Title: The key requirement of WBL: Qualifications Frameworks
1The key requirement of WBL Qualifications
- DEWBLAM Conference on
- European Work Based Learning Approaches in Higher
Education - Florence Nov. 06
2Bologna Declaration
- ONE major action line and challenge for
- Higher Education
- Life-Long- Learning
- Work-based-learning is one form of LLL
- Objectives
- Visualise employability
- Make transparent personal skills and competences
- Record personal development
- Create the awareness and sustain the value of
being a Citizen of Europe - Additonal objectives WBL
- Customised learning
- Work-place is a learning space
- Job content is the starting point of curriculum
and syllabus to achieve defined learning outcomes
4Work-based learning
- Decisive is how the learning has to be structured
and organised to achieve defined learning
outcomes - This will have to be decided individually, taking
into account - prior learning of the student,
- his or her present job environment
- So that didactically and methodologically a
curriculum and syllabus can be designed for one
or several individuals for whom this fits.
5Work-based learning
- It is not enough to design the individual
programme - Evidence must be provided that the learner has
achieved the learning outcomes - Adequate forms of assessment have to be foreseen
- Taking the working environment into account may
lead to innovative forms of assessment
6Work-based learning
- A requirement for the successful implementation
of worked-based learning is the transparent,
cohesive and conclusive description of the
learning outcomes.
7Phase 1 How to get there? Defining the
- Common ground
- Terminology, the Learning Chain
- Life-long-learning
- It comprises all types of learning and training
inside in any type of institutions, companies or
outside in the field, í.e. formal, non-formal and
informal learning (see def. of the Memorandum of
the EU on LLL)
9Learning Chain
Labour Market
Change of paradigm
Learnig outcomes Subject related -Knowledge
broadening -Knowledge deepening Generic -Knowledge
access and developing
Learners Selection (accumulates credits)
Learning space (Teaching and learning,
Research Learning material, Learning methods...)
Total Quality Management
Labour Market
- Learning outcomes
- Statements of what a learner is expected to know,
understand, and / or be able to do at the end of
a period of learning
11Phase 2How to get there? Defining the
- Common ground
- Qualifications Frameworks Bundles of learning
outcomes to define a qualification
12Qualificationsframework -Referenceframework-
EU-Commission QFW for LLL Brugges- Copenhagen-
Maastricht- Process
Min. of Education Higher Education QFW for
EHEA Bologna-Process
Levels of Qualifications- -Bachelor -Master -Do
Levels of Qualifications 1 2 3 4 5 6
7 - 8
Described by bundling learning outcomes
according to the Dublin Descriptors with
Described by bundling learning
outcomes according to descriptors
Knowledge and understanding
Applying ku
Making judgements
Knowledge Under- standing
Learn to learn
1421 At European level
- 1/ The European Qualifications Framework for
Higher Education - The Dublin Descriptors
15Joint Quality Initiative Dublin Descriptors
- Knowledge and understanding
- 1 (Bachelor) is supported by advanced text
books with some aspects informed by knowledge
at the forefront of their field of study ...2
(Master) provides a basis or opportunity
for originality in developing or applying ideas
often in a research context ...3 (Doctorate)
includes a systematic understanding of their
field of study and mastery of the methods of
research associated with that field
16Further criteria
- Applying knowledge and understanding
- Making judgements
- Communication
- Learning skills
- http//www.jointquality.org
- See the following slides
1721 At European level
- 2/ Idea of the European Commission within the
Brugges Copenhagen-Maastricht Process- - European Qualifications Framework for
Country B
Country A
19Readability horizontal / vertical
2022 At national level
- The German Qualifications Framework for Higher
21The German Qualifications Framework
2223 At sectoral / discipline level
- 1st Example
- Bachelor in Business and Management
- (national)
23(No Transcript)
24(No Transcript)
25Further Initiatives
- E.g. Project Tuning educational structures in
Europe (9 disciplines, Europe and beyond) - In LEONARDO DA VINCI
- E.g. ICT, Chemistry
- New Generation of Programmes
- Most likely many more
2624 At university level
- Example Osnabrueck University of Applied
Sciences, D
27Learning Outcomes and Levels Bachelor Degree 3
28(No Transcript)
29(No Transcript)
30The ability to / is able to work with .
Knowledge and Understanding Knowledge Widening
Level 1
A broad basis of the subject area / of the
disciplines in general
Accounting -describe and explain the role of
accounting as part of the information management
system in an organisation
Knowledge which is embedded in the essential
theories, concepts and principles
An awareness about The developing and Dynamic
type of knowledge and understanding
31Phase 3
- Link with ECTS
- For transfer, accumulation and academic
32ECTS - Links
- Workload Learning
- Learning assessed Credits
- Requirement Learning has to be assessed
(this must be possible) - Assessability by defining the learning
outcomes - Need adequate method of assessment
- Extension (B/C/M) ECVET
- Informationpackage / Course Catalogue
- Learning Agreement
- Transcript of Records
- Diploma Supplement
- Extension within Brugges/Copenhagen/Maastricht
- (B/C/M-Process)
- Europass
- CV, Language Pass, Mobility Pass, Certificate
Supplement, Diploma Supplement
34Lessons learned
- Work hard - Play hard (Ch. Handy)
- Bologna could pave us a way if understood as a
bottom-up approach - Thank You for your attention