Title: Generation of Youth
1Generation of Youth for Christ 2008
2What is GYC?
an army of young people
on a mission to proclaim the
Three Angels Messages
to the
whole world
in this generation
3Why Should I go to GYC?
- 1. Transform your spiritual walk.
- From seminars to devotionals, youll be
empowered to take your spiritual walk to the next
level. Think of it as recharging your spiritual
batteries over Christmas break.
4Why Should I go to GYC?
2. Sharpen your tools for witnessing. Learn how
you can play an active role in fulfilling the
Great Commission! Find out how you can change
others lives, and prepare to glorify God through
5Why Should I go to GYC?
3. Rub shoulders with Adventist experts,
evangelists, and scholars. Have questions you
simply cant figure out? Want an answer for that
difficult passage of the Bible you cant explain?
Get answers for your questions from men and women
of God at GYC.
6Why Should I go to GYC?
4. Network with ministries that are searching for
your talents Youll discover places where God can
use you, and learn about ministry opportunities
you never dreamed existed.
7Why Should I go to GYC?
5. Connect with Adventist young people just like
you. GYC attendees come from all over the world.
Your newfound friends can encourage you to stay
connected to God when you return to your work,
home, or school, and follow through with the
convictions God has placed on your heart.
8GYC is coming to San Jose, California this
December 17-21, 2008!Hosting its seventh annual
conference, GYCs theme this year is For This
Purpose. How do we find this purpose? By
listening and studying Gods Word. Interesting
speakers will lead us in studying how we can
reflect Christs character.
When is GYC?
9Speakers Include
- Justin Kim
- Randy Skeete
- Radim Passer
- Chelsy Jourdan
- Alistair Huong
- Shawn Boonstra
- And more!
10Seminars Include
- Morality and Mortality Ethics and Lifestyle at
the end of time - Date of Destiny Finding and Keeping Your Love
- Be Out of Your Mind! The Radical Concept of
Humility - The Rock and Worship Music and Worship at the
end of time - Reaching the Postmodern Mind
- Biblical Holiness A Guide for Sinners
- and more!
11This revival event will change you! You will
discover yourself thinking and planning
differentlyyou will truly find new purpose in
your life.
12Register Today!