Theseus and the Minotaur - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Theseus and the Minotaur


Theseus had had enough and decided to go with them this time in order to defeat ... they send this man to kill MY Minotaur, and thirdly he takes my daughter. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Theseus and the Minotaur

  • Theseus and the Minotaur

After King Minoss son was killed in Athens,
Crete threatened to attack the Athenians unless
seven young men and seven maidens were sent to
Crete each year to feed the Minotaur. Theseus had
had enough and decided to go with them this time
in order to defeat the hideous beast.
King Minos
King Aegeus
  • Its absolutely ridiculous that King Minos made a
    stupid beast called the Minotaur, just because my
    dad and my dads people (of Athens) killed King
    Minoss son because he won the Olympics. But he
    does have a point. I would be a bit mad if
    someone killed my son, but I wouldnt make a
    beast and threaten to let it go if they didnt
    give seven young men and seven young maidens
    every year to feed the beast.
  • So I offered to go and kill the beast. At first,
    my dad said no but I persuaded him to let me go.
    When I come back I have to put a white sail on
    the boat so my dad can see I am still alive.

King Aegeus
  • I feel really angry that I let my son travel to
    Crete, to try and kill that horrible beast. I
    hope that he gets home safely. I will know that
    he is alive if he puts the white sail up. King
    Minoss son got killed by the Athenians, but I
    dont care- he isnt my son. I am happy because
    my son might be a hero from killing the Minotaur.
    I shouldnt have agreed that he could kill the
    Minotaur though- it was still really stupid of
    him to be one of the 14 men and maidens. What am
    I thinking? Should I have let him go to Crete?
  • I hope he comes back so, so happy that he has
    been the only one to kill the bone crushing
    Minotaur. The Minotaur gets fed every year. My
    son is very brave I know he wont get nervous.

King Minos
  • I am really, really angry because those stupid
    Athenians killed my son. It is perfectly right to
    send 7 young men and 7 maidens to be fed to the
    Minotaur because they killed my athletic son and
    I do hope that their 7 young men and 7 maidens
    get here very, very soon. If they dont I will
    gather up my army and attack them unexpectedly.
  • I absolutely hate those Athenians. I should not
    have let them just send the people, I should have
    attacked them straight away. At least then I
    could kill more people in 1 battle than I would
    now. They deserve all that theyve got, even them
    being eaten by my Minotaur. I bet you they will
    be asking themselves some questions like, Why am
    I doing this? Why should I do this?
  • Why did they kill my son? He did nothing wrong to
    any of them. He should not have been killed. I
    hope my daughter is ok and that she wont get
    killed as well. Talking about my daughter where
    is she anyway?

  • I feel guilty that my brother has died, but in
    some ways he deserved it. He always got the
    attention, but I do miss him. Why did Father
    demand for 7 young men and 7 young maidens to
    come to Crete and get eaten by the Minotaur? Just
    because brother died he wants other lives to be
    lost in his place. Father thinks everyone is
    against him and because of that he thinks he can
    do whatever he wants.
  • I hope that some day someone will take me away
    and then lets see how Father feels. I am so
    scared sometimes and I feel like the bone
    crunching Minotaur will escape from the maze and
    come and get me. Sometimes I feel happy that the
    Athenians get eaten by the Minotaur but only when
    I am angry.

When they arrived in Crete, the 14 young people
were taken through the streets to the palace.
Ariadne, King Minoss daughter spotted Theseus
and decided to help him.
King Minos
King Aegeus
  • I dont know why I am risking my life, just
    because other people are getting killed. What am
    I doing? Im scared and nervous, but how am I
    going to kill the evil Minotaur? What is going to
    happen to me? I could die but I may live, I must
    be going crazy to be here. Still, the Minotaur
    might be weak so he might be easy to beat. I can
    win and I will win. I have to concentrate if I
    want to win. I will be successful. Im happy now
    I have got a sword. I can beat the Minotaur.
  • Ariadne gave me a ball of wool so I can use it to
    get back out of the maze....

King Aegeus
  • I hope hes ok, I would hate it if something
    happened to him. Im such an idiot, why did I let
    him go? I hope he had a safe journey though Im
    terrified that his ship might have sunk on the
    way. I hope he kills the dreadful Minotaur
    because I know he can do it. Im so grateful he
    is trying to help our people. I hate King Minos.
    I hope he doesnt hurt my poor son. I hope he
    passes his task otherwise I will be mortified!!!!
    I am anxious to find out if the boat has white
    sails or not...

King Minos
  • I am amazed that King Aegeus let my son be
    killed- now he will pay. He will have to send 14
    youths every year to be fed to my Minotaur and if
    they do not cooperate there will be war. Wait,
    what is that child doing down there with a sword?
    Oh hes come to slay the Minotaur, oh, an
    infantile hero, not!! I hope Ariadne doesnt take
    a liking to him-she has a habit of that. Guards,
    force the 14 to the labyrinth. Oh, and one has a
    sword. Disarm him instantaneously!!
  • I am still as livid as a bull in a room of red
    because of those Athenians! Send him to the
    labyrinth, guards. Ariadne, Ariadne, what are you
    doing? Stay away from those Athenian scum!! I
    said stay away from him, now! What are you
    fumbling around about, get back here! I said away
    from them. Do it at this moment!

  • I really, really love Theseus. I think he looks
    so handsome. I wonder if I could marry him? I
    think that it is so cruel to feed people to the
    Minotaur. Father thinks that the Athenians should
    pay for what they did to brother, but I think
    that feeding Athenians to the Minotaur has gone
    on too long.
  • Theseus, if youll take me with you to Athens,
    Ill help you escape from the palace. Take this
    ball of wool and this sword. Use the ball of wool
    to get back to the start of the labyrinth. Hold
    the ball and Ill hold the end. When you have
    killed the Minotaur, roll the ball up and Ill
    meet you at the start of the labyrinth.

Theseus entered the labyrinth and searched
bravely for the Minotaur. After many twisting
passages, he came face to face with the beast
and, after struggling for many hours, he was
victorious. Theseus and Ariadne escaped to the
boat and set sail.
King Minos
King Aegeus
  • I have to kill that Minotaur. Ive just got to!
    Bring it on! I cant get eaten, well not alive
    anyway, Im too young! Im really scared, and Im
    worried about my dad. I wonder whats going
    through his head. Is he alive? Is he dead?
  • I did it! Im really happy now! I killed that
    Minotaur and now for that Ariadne. I might dump
    her on that island I passed on my way here but
    she did me a big favour and I will feel really
    bad about it after. Im still worried about Dad!
    I wish I could tell him that Im safe! Oh I hate

King Aegeus
  • I really, really hope that my young boy Theseus
    manages to kill the horrible Minotaur. What if he
    defeats the Minotaur but cant escape? Worse
    still what would happen if the Minotaur defeats
    Theseus? The monster would still eat my people
    and how would I live with myself? Why did I let
    my only child go to try and kill the Minotaur?
  • Oh. I really love Theseus. And I may never see
    him again. I know us killing one of the best
    athletes in Greece was wrong but King Minos has
    no right to do this. He is breaking my peoples
    hearts and mine. What will happen if the sail
    comes back black? How would I cope?
  • I said to my people that I was sorry that our
    relatives had been sent to Crete and didnt come
    back. I am also sorry that some people they love
    are there as we speak. I now know how they all
    feel- devastated that the children may not come
    back. I feel bad that I am letting King Minos
    crush our lives.

King Minos
  • I ask for 14 people and then they send this
    stupid prince along that my daughter now loves!
    But no, Im not worried, the Minotaur will beat
    him. I dont know what Theseus is thinking but I
    am right, he is stupid.
  • WHAT?! Firstly they kill my son, secondly they
    send this man to kill MY Minotaur, and thirdly he
    takes my daughter. I dont want to know what hes
    going to do with her know I really dont!

  • Thank goodness my dad is still asleep, otherwise
    we might not have been able to escape. Those
    stupid guards are eating lunch in the great hall
    on the other side of the palace. Wow! He really
    does have a huge boat with his own crew too! Im
    so pleased he defied our Minotaur but he never
    would have done it without my ball of wool and
    sword. And now we are getting married. I think
    Im might cry.

The boat stopped at an island to gather
provisions. Theseus left Ariadne sleeping there
and sailed away without her. Unfortunately, he
forgot to change the sail on the boat to white
and his father thought the black sail meant his
son was dead. In his grief, he leapt off the
rocks and into the sea.
King Minos
King Aegeus
  • The boat pulled into the dock, to fetch some
    supplies but then Ariadne fell asleep. I sailed
    away without a second thought Im glad I got rid
    of her I said, chuckling. While sailing away
    from the dreaded island, I was thinking about how
    horrible it would be to marry her. Urghh! I
    shuddered at the thought of it. I really hope
    that Ariadne cant swim. I dont want her trying
    to find me.
  • I was glad that Ariadne gave me the sword and
    ball of string but I wouldnt EVER marry her. I
    must remember not to party too much as Ive got
    to put up that white sail before it comes into
    sight of Athens.
  • Too late.
  • Fathers dead. As soon as he saw the black sail
    he hurled himself into the ocean and drowned.
  • Now that he is dead Ive taken the throne and Im
    going to be the best leader of Athens theres
    ever been.

King Aegeus
  • I have been waiting for weeks now but still no
    sign of my son. I feel quite guilty for letting
    Minoss son be killed. I am worried and my heads
    all scrambled, I wonder when, and if, Theseus
    will be sailing back home? Oh I hope that isnt
    his boat. I wonder if I should jump off here?
    Dont tell anyone or Ill haunt you!

King Minos
  • I cant believe that that stupid boy has got away
    with it! He arrived on this island, full of daft
    notions that he could beat the Minotaur and
    somehow, he managed it! Now Im left with no
    beast and no daughter! What if they get something
    out of my daughter like a secret? What if they
    kill her or feed her to a beast? I should get my
    guards to find her. I knew that she loved him, I
    could see it in her eyes. I cannot believe she
    went off with him, that mean Theseus, after all
    he has done to my kingdom. What if he takes over
    my kingdom and all of my people?

  • I cant believe that Theseus said that he would
    marry me, but now he has suddenly changed his
    mind and left me on this horrid, smelly island.
    After all that I have done to help him. Surely he
    has just realised that I am not with him because
    I am going to be his wife soon. So he should be
    coming back for me. He would never leave me here,
    would he?
  • Im so angry that father has done this. All of
    this would not have happened if the Athenians had
    not killed my brother, but it is also good
    because I met handsome Theseus. Im still madly
    in love with him and I cant stop thinking about
    him. Im frustrated that father has made 14
    Athenians die by the Minotaur every year.
  • Theseus come back, what about our marriage. I
    love you. Please Theseus. Are you coming back or
    not? Surely you are coming to get me. Are you?

The End
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