Title: Greening the greenhouse: general considerations
1Greening the greenhousegeneral considerations
Gerard Bot Wageningen UR Greenhouse
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
2Trends in European Horticulture
Increase of scale partner in the market chain
Improved control crop growth factors production
quality quantity
Year round crop production labour market
Licence to deliver
Sustainability CPC, water, materials, energy
bottleneck energy consumption
Licence to produce
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
3Energy consumption in European greenhouses
1900 MJm-2 (45 l oil m-2)
1500 MJm-2 (35 l oil m-2)
500 MJm-2 (12 l oil m-2)
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
4Yield in European greenhouses
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
objectives for Northern and Southern regions
Year round - maximize solar radiation (crop
production!) - minimize energy consumption
Hot periods - energy efficient cooling to
reduce high temperatures
Of course grower needs - profitable crop
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
6Greening the greenhouse energy saving
From a systems point of view
- properties low heat loss greenhouse cover
combined with high light transmission
crop production solar energy in
- control climate settings and control strategy
- temperature humidity CO2
- winter heating and ventilation summer
efficient cooling
- conversion of primary energy to heat
- the engine of the greenhouse
- boiler, cogeneration, heat pump, fuel cell,
7Properties cover insulation and energy
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
8properties plus energy friendly control
Rel. Econs ()
k (W/m2K)
about 20 improvement possible maintaining
optimal crop production
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
9Also changing the engine
25 work (electricity) needs 60 primary energy so
40 energy saving
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
10properties, control and other engine
11Properties Reduction of energy losses insulation
- Decreasing k-value (W/m2K)
- Thermal screens
- Double or triple cover (glass, plastic film)
- Gas filled space between glass layers
- Vacuum space between glass layers
- Reduction of thermal radiation loss
- Low TIR emission coatings
Bottleneck Light transmission
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
12Properties improved light transmission
- anti-reflection coating 6
- geometry of the material
- V structure material
- Micro V surface
Principle multiple reflection increases light
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
13Energy friendly control
- aim optimal crop production
- grower holds the control-wheel
- estimated risks with humidity control
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
14Engine heat pump and energy reservoir
- contains sufficient amount of energy in winter
- to be filled in summer exploiting excess solar
- Large capacity,
- 10 l oil eq per m2
- 10 m3 water/m2 with ?T 10K or 2000 kg PCM
- Physically only possible in the soil
- Aquifer or VSHE
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
15Aquifer Summer period excess heat
emptying cold aquifer (greenhouse is
cooled) filling warm aquifer
heat exchanger
7 oC
17 oC
16emptying warm aquifer greenhouse is heated
filling cold aquifer
17Seasonal storage
- Aquifer 2 wells at different temperature
- specific geological conditions
not available at TLR
- Vertical Soil Heat Exchanger
- passive storage via boreholes
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
18Generating electricity
- Electricity plant 100 fuel energy in,
- 42 electric energy, useful
- 48 reject heat, lost
- By exploiting reject heat
- 30 energy (CO2) saving
- Bottleneck centralised electr production
decentralise ep local exploitation reject heat
greenhouses Holland 2000MW installed 40 of
greenhouse area
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
- Greenhouse horticulture is vigorous in
- N-W Europe
- Energy is bottleneck in sustainability
- Energy saving via greenhouse properties,
- climate control and energy conversion
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
- Greenhouse properties - insulation
- - light transmission
- Climate control interaction T and RH control
- growers tool to control production
- crop dependent quantity and quality
- growers try to avoid risks (disease control)
- Energy conversion
- - boiler with condensor
- - heat pump/seasonal storage
- - cogeneration
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
21Thank you for your attention
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
22- Introduction
- Sustainable greenhouses
- Seasonal energy storage
- To be realised
- conclusions
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
23- demand for energy carriers
- like oil, gas, coal, etc??
- mechanical work, both at fixed locations
and mobile
- heat for processing and climate
- lighting (included in mech work)
- communication/info-tainment (same)
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
24Demand for mechanicalwork versus heat?
- energy demand in various sectors
Estimation Mech Work Units (MWU) and Heat
Units (HU)
- transport 20 (efficiency 25) 5 -
- industry 40
- (28 raw materialsheatgt100oC) 8
(electr) 4 - domestic 20 4 (electr) 16
- remainder 20 7 (electr) 13
- total excl transport 19 (electr) 33
First step to sustainability energy saving
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
25Generating electricity
- Electricity plant 100 fuel energy in,
- 42 electric energy, usefull
- 48 reject heat, lost
- By exploiting reject heat
- 30 energy (CO2) saving
- Bottleneck centralised el production
decentralise ep local exploitation reject heat
19 units electricity covers 19 units heat
greenhouses Holland 2000MW installed 40 of
greenhouse area
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
26Heat Pump
27Energy targets (Netherlands 2020 greenhouses
without fossil fuel)
target 2020 (0)
Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008
28Greening the Greenhouse April 2, 2008