Bandera: Extracting Finitestate Models from Java Source Code - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bandera: Extracting Finitestate Models from Java Source Code


Automatic specification verification. Covers all possible paths in the model ... Verification tools use an specification language. Requirement Specification Problem ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bandera: Extracting Finitestate Models from Java Source Code

Bandera Extracting Finite-state Models from Java
Source Code
  • James C. Corbett (Hawaii)
  • Matthew B. Dwyer, John Hatcliff, Shawn Laubach,
    Corina S. Pasareanu, Robby, Hongjun Zheng (KSU)
  • Presented by Christian Almazan
  • 18 November 2003 (CMSC 631)

Model Checking in One Slide
  • Model Checker
  • SPIN
  • dSPIN
  • SMV

Finite-State Model
  • Temporal Logic Formula
  • Linear Temporal Logic (LTL)
  • Computation Tree Logic (CTL)
  • Automatic specification verification
  • Covers all possible paths in the model
  • Popular in hardware and protocol verification

Difficulty in BringingModel Checking to Software
  • State-Explosion Problem
  • States increase exponentially as program size
  • Model Construction Problem
  • Development in a general-purpose language
  • Verification tools use an specification language
  • Requirement Specification Problem
  • Specification languages tend to be mathematical
  • Hard to use, read, debug, very lengthy
  • Output Interpretation Problem
  • Counter-example long and complex
  • Hard to map directly to source code

Problems in Previous Efforts
  • Monolithic Approach
  • Model checker for a specific language (Erlang)
  • Difficult to place newer model checking
  • Source Code ? Verifier Input Language
  • Translates program directly from source code
  • JCAT or Java PathFinder to PROMELA for SPIN
  • Program Size Increases Exponential State Growth
  • Combined Problems
  • Keeps developers tied to one technology
  • Limited support for control and data abstraction

Overcoming Obstacles Bandera
  • Use proven model checkers
  • SPIN, dSPIN, Java PathFinder
  • Automated transformations
  • Compacting number of states
  • Use individual models for each property
  • Design for extensibility
  • Build individual components
  • Create a friendly environment
  • Familiar, uniform, specifications easy to learn
  • Leveraged for testing, debugging, and simulation

Bandera Components
Program Infrastructure
  • Built on top of the Soot compiler framework
  • Uses control-flow graph language Jimple
  • Language used by all middleware components
  • Java-to-Jimple-to-Java Compiler (JJJC)
  • Easily use internal tools and return Java code
  • Allows model checker counter-examples to be
    mapped back into original Java source code

Property Specification
  • Bandera Specification Language (BSL)
  • Collection of temporal specification patterns in
  • Parameterized macros ? LTL or CTL
  • Defined in source code directly using Javadoc
  • Not mathematical like LTL or CTL

Bounded Buffer Specification
  • If a buffer becomes full, it will eventually
    become non-full.
  • /
  • _at_observable
  • EXP Full(this) (head tail)
  • FullToNonFull forallbBoundedBuffer
  • !Full(b) responds to Full(b)
  • /
  • class BoundedBuffer
  • ...

Static Analysis
  • Bandera Object Flow Analysis (BOFA)
  • Optimizations data/control analysis
  • Statically collects information about objects
    that may flow into each program expression at
  • Associates a set of tokens t1, , tn for a
    particular expression e.
  • ti is a pair (C,s) C is a class name and s is
    where object is created
  • Similar to points to analysis for imperative
    languages and closure analysis used for
    functional programming languages

In Property
  • Given program P and slicing criterion ? based on
    the observables in the specification
  • Does program dependence-based slicing to get a
    reduced version of P
  • dependences data, control, interference, ready,
  • backwards slicing
  • Effectiveness based on structure of program

Abstract Interpretation
  • Further reductions through data abstraction
  • Useful when specification does not need concrete
    values, but only properties of values
  • Developers aid abstraction libraries Bandera
    Abstraction Specification Library (BASL)
  • Utilizes the PVS theorem prover
  • Examples
  • integers to signs positive, zero, negative
  • vector items ItemInVector, ItemNotInVector

Back End Model Generation
  • Bandera Intermediate Representation language
  • Jimple-BIR BIR Constructor
  • Used between Bandera components and model checker
    input languages
  • Model checker writers only need to write a
    translator from BIR to their input language
  • BIR contains higher-level constructs to model
    Java code more efficiently
  • locks, threads, references, heap

Bandera Components
Using Bandera
  • Launch the Bandera User Interface (BUI) from the
    command line
  • Future runs save which components you want to
    use in session files

Counter-Example Overview
  • Counter-example with a thousand states?!?!
  • Bandera provides debugger-like features
  • map states to source code
  • program tracing
  • create checkpoints
  • keep track of variables and objects
  • UML-like object displays
  • lock graphs

Counter-ExampleProgram Tracing
Counter-ExampleLock Graph
Counter-ExampleObject Viewer
Mandatory Performance Slide
Threaded Pipeline b basic d defective
variant r response property p precedence
property n no reductions s slicing a slicing
data abstraction
When to Use Model Checking
  • Control-related properties
  • assertions
  • pre- and post-conditions
  • simple data invariants
  • Container objects
  • stacks
  • queues
  • Verifying concurrent behavior
  • Necessity for counter-examples
  • Automatic property verification of source code

Analysis Not Appropriate for Model Checking
  • Data-related properties
  • Verification of sorting algorithms
  • Use other formal methods instead (theorem
  • Where static dataflow analysis is better
  • array-bounds errors
  • buffer overruns
  • null-pointer de-referencing

The Future of Bandera
  • Bandera 0.3b2 Summer 2003
  • Bandera 1.0 Summer 2004
  • No more command line startup
  • Collection of plug-ins for the Eclipse IDE
  • All features re-deigned, re-implemented, re-done
  • Future of Model Checking? Bogor (KSU)
  • Forget supporting other model checkers in Bandera
  • Bogor is a big step in model checking?

Links and Related Work
  • Try Me!
  • http//
  • Visit Citeseer for abstraction and slicing papers
  • Model Checkers SPIN, dSPIN, JPF
  • Source Code Translators JPF, JCAT
  • Many More! Use Google!

  • Learn anything from this talk or the class?
  • Would you use model checking? If so, when?
  • Do you like the push for the original Bandera?
  • Using only Eclipse a good idea?
  • Why stop supporting other model checkers?
  • Support their own tool Bogor?
  • Too time consuming writing BIR translators?
  • A dream writing BIR, universal language?
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