, hungry, and
frightened that they begin to imagine things
they think they see monsters walking on the water.
25Listening text (Part 2) In the poem, two gods
argue over what should happen to the ship and the
mariners. Finally they decide that all must
die---except the mariner who shot the bird. He
must live through it all and will pay by having
to tell the story to all the people he meets the
rest of his life. On the ship the frightened
mariner watches as the other sailors fall down
dead on the ships deck. Left alone on the ship,
drifting on the ocean, the mariner suffers from
loneliness and fear.
26 Alone, alone,all, all alone, Alone
on a wide wide sea! When the mariner is rescued
at last, he must walk around and tell his story.
This is what the guest tells the people at the
wedding. His story told, the ancient mariner says
farewell and asks them to learn from his
What do you learn from the story?
Everything existing in the world has their own
certain values,
we should understand and respect them.