Title: A Funny Fraction Story
1A Funny Fraction Story
2One day 2/4 and 1/8 decided to have a party and
they invited their friends ¼ and ¾.
3Of course,1/8 invited his friends, 5/8, 3/8, 2/8
and his wife 7/8.
4The party was underway and all the fractions were
having a great time. They were snacking and
dancing and having tons of fun.Until
5They had to answer some really hard Math
problems!!!! Aaaahhh!
6Now 1/8 and 3/8 were at the punch bowl. How many
eights were at the punch bowl?
7¾ and 2/4 were not being very kind they were
hogging all the pork rinds!!!How many fourths
were being hogs?
85/8 and 3/8 were at the punch bowl and were
married of course because together they are a
9Now all the eights were getting tired and left
7/8 standing on the dance floor. How many eights
are left on the floor?
10Now this is the end of the party thank you for
coming to our silly, silly party.