Title: Licensing Act 2003
1Licensing Act 2003
Steve Eggar 15th September 2005
2Key Points
- Licensing to be administered by local authorities
- Premises Licence-
- Public entertainment (inc. theatres and cinemas)
- Late night refreshment
- Supply of Alcohol
3Key Points - continued
- Personal licenses authorise the sale and supply
of alcohol for sale on or off the premises
4Key Points - continued
- Licensing objectives-
- Prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- Prevention of public nuisance
- Protection of children from harm
5Key Points - continued
- Licensable activities-
- Retail sale of alcohol (on or off sales and
restaurants) - Supply of alcohol in clubs
- Regulated entertainment
- Provision of late night refreshment
6Key Points - continued
- Regulated entertainment-
- Plays
- Films
- Indoor sports
- Boxing or wrestling
- Live music (but not incidental music)
- Recorded music (but not incidental music)
- Dance
7Key Points - continued
- Late night refreshment supply of hot food or
drink to the public from any premises for
consumption on or off the premises at any time
between 11pm and 5am
8Personal Licence
- Personal licenses authorise sale of alcohol in
premises with a premises licence - Valid 10 years
- Granted and renewed by the district council of
residence of the applicant - Has a licensing qualification
9Designated Premises Supervisor
- Required for premises where alcohol is sold (not
clubs) - Must be a personal licence holder
- Must be named on the licence
- Not required to be on the premises
10Premises License
- Valid for the life of the business
- Application sets out full terms of operation
the operating schedule - Operating schedule are the main conditions of the
licence - May be subject to review on application by a
relevant authority or interested party
11Premises License - continued
- The holders of PELs, cinema, theatre and Late
Night Refreshment House Licences can apply to
have their licences converted to Premises
Licences. All current terms will be allowed to
continue under the new Licence although the form
will allow variations to be applied for. Police
can intervene in this process only with regard to
the prevention of crime and disorder.
12Roadwater Current PEL
- Permitted Hours
- 1100am 0100am
- Monday Saturday
- Numbers
- 187 when used for closely seated audience
- 156 when used for dancing
- 78 when seating is provided at tables
- 93 when used for dancing and seating is also
13Theatre Licence
- Covers period from 1st April 2005 to the 31st
March 2006 - 120 seated maximum
14Our Application
- TENS were considered but only allowed 12 per
year. - DPS required for premises where alcohol to be
sold. - Licensing of the Valiant Soldier considered to
prevent drifting i.e. Village Hall Bar closes and
patrons move onto the Valiant - Applied for worst case scenario to provide
15Sale of Alcohol
- Not seen as providing major income for hall
- Limited by Charity Rules to 25 of total income
of hall - Hire Agreement has been tightened up to look
after our neighbours - 100 Special Deposit held for 28 days after event
for complaints or damage
16The Prevention of Public Nuisance
- Limited to 3 external events going beyond 1000pm
per year. 14 days notice to Environmental Health
and the Police. - Noise escaping from recreation ground to be
monitored and logged. - All patrons to be asked to leave quietly at each
event. - Doors Windows to remain closed where ever
possible to minimise noise breakout.
17Prevention of Crime Disorder
- In non eating areas drinks will be served in
plastic or toughened glasses - All bottles sold are made of plastic other than
those where it is not intended for the contents
to be consumed from the bottle e.g. Wine. - Following closure of any bar patrons will be
allowed 30 minutes Drinking Up Time
18Public Safety
- The Hall is a designated NO SMOKING area
- Other than at private hire all events must have a
trained first aider present
19The Prevention of Children From Harm
- Notices indicating that children under 18 will
not be served. - Proof of age policy
- Children performing in productions to be kept
under adult supervision at all times - At events where alcohol is being served all
children under 16 must be accompanied by a
responsible adult
20Thanks for your time