Title: The Virtual Collaborative Clinic
1The Virtual Collaborative Clinic
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3Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- Held on May 4th, 1999
- Server--SGI Onyx2 at NASA Ames
- Clients--Cleveland Foundation Clinic, Stanford
University, Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital, the
Northern Navajo Medical Center at Shiprock, NM
4Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- Goals
- Bring the clinic to the patient rather than the
patient to the clinic
5Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- Goals
- Bring the clinic to the patient rather than the
patient to the clinic - Equalize health care around the nation and globe
6Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- Used broad bandwidth
- ground links
- satellite
7Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- Used broad bandwidth
- ground links
- satellite
- Platform independent
8Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- Used broad bandwidth
- ground links
- satellite
- Platform independent
- Multicast
9Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- Used broad bandwidth
- ground links
- satellite
- Platform independent
- Multicast
- Interactive virtual environment
10Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- NASA Applications
- Attend to the health of astronauts on space
station and on extended space travel
11Virtual Collaborative Clinic
- NASA Applications
- Attend to the health of astronauts on space
station and on extended space travel - Push technology development while reducing
computational and energy requirements
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19The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- Two technical issues will influence the growth of
medical use of the internet
20The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- Two technical issues will influence the growth of
medical use of the internet - 1. Bandwidth
- measures the rate at which information is
21The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- Two technical issues will influence the growth of
medical use of the internet - 1. Bandwidth
- measures the rate at which information is
transmitted - 2. Quality of service
- resource availability transmission error
network reliability and interoperability
22The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- Some examples of data transmission
- Mammogram
- Digital X-rays are on the order of 128 MB in
size - An MRI can generate 1GB of data
23The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- Some examples of data transmission
- Mammogram
- Digital X-rays are on the order of 128 MB in
size - An MRI can generate 1GB of data
- Using a T1 line (uninterrupted service)
- X-ray data take 11 minutes to transmit
- And the MRI, 1.5 hours!
- (Furthermore, these rates are rarely achieved)
24The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- In contrast
- Transmission across an OC3 line would take
- 6.4 seconds and 52 seconds
25The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- In contrast
- Transmission across an OC3 line would take
- 6.4 seconds and 52 seconds
- Transmission across an OC12 line would take
- 1.6 seconds and 13 seconds
26The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- In contrast
- Transmission across an OC3 line would take
- 6.4 seconds and 52 seconds
- Transmission across an OC12 line would take
- 1.6 seconds and 13 seconds
- Transmission across an OC48 line would take
- 0.4 seconds and 3.3 seconds!
27The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- In some places, OC192 fiber is in the ground
28The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- In some places, OC192 fiber is in the ground
- Universities such as Berkeley have wired
dormitories with Ethernet, and students are used
to high bandwidth connections
29The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- In some places, OC192 fiber is in the ground
- Universities such as Berkeley have wired
dormitories with Ethernet, and students are used
to high bandwidth connections - National Labs are being connected by terabyte
fiber linkages to support interactive
30The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- But---
- Where does that leave everyone else?
31The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
Collaborative Clinic
- NSF is doing a great job in bringing high
bandwidth capability to universities
32The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- NSF is doing a great job in bringing high
bandwidth capability to universities - Builders are beginning to wire homes for high
33The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- NSF is doing a great job in bringing high
bandwidth capability to universities - Builders are beginning to wire homes for high
bandwidth - But more national effort is required to bring
high bandwidth to isolated communities
34The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- Needed Partnerships between
- Federal agencies/laboratories
- Academia
- Industry
35The Future of Healthcare Over Distance
- Well educated professionals and a skilled
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