Title: Internetworking, Switching and Routing
118th APAN MeetingsQUESTnet 2004Introduction
to SIPPatrick FerriterVice President of
Product Marketing
2History and properties
- SIP is an OSI Layer 7 protocol
3SIP History
- Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) protocol
- Inventors M. Handley, H. Schulzrinne, E.
Schooler, and J. Rosenberg - Became Proposed Standard and RFC 2543 in March
1999. - SIPPING (applications) and SIMPLE (presence and
instant messaging) WGs using SIP. - SIP is now specified in RFC 3261
4SIP Properties, 1
- Web Integrated
- SIP is a close relative of HTTP 1.1
- Similar spec outline
- URIs and URLs
- Error messages
- Similar parser
- Adapted for session initiation
- Makes real time, interactive communications just
another web feature
5SIP Properties, 2
- State Aware
- Periodically refreshed state
- Robust against system crashes
- Less state in the center
- More state in periphery
- State in client and server
- Types of state
- Transaction state
- Dialogue state
- Stateful or Stateless proxies
6SIP Properties, 3
- Transport Independent
- SIP is transport neutral
- UDP is most popular today
- simple, quick, efficient
- TCP can be used for more persistent connections
- TLS on top of TCP for hop-by-hop security
- SIP is also media neutral
- VoIP
- Fax
- Gaming
7SIP Properties, 4
- SIP Authentication
- Challenge/Response based on shared secret - SIP
Digest - Mechanism also used by HTTP
- Used for client devices
- Encryption using private/public keys
- Used between servers
8SIP Properties, 5
- Privacy and security
- SIP signaling can be encrypted
- S/MIME (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail
Extensions) - Defined in RFC 2633
- SIP can be transported over
- IPSec
- Defined in RFC 2401
- TLS (Transport Layer Security)
- Defined in RFC 2246
9SIP Properties, 5
- SIP can carry encryption key for media in SDP
- Session Description Protocol (SDP)
- Defined in RFC 2327
- Anonymizer service can be used to conceal
10Session Description Protocol (SDP)
- SIP carries (encapsulates) SDP messages
- SDP specifies codecs and media termination points
- Only one of many possible MIME attachments
carried by SIP
11SDP Properties
- Defined in RFC 2327
- Is used to describe media session
- Carried as a message body in SIP messages
- Is a text-based protocol
- Uses RTP/AVP Profiles for common media types
- E.g. RFC 3551 RTP Profile for Audio and Video
Conferences with Minimal Control
12SDP Structure
- v0
- oTesla 289084 289041 IN IP4 lab.high-voltage.org
- s-
- cIN IP4
- t0 0
- maudio 49170 RTP/AVP 0
- artpmap0 PCMU/8000
- v Version number (ignored by SIP)
- o Origin (only 3rd field (version) used by SIP)
- s Subject (ignored by SIP)
- c Connection Data (IN internet, IP4 IPv4, IP
Address) - t Time (ignored by SIP)
- m Media (type, port, RTP/AVP Profile)
- a Attribute (profile, codec, sampling rate)
- Specifies IP address and port that this device
would like to use to RECEIVE data
13SIP Addressing
- SIP Uses SIP URLs - Uniform Resource Locators
- Can look like email address or contain phone
numbers - sipJohn_at_doe.com
- sip14085551212_at_company.com
14SIP Request Methods, 1
- SIP used for Peer-to-Peer Communication though it
uses a Client-Server model - Requests are called methods
- Six methods are defined in base RFC 3261
15SIP Request Methods, 2
- Register contact with Registrar
- Creates, negotiates and tears down a call
(dialogue) - MESSAGE
- Creates an Instant Messaging session
- Subscribe to a service (like message waiting
indication) - NOTIFY
- Notify a change in service state (new Voicemail)
16SIP Methods - INVITE, 1
- INVITE requests the establishment of a session
- Carried in Message Body (SDP)
- Type of session
- IP Address
- Port
- Codec
17SIP Methods - INVITE, 2
- An INVITE during an existing session (dialogue)
is called a re-INVITE - re-INVITEs can be used to
- Place calls on or remove calls from hold
- Change session parameters and codecs
- The SIP UPDATE method is the proposed replacement
for this technique
18SIP Methods - ACK
- ACK completes the three way session setup
handshake (INVITE, final response, ACK) - Only used for INVITE
- If INVITE did not contain media information
- ACK must contain the media information
19SIP Methods - OPTIONS
- OPTIONS requests the capabilities of another User
Agent - Response lists supported methods, extensions,
codecs, etc. - User Agent responds to OPTIONS the same as if an
INVITE (e.g. if Busy, returns 486 Busy Here)
20SIP Methods BYE and CANCEL
- BYE terminates an established session
- User Agents stop sending media packets (RTP)
- CANCEL terminates a pending session.
- INVITE sent but no final response (non-1xx) yet
received. - User Agents and Proxies stop processing INVITE
21SIP Methods - REGISTER
- Registration allows a User Agent to upload
current location and URLs to a Registrar - Registrar can upload into Location Service
- Incoming requests can then be proxied or
redirected to that location - Built in SIP support of mobility
- UAs do not need static IP addresses
- Obtain IP address via DHCP, REGISTER indicating
new IP Address as contact
22SIP Request URI
- The Request-URI indicates the destination address
of the request - Proxies and other servers route requests based on
Request-URI. - The Request-URI is modified by proxies as the
address is resolved.
23SIP From and To Tags
- Tags are pseudo-random numbers inserted in To or
From headers to uniquely identify a call leg - INVITE request From header contains a tag
- Any User Agent or Server generating a response
adds a tag to the To header in the response - To sipjohn_at_company.comtag123456
24SIP Method - INFO
- Used to transport mid-call signaling information
- Only one pending INFO at a time
- Typical use - PSTN signaling message carried as
MIME attachment - E.g. ISDN User-to-User information
- Defined in RFC 2976
25SIP Method - REFER
- Indicates that recipient (identified by the
Request-URI) should contact a third party using
the contact information provided in the request - Typical Use Call Transfer features
- Allowed outside an established dialogue
26SIP Method - PRACK
- Provisional Response ACKnowlegement
- Used to acknowledge receipt of provisional
response - 183 Session Progress
- Does not apply to 100 Trying responses
- Only provisional responses 101-199 may be sent
reliably and acknowledged with PRACK - If no PRACK sent, response retransmitted
- Defined in RFC 3262
- SUBSCRIBE requests notification of when a
particular event occurs - Use Expires0 to unsubscribe
- A NOTIFY message is sent to indicate the event
status - Sample Applications
- Presence
- Message waiting indication for voicemail
- Defined in RFC 3265
28SIP Method - MESSAGE
- Extension to SIP for Instant Messaging (IM)
- MESSAGE requests
- carry the content in the form of MIME body parts
- use the standard MIME headers to identify the
29SIP Responses, 1
- SIP Requests generate Responses with codes
borrowed from HTTP - Classes
- 1xx Informational
- 2xx Final
- 3xx Redirection
- 4xx Client Error
- 5xx Server Error
- 6xx Global Failure
- Response example 404 Not Found
30SIP Responses, 2
31SIP Responses, 3
32SIP Responses, 4
- Extensible flags
- From and To URLs
- From John Smith ltsipjsmith_at_zultys.comgt
- To Tony Warhurst ltsiptwarhurst_at_beerdrinkers.orggt
- Contact URL
- Contact Jane Doe ltsipjdoe_at_192.168.1.100gt
- Via URL
- Via SIP/2.0/UDP
- Call-ID
- Unique tag for this dialogue
- CSeq
- Track how many messages for this request
34SIP Headers, 1
- SIP Requests and Responses contain Headers
(similar to Email headers) - Required Headers
- To
- From
- Via
- Call-ID
- CSeq
- Max-Forwards
- Optional Headers
- Subject, Date, Authentication (and many others)
35SIP Headers, 2
- Required (mandatory) header descriptions
36SIP Message Body
- A SIP Message
- can have a message body similar to attachment in
an email message - Message Body in an INVITE
- contains a description of the media session in
another protocol - Usually SDP - Session Description Protocol (RFC
37SIP Client and Server
- SIP Elements are either
- User Agents (end devices that initiate and
terminate media sessions) - Servers (that assist in session setup)
- Proxies
- Registrars
- Redirect servers
- A User Agent acts as a
- Client when it initiates a request (UAC)
- Server when it responds to a request (UAS)
38SIP User Agents
- Capable of sending and receiving SIP requests
- SIP end-devices
- SIP phone
- PC or laptop with a soft phone
- mobile phone
- A Gateway is a User Agent which serves many users
- UA component that sends requests and receives
responses - Example UAC initiates a call by sending an
- Component of UA that receives requests and
responds to them - Example UAS receives a call request and rings
40SIP B2BUA versus Proxy
- B2BUA versus Proxy
- SIP Proxies route SIP messages unchanged
- Back to Back User Agents appear as just another
SIP endpoint and can modify the message however
they like. - B2BUAs can act as gateway to the PSTN, a simple
SIP filter or even a SIP Proxy - B2BUAs can do whatever they want, only SIP
Proxies have to follow the rules Dean Willis,
SIP co-chair - Zultys provides a B2BUA that also has elements of
the SIP Proxy and Registrar
41SIP B2BUA Example
- Defined as a virtual UAS/UAC connected back to
back - Acts as a UAS on one call leg and a UAC on the
other call leg - It may or may not terminate and bridge the RTP
42SIP Registrar, 1
- SIP server that can receive and process REGISTER
requests - A user has an account created which allows them
to REGISTER contacts with a particular server - The account specifies a SIP Address of Record
43SIP Registrar, 2
- SIP Registrars store the location of SIP
endpoints - Each SIP endpoint Registers
- with a Registrar using its Address of Record and
Contact address - Address of Record for John Smith in From header
- From John Smith ltsipjsmith_at_zultys.com
- Contact header tells Registrar where to send
messages - Contact John Smith ltsipjsmith_at_192.168.1.100gt
44SIP Registrar, 3
- SIP Proxies
- query SIP Registrars for routing information
- Incoming calls addressed to sipjsmith_at_zultys.com
- now routed by the Proxy to the Contact header
URL sipjsmith_at_192.168.1.100 - SIP Registrars
- typically hold the list of devices registered for
a particular domain
45Proxy Server
- SIP Proxy servers route SIP messages
- Stateless Proxies use stateless protocols like
UDP to talk to endpoints - Low Proxy overhead
- Ephemeral connections, dropped as soon as message
is forwarded - Stateful Proxies use TCP or other stateful
protocols to set up a permanent connection - High Proxy overhead
- Endpoint connection must be set up, maintained
and torn down for the duration of the session
46SIP Proxy Server
- SIP Server which acts on behalf of User Agents
- Receives a SIP request
- Adds some headers
- Modifies some of the headers
- Forwards request to next hop server or client
47Stateless Proxy
- Forwards every request downstream
- Forward every response upstream
- Keeps no state
- does not have any notion of a transaction
- Never performs message retransmissions
- Stateless proxies scale very well
- can be very fast
- good for network cores
48Stateful Proxy
- Maintains state information for the duration of
either the - Transaction (request)
- Transaction Stateful
- Dialogue (from INVITE to BYE)
- Dialogue Stateful
- Performs message retransmission
49SIP Redirect Server
- Receives a request and returns a redirection
response (3xx) - Contact header in response indicates where
request should be retried - Similar to database query
- All Server types are logical NOT Physical
50Protocol and media
- SIP can carry many protocols using MIME standard
- Tunnel your favourite protocol
- SIP takes care of signalling on behalf of media
51Locating SIP Servers
- Manual provisioning
- DHCP SIP Option 120
- RFC 3361
- Multicast (deprecated)
- DNS SRV method
- Get local domain name automatically from DHCP
server - Perform SRV record query through DNS on that
domain for _sip._udp.ltdomain namegt - Send SIP REGISTER message to resolved server
- phone is up and running without user intervention
52Simple Provisioning
53Enterprise SIP Solutions
- SIP enables the convergence revolution
- truly open standards based
- Presence Instant Messaging and 3rd party call
control - create a wealth of new services for enterprise
end users - telephony-enabled address and buddy lists
- Advanced service creation using SIP
- ad hoc video conferencing
- user-customizable find me and follow me
- user profiling and here I am
54Presence and Instant Messaging, 1
- SIP for Instant Messaging and Presence Leveraging
Extensions (SIMPLE) - several vendors who intend to implement SIMPLE
- provides for presence and buddy lists
- Instant Messaging in the enterprise
- telephony enabled user lists
55Presence and Instant Messaging, 2
56SIP for Presence Subscribe and Notify
200 OK presentity-gtwatcher SIP/2.0 202
Accepted Via SIP/2.0/UDP
watcherhost.example.com5060 From User
To Resource Call-ID
3248543_at_watcherhost.example.com Cseq 1
SUBSCRIBE Expires 600
Content-Type application/xpidfxml
Content-Length 351 NOTIFY Presentity-gtwatcher
NOTIFY sipuser_at_watcherhost.example.com
SIP/2.0 Via SIP/2.0/UDP
pres.example.com5060 From Resource
To User Call-ID 3248543_at_watcherhost
.example.com CSeq 1 NOTIFY
Content-Type application/xpidfxml
Content-Length 352
202 Accepted
200 OK
SUBSCRIBE watcher -presentity SUBSCRIBE
sippresentity_at_pres.example.com SIP/2.0
Via SIP/2.0/UDP watcherhost.example.com5060
From User To Resource
Call-ID 3248543_at_watcherhost.example.com
CSeq 1 SUBSCRIBE Expires 600
Accept application/xpidfxml, text/lpidf
Contact sipuser_at_watcherhost.example.com
57SIP for Instant Message Message
- MESSAGE sipuser1_at_user1pc.domain.com SIP/2.0
- Via SIP/2.0/UDP user2pc.domain.com
- To sipuser1_at_domain.com
- Fromsipuser2_at_domain.comtagab8asdasd9
- Contact sipuser2_at_user2pc.domain.com
- Call-ID asd88asd77a_at_1.2.3.4
- Content-Type text/plain
- Content-Length 29
- My name is User1
User 1
User 2
200 OK
- SIP/2.0 200 OK
- Via SIP/2.0/UDP user2pc.domain.com
- To sipuser1_at_domain.com
- From sipuser2_at_domain.comtagab8asdasd9
- Call-ID asd88asd77a_at_1.2.3.4
- Content-Length 0
583rd Party Call Control Basic
User A SIP Phone
Agent B PC
59Example of 3pcc Click-to-Dial
60Ad Hoc Conferencing
- SIP enables ad-hoc conferencing of any media
- audio
- video
- white board (T.120)
- chat
- media or applications yet to be defined
(extensible) - Invite people and add media at any time
61Ad Hoc Conferencing
- Proxies insert Record-Route headers
- When they want to be included in the return
signaling path - Used by carriers to keep track of calls
63Making a SIP call to the PSTN
- PSTN signalling does not map one-to-one to SIP
signalling - B2BUAs can signal SIP endpoint on the PSTNs
behalf and signal the PSTN on the SIP endpoints
behalf - Call cant be set up until both sides are
connected - Early media is sent from the PSTN side to the SIP
side to indicate call progress tones - Delayed media exchange may be required to
negotiate codecs not supported by the
intermediate B2BUA
64Mobility, 1
- Covered under the SIP-based 3GPP proposal
- SIP with minor extensions to better work with
low-bandwidth, high-latency wireless networks - SIP compression specifications
- Additional codecs used like GSM
65Mobility, 2
- Move your SIP phone anywhere in network
- no additional administrative work
- Register from anywhere
- SIP Server becomes virtual PBX for
- for both local and remote users
- Address belongs to the user, not to devices
- using one address, users..
- register multiple contacts
- reached at preferred devices
66Find Me Follow Me
- Allows users to define
- Who can reach them
- Where they can be reached
- When they can be reached
- How calls are routed
- unconditionally or
- based on a caller receiving
- no answer or
- a busy signal
- What greetings are played for different callers
67Here I Am
- Find me follow me
- based on predefined rules
- Here I Am works on an ad-hoc basis
- user logs in from any location
- indicates presence and manage calls from that
location - all communication now directed to that location
- IM, chat, voice calls
68Unified Messaging
- Not actually a part of SIP, but easy to implement
in concert with SIP - Can be as simple as
- emailing all incoming faxes and voice mail
- Can be as complex as
- sending Instant Messages with speech to text
encoding - paging user when someones Presence indicates
theyre accessible
69Digest Authentication
- SIP uses standard HTTP Digest Authentication with
minor revisions - Simple Challenge/Response scheme
- lt- 407 Challenge
nonce - REGISTER MD-5 hash (pw nonce) -gt
- lt- 200 OK
- Password is never sent in the clear, just the
MD-5 hash generated with the password and nonce - Defeats Man-in-the-middle attacks since source
address cant be spoofed or second REGISTER will
never arrive
- Required by many Internet Telephony Service
Providers (ITSPs) - Service Provider supplies Username and password
- SIP leverages Digest Authentication features to
do this
71NAT Basics, 1
- Network Address Translator (NAT)
- Defined in RFC 3022
- Standard application
- map private IP address range
- to public IP address range
72NAT Basics, 2
- Problem NATs modify IP addresses (Layer 3)
- SIP/SDP are Layer 7 protocols transparent to
NAT - SIP Via, From and Contact headers use
not-routable private addresses - SDP states that originator wishes to receive
media at not-routable private addresses - If destination on the public internet tries to
send SIP or RTP traffic to those private address - Traffic will be dumped by first router
73NAT Basics, 3
- Network Address Translator (NAT) - Packets Dropped
74NAT Traversal, 1
- Solutions to NAT traversal
- Application level gateway (ALG)
- Universal Plug and Pray (UPnP)
75NAT Traversal, 2
- Solutions to NAT Traversal (commonalities)
- Rewrite all SIP/SDP source addresses
- SIP Via, From and Contact headers use public
NAT address - SDP addresses use NAT public address
- Use SIP over TCP
76NAT Traversal, 3
- Solutions to NAT Traversal (commonalities)
- Use draft-ietf-sip-symmetric-response-00
- Use Symmetric SIP/RTP
- Use same UDP port number for incoming/outgoing
- Hold ports open for call duration
- Send UDP packet typically every 30 seconds
- SIP over UDP uses 30 second re-INVITE, REGISTER
or OPTIONs - RTP sends at much higher frequency by default
- Network Address Port Translator (NAPT) - Packets
78NAT Traversal
- Address rewrite symmetric SIP/RTP
79NAPT Basics
- Network Address Port Translator
- Can map multiple private IP addresses and ports
to one public IP address and ports
80NAPT Basics
- Same problem as NATs only worse
- SIP Via, From and Contact headers use
not-routable private addresses AND private UDP
port number - SDP states that originator wishes to receive RTP
media at not-routable private addresses AND
private port number - If destination on the public internet tries to
send SIP or RTP traffic to those private
addresses and ports - Traffic will be dumped by first router
- Rewritten addresses with private ports will get
dumped NAPT
81NAPT Traversal
82Firewall Basics, 1
- Firewalls work by blocking services
- Packets can typically leave
- Only associated packets may return
- Stateful packet inspection
- TCP makes this easy (duration of connection)
- UDP based on reply timeout
- Packet filtering
83Firewall Basics,2
- Stateful Inspection
- Pioneered by Checkpoint software
- Outgoing packets are bound to incoming packets at
IP/Layer 3 to establish a virtual session between
two endpoints, though Layer 4 and above are used
to determine binding - Bound incoming packets are allowed through, all
others are dropped
84SIP ALG for Firewall Traversal, 1
- SIP or RTP proxy that is trusted by the firewall
- Typically connected to Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
- All SIP and RTP packets directed to the ALG
- ALG enforces security policy
- ALG works with NAT
- Internal SDP modified as SIP message is proxied
- Two separate media sessions established, bridged
by ALG
85SIP ALG for Firewall Traversal, 2
86SIP Firewall Control Proxy, 1
- Another approach
- SIP Firewall Proxy that communicates with
Firewall and NAT - Firewall Proxy parses SDP and requests Firewall
to open pin-holes to let RTP packets pass - Firewall Proxy maintains NAT address binding and
modifies SDP accordingly
87SIP Firewall Control Proxy, 2
- Middlebox Communications (MIDCOM)
- Group in IETF working on protocol that would be
used between Firewall Control Proxy and
Firewall/NAT - Have also proposed STUN as a temporary
improvement - STUN - Simple Traversal of UDP Through Network
Address Translators - Simple client/server protocol
- Allows applications to
- Discover presence and types of NATs and firewalls
between them and public Internet - Modify outgoing messages according to findings
- STUN works with most NATs but falls apart when
there is a Firewall preventing UDP
88Traversing a NAT STUN, 1
- Supports auto-discovery of the public IP address
and port number - SIP UA then rewrites all addresses to masquerade
as originating from the NAT public address. - Requires a STUN server on the outside
- Requires symmetric use of ports
- Not supported if NAT/Firewall is blocking
outgoing ports too
89STUN, 2
- Client on IP Phone uses STUN protocol
- To communicate with a STUN server at ISP
- Learns external IP address
- Uses that in SDP
90Traversing a NAT - UPnP
- Simple protocol used to query Firewalls and NATs
directly for external public addresses and port
numbers unlike STUN - SIP UA rewrites private addresses as usual
- Supported by almost all home Firewall/NAT
appliance vendors. - Implemented in Microsoft Messenger by default
- Not compatible with VPNs in this case since you
really do want to use the private address here - Unplug and play program will turn it off on PCs
91UPnP, 2
- UPnP
- Supported by many Firewall and NAT boxes
- Phone communicates with Firewall and NAT box to
learn external IP address
- Encryption supported in standard SIP
- SIP specs mandate encryption of attachments using
S/MIME and AES - AES encryption recommended for Secure RTP also
- 3DES was previous older standard
- AES is more secure
- Takes one third the time to encrypt and decrypt
- Is royalty free and recommended by NIST over 3DES
93The SIP Convergence Revolution
- Simple provisioning with seamless mobility
- IP Telephony and Video
- Presence
- Instant Messaging
- 3rd Party Call Control
94Revolution at the Desktop
- SIP applications
- multimedia communications
- SIP is media agnostic
- video is no different from voice
- SIP device is agnostic
- phones
- softphones
- PDAs
- tablet PCs
- mobile phones