Title: Three Rs: Retirement, Retention, and Recruitment
1Three Rs Retirement, Retention, and Recruitment
- The Future of Librarianship in Colorado
2Retirement, Retention, Recruitment The Future
of Librarianship in Colorado
- Library Research Service
- Keith Curry Lance, Director
- Nicolle Steffen, Associate Director
- Becky Russell, Senior Research Analyst
- Zeth Lietzau, Senior Research Analyst
- Partners Sponsors
- Colorado Association of Libraries - MADCAL
- Colorado State Library
- University of Denver
3The Challenge
- To take the temperature of librarianship
- in Colorado
- Whose retiring?
- Whose staying?
- Whose choosing librarianship?
- Why?
- When?
4Project Timeline
- May 2003 funded by LSTA Statewide Leadership
Project - Summer 2003 advisory board convened,
questionnaire crafted pre-tested - Fall 2003 survey promoted administered
- Winter/Spring 2004 data analyzed
- Summer/Fall 2004 final report written
- Fall 2004/Winter 2005 - dissemination
- Online survey
- Audience
- All library personnel
- Every part of the state
- All types of libraries
- Branching survey 3Rs
- Retirement
- Retention
- Recruitment
7Response Rate
- 1,241 Colorado librarians paraprofessionals,
LIS students - (26 of audience)
- 45 credentialed librarians
- 55 paraprofessionals
- Public libraries somewhat over represented
- Predominately white, women, over 30
- Librarians
- Of 571 responding librarians, 122 plan to retire
within 5 year - More than 1 in 5
- Paraprofessionals
- Of the 643 respondents, 94 plan to retire with in
5 years - 1 in 7 retiring in 5 years
9Retirement Librarians
- Age
- 71 - 55 or older
- 29 - 45 to 54
- Significant number of retirees are younger than
traditional retirement age
10Retirement Librarians
11Retirement Librarians
Distribution of Years of Library Employment
12Retirement Librarians
- Experience
- 3 in 5 have 20 years of library experience
- 1 in 4 have 11 20 years library experience
- 3 in 4 are supervisors
13Retirement Librarians
Area of Primary Responsibility in Current Position
14Retirement Librarians
- Primary Responsibility
- 2 in 5 are generalists
- 1 in 5 is an administrator
- 1 in 6 is in public service
- 1 in 10 is in technical services
- Significant institutional and professional
knowledge will be lost
15Retirement Librarians
- Job Future
- After these librarians retire
- 1 in 5 expects job to be combined with another
job or eliminated - Almost 1 in 5 expects job qualifications to be
- Incumbent librarians were the largest group of
respondents (N 525, or 42 of sample) - Retaining incumbent librarians as important as
recruiting new ones
17Retention Librarians
- Age
- Only 5 of incumbent librarians are under age 30
- 63 are over 45
- Experience
- 1/4 have worked in libraries 5 years or less
18Retention Librarians
Distribution by Age
19Retention Librarians
Distribution by Years of Library Employment
20Retention Librarians
- Primary Responsibility
- 1 in 3 is a generalist or in public services
- 1 in 6 is an administrator
- lt1 in 10 is in technical services
- 70 have supervisory responsibilities
21Retention Librarians
- Job Future
- If these librarians leave their current jobs
- 1 in 6 expects position to either be combined/
reorganized with another or eliminated altogether - 1 in 14 expects lower educational requirements
for job - Eastern Plains librarians more likely to expect
their jobs will be eliminated than peers in other
22Retention Librarians
- Residence
- 3 in 4 expect to stay in CO
- But
- Academic librarians least likely to limit
themselves to Colorado - Younger librarians most likely to leave
23Retention Librarians
- Career Change
- As many as 1 in 10 plan to leave librarianship
- Librarians 30-44 more likely to contemplate
leaving librarianship - Top fields of interest business, education,
- Students MLS or school library media (17)
- Paraprofessionals work in libraries in various
capacities, not credentialed, not retiring in
the next 5 years (83)
25Recruitment Students
- Age
- Only 16 under age 30
- 1/3 over age 45
- Experience
- 3/4 have some previous library work experience
(1/4 have 6 or more years)
26Recruitment Students
Distribution by Age
27Recruitment Students
Distribution of Years of Library Employment
28Recruitment - Paraprofessionals
- Proportionally, paraprofessionals most
- apt to consider pursuing a library
- degree are
- Located in Mountain Western Slope communities
- Younger
29Recruitment - Paraprofessionals
- Encouraged to pursue a library
- degree by
- Availability of financial aid
- Access to online classes
- Convenient class location schedule
- Flexible work schedule
30Recruitment - Paraprofessionals
- Top 5 reasons for not pursuing a
- library degree
- Not necessary in current position
- Financial constraints
- Satisfied with current position
- Time constraints
- Would not improve compensation
31Recruitment - Paraprofessionals
- Non-metro residents were
- More than twice as likely to be discouraged from
pursuing a library degree by inconveniently
located educational institutions - More encouraged by access to online classes (74
non-metro v. 49 metro)
32Why librarianship?
- What makes librarianship an attractive
- profession?
- According to all respondents
- Service to others
- Love of books or reading
- Intellectual challenge
- Variety of work experiences
- Working with interesting people
33Why not librarianship?
- What most discourages a career in
- librarianship?
- According to all respondents
- Low financial compensation
- Misconceptions about what librarians do
- Negative stereotypes about librarians
- Colorado State Library Colorado Library
Consortium (including CoLAB) - Advocate for librarianship
- Promote leadership development
- Provide small medium sized libraries with human
resources support - Professional Organizations
- Contact elected officials to advocate for
libraries - Sponsor conferences workshops
- Produce professional publications
- Confer awards
- Libraries Decision Makers
- Recruit, hire, support credentialed libaraians
- Provide incentives support for those seeking
library credentials - Recruit new librarians from within
- Provide compensation sufficient to retain
incumbent librarians - Cultivate leadership
- Library Educators
- Recruit new librarians
- Make education available statewide (extension
online courses) - Respect multiple learning styles
- Promote leadership
- Librarians
- Pursue appropriate credentials
- Join participate in professional organizations
- Pursue continuing education opportunities
- Volunteer for leadership roles
37Retirement, Retention, Recruitment The Future
of Librarianship in Colorado
- For more information visit
- www.LRS.org