Title: Ways of Loving
1Ways of Loving
2What are you doing with your one wild and
precious life? (M Oliver)
3Life is full of choices
4..we make our choices in an ever changing world
5(No Transcript)
6Despite rapid change and uncertainty
human beings always ask the same deep questions..
7Who am I?
Do I matter?
Where am I going?
8Within each of these questions lie many secret
9- To satisfy our longings we sometimes travel down
dead ends.
10Some people have described these longings as a
God-shaped hole inside of us
11You have made us for yourself, O God, and our
hearts are restless until they rest in you
alone. St Augustine
12We each choose our path in life.
13Thoughts from people whove walked their path
- . We cannot do everything, and there is a sense
of liberation in realising that this enables us
to do something and to do it very well.
Archbishop Oscar Romero
14- God has created me to do him some definite
service - He has committed some work to me
- Which he has not committed to another.
- John Henry Newman
15All paths are ways of loving
- In response to Gods call we each choose a
particular way of loving. - .our vocation
16In the Church we hear the word vocation used
about ..
- Consecrated Religious Life
17Walking the path of being an OLSH sister
- Being a member of an international congregation,
being friends with and knowing the situation of
people in many countries - Being part of someones vision for the church and
the world - Belonging to a family
- Having time to reflect on the deepest values in
life - Being challenged to live to the full ones
talents and gifts - Having the opportunity to come to know Jesus
- Having the great privilege of sharing the
sufferings of others, as well as their joys and
dreams - Making a difference in our world
18What are you doing with your one wild and
precious life?