Title: Analyzing and Planning Your Campaign
1Analyzing and Planning Your Campaign
2Analyzing Workplace Campaign
- 1. When Setting a Goal
- Calculate the total you wish to achieve
- Divide it by the total employment
- Share with employees what the gift per employee
would be - Examples If everyone in our company, at a
minimum, would give 5 per paycheck we could
raise 50,000 - 2. When Training Your Committee and Solicitors
- Emphasize the goal is to increase giving and/or
participation - Teach them how to ask people to increase their
gifts - 3. When Promoting the Campaign
- Emphasize how increasing individual gifts makes
an impact. - Use incentives and hold special events to keep
the campaign fun while still remaining
educational - 4. During group meetings
- Be sure to share the campaign goal
- Avoid saying things like, If youre already
giving you dont have to sign up or just write
same on the card - Ask employees to increase (remember every
dollar matters!)
3Analyzing Workplace Campaign
- 6. Committed CEO and top managers
- Involved financially and/or personally to the
United Way - Provides time and support to the campaign
committee - Provides time and personal support to employee
meetings - CEO or peer contact
- 7. Committed Internal Campaign Structure
- This could be in the form of campaign committee
representing all departments (this will vary
based on your companys makeup) - Marketing/Public Relations
- Payroll
- Line People
- Middle Management
- Human Resources
- Upper Management
- Labor
- 8. Clear and Open Line of Communication
- Between CEO/campaign committee
- Between campaign committee and employees
4Analyzing Workplace Campaign
- 10. Train and Educate Campaign Committee
Concerning - United Way
- Community needs and how they can meet those
needs - Allocations
- Volunteerism
- Explanation of the correlation between campaign
giving and participation. - 11. Analyze Past Campaign
- Overall company campaign
- Departmental campaign
- Example Looking at the number of participants
versus the number of employees. - 12. Develop Goals Based on Increased
Participation. - Departmental and company goal
- 13. Motivate/Educate Employees Use of campaign
materials - Posters
- Table Tents
- Video
5Analyzing Workplace Campaign
14. Group Meeting Set time and date or dates
where management can endorse the companys
involvement with the campaign. Departmental
representative speak on behalf of the committee
and the United Way explaining the plan of
action Goal Theme Incentive program
Community needs Speaker Testimonial Video
Personalized pledge card ASK! 15. Thank You /
Recognize Those Who Help Make the Campaign a
Success CEO Upper management Middle
management Line employees Campaign Committee
6Analyzing Workplace Campaign
16. Immediately evaluate and measure the results
of your campaign with those involved. CEO
Campaign committee United Way staff person 17.
Communicate Year Round Distribute United Way
e-blasts Schedule Brown Bag seminars Get
involved with the Volunteer Center Ask new
hires to contribute to United Way throughout the
7Thank You