Title: Bullying
1Bullying Harassment Policy
Santa Rosa County School District Conni L.
Carnley Director of Middle Schools
2Policy Background
- Florida Statute 1006.147 (2008)
- The Jeffrey Johnson Stand Up for All Students
Act - Required a Stand-Alone Policy
3Definition (SBP 5.321)
- Bullying means systematically and chronically
inflicting physical hurt or psychological
distress on one or more students or employees.
The behavior is severe or pervasive enough to
create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive
educational environment cause discomfort or
humiliation or unreasonably interfere with the
individuals school performance or participation.
4Definition (SBP 5.321)
- Harassment means any threatening, insulting or
dehumanizing gesture, use of data or computer
software, or written, verbal, or physical conduct
directed against a student or school employee
that - Places a student or school employee in reasonable
fear of harm to his/her person or damage to
his/her property. - Has the effect of substantially interfering with
a students educational performance,
opportunities, or benefit or - Has the effect of substantially disrupting the
orderly operation of a school.
5What is the difference between bullying and
There really is no difference harassment is a
type of bullying. Many bullying behaviors have
names that adults recognize as crimes extortion,
assault, slander, libel, etc
6Types of Bullying
- Direct Bullying
- Physical violence (Hitting, kicking, shoving,
spitting) - Taunting, teasing, racial slurs, put-downs, name
calling, verbal harassment - Threatening, obscene gestures
- Extortion or stealing money and/or possessions
7Types of Bullying
- Indirect Bullying
- Getting another person to bully for you
- Spreading rumors
- Deliberately excluding someone from a group or
activity - Cyber-bullying
8Disability Harassment
- Definition
- Intimidation or abusive behavior toward a student
based on disability - A disability includes but is not limited to
intellectual disability, physical disability,
learning difficulty, health related disability,
physical characteristics, mental or psychiatric
disability. - Including but not limited to a student with an
IEP or 504.
9Bullying and Harassment also encompass
- Retaliation against a student or school employee
by another student or school employee for
asserting or alleging an act of bullying or
harassment. - Especially in cases with regard to actions
involving a protected activity. - Protected Activity is
- Opposition to a practice believed to be unlawful
discrimination - If an employee, parent or student makes a
harassment complaint the governing body can not
retaliate in response.
10Gender Differences
- Most studies find that boys bully more than girls
- Boys report being bullied by boys girls report
being bullied by boys and girls. - Boys are more likely than girls to be physically
bullied by their peers. - Girls are more likely to be bullied through
rumor-spreading, sexual comments, social
exclusion, embarrassment
11Demographic Characteristics
- Children who bully
- Can come from any economic, cultural, or
religious background - Often in late elementary or middle school
12Conditions Surrounding Bullying
- Children are usually bullied by one child or a
small group - Common locations playground, classroom, lunch
room, halls, bathrooms - Bullying is more common at school than on the way
to/from school - Children who are bullied often stand out as
different in some way due to their appearance
(weight, size, clothes, disability), sexual
orientation, intellect, socio-economic
background, or cultural or religious background.
13Children Who Bully
- Want power
- Have a positive attitude toward violence
- Have quick tempers
- Have difficulty conforming to rules
- Gain satisfaction from inflicting injury and
perceive rewards (prestige, material goods)
from their behavior - Have positive self images.
- Lack empathy
- .
14Signs That a Child is Being Bullied
- Emotional Signs
- Withdrawal and/or shyness
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Aggression
15Signs That a Child is Being Bullied
- Physical Signs
- Cuts, bruises, scratches
- Headaches, stomach aches
- Damaged possessions
- Missing possessions that need to be replaced
16Health Consequences of Bullying (Fekkes et al.,
17Signs That a Child is Being Bullied
- Behavioral/Social Signs
- Changes in eating or sleeping habits (nightmares)
- No longer wanting to participate in activities
once enjoyed - Beginning to bully siblings or mistreat family
pets - Hurting self, attempting or threatening suicide
- Suddenly changing friends
18Signs That a Child is Being Bullied
- Academic Signs
- Not wanting to go to school
- Changing method of going to school
- Drop in grades
- Increased absenteeism
19Bully / Victims
- Common Characteristics of Bully/ Victims
- Hyperactivity, have difficulty concentrating
- Quick tempered, try to fight back if provoked
- May be bullied by many children
- Try to bully younger, weaker children
20Bully / Victims
- Display the social-emotional problems of
victimized children AND behavioral problems of
children who bully (Nansel et al., 2003) - Poor relationships with classmates
- Lonely
- Poorer academic achievement
- Higher rates of smoking and alcohol use
- More frequent fighting
21Negative Impact of Witnessing Bullying
- More than 50 of teens (12 17) witness at least
one bullying or taunting incident in school each
week (NCPC, 20) - Students in grades 7 12 say revenge is the
strongest motivation for school shootings 86
said, other kids picking on them, making fun of
them, or bullying them can cause teenagers to
turn to lethal violence in schools (Cerio, 2001)
22 Reporting of Bullying to School Staff
- Many do not report being bullied
- Older children and boys are less likely to report
victimization - Why dont students report?
- 2/3 of the victims felt that teachers/administrati
on responded poorly - 6 believed that the teachers/administration
responded very well (Hover et al., 1992)
23What works in bullying prevention?
- What is required to reduce bullying in schools is
nothing less than a change in the school climate
and in norms for behavior. - This requires a comprehensive, school-wide effort
involving the entire school community.
24Bullying Prevention
- Teachers, Counselors, Administrators
- Ensure that students understand the definition of
bullying behaviors and effects. - Work with students to create school rules against
bullying - Post the rules in a visible place
- Have students sign the rules or contract against
25Furthering Bullying Prevention
- Help students develop positive social skills
- Provide supervision for students at all times
(unstructured environments) - Instruct students on how to report bullying or
harassing behavior. - Take immediate action when bullying is witnessed
or reported.
26Reported Bullying
- Bullying / Harassment may be reported by the
following in person or anonymously - The victim of bullying/ harassment behavior
- Anyone who witnessed the bullying/harassment
- Anyone who has credible information that an act
of bullying/ harassment has taken place
- Procedures for reporting an act of
bullying/harassment are to be publicized and
indicate that a report may be filed in person or
anonymously and how the report will be followed
up on.
27Methods for Investigation
- Report the incident to administration
- Have separate conversations with the child who is
bullied and the child who did the bullying. - Speak first with the child who is bullied
- Interview witnesses as necessary from both sides.
28Methods for Investigation
- Speak with the parents of the students directly
involved. Parents of both students involved must
be contacted within 24 hours of the school
initiating the investigation. - Impose consequences for the bullying child
- In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct
- Law enforcement is to be notified as necessary.
- Inform the parents/guardians of both parties the
result of the investigation and action taken
including efforts to prevent recurrence.
29Methods for Investigation
- Refer incident and both students to the
Integrated Services Team for further follow-up
(school based counseling referral, etc.) - Maintain all documentation for reporting. All
communications with parent/guardians must be
applicable to FERPA provisions. (See Policy 5.321
section VI-VII) - A disciplinary Referral coded as Bullying
requires an incident report to be generated for
reporting to the state.
30Further implications
- All reports of bullying and harassment are to be
investigated as outlined by - School Board Policy 5.321 (Bullying and
Harassment Policy - School Board Policy 2.70 (Prohibiting
Discrimination, Including Sexual and Other Forms
of Harassment) - Student Code of Conduct
31- References
- Bullying Whats New and What To Do. National
Crime Prevention Council 2006.
lthttp//www.ncpc.orggt. - Whiteman, Donna. Addressing Bullying in
32- References
- Bullying Whats New and What To Do. National
Crime Prevention Council 2006.
lthttp//www.ncpc.orggt. - Whiteman, Donna. Addressing Bullying in
Schools. Kansas Anti-Bullying Character
Development Legislation, 2008. - Bullying Among Children Youth. Health
Resources and Services Administration. 2005.