Working Group Status - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Working Group Status


CPs still await DDQ & Assured Rate elements of WBC pricing and Indicative Launch ... Industry eagerly awaits Indicative Pricing for both VLA and WBCC ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Working Group Status

Working Group Status
Dec 07 / Jan 08
  • Architecture Framework
  • Network Structure
  • Systems Processes
  • Products
  • Interconnect Portfolio
  • Broadband
  • Line Access
  • Point to Point
  • Implementation Migration
  • Communications
  • Contracts

Network Structure
  • RAG Status RED
  • Key Issues
  • Voice Strategy review has effected Blended rates
    for SVLAN.
  • VLC planning rules and architecture
  • NDA agreements on who CPs contact in BT
    regarding network inventory dataset

Key Milestones Dec/Jan Achievements MSIL
Resilience Condoc C21-NS-016 issued, with 4 CP
responses. Closure document, C21-NS-027
reviewed. Voice Strategy session held with CP
response . A further release of the Network
Inventory issued. Good progress being made on
providing security and a workable process for
CPs to obtain datasets. Calendar dates for
further meetings have been agreed for the
remainder of the year.
Jan/Feb / Work plan

Network inventory - Provide new release of the
network inventory and easier access to
dataset Review the requirements of NSWG Define
the VLC interface spec ie SIP/MX SIP/MW
ND1619 Review capabilities of the Innovation
Platform Derive requirements for VLA phase2 for
NICC activities
Time (R)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Sat. (R)
Information (R)
Systems Processes
  • Key Milestones
  • Dec/Jan Achievements
  • A joint SP WG and NICC B2B meeting was held on
    the 18th December. We discussed the future of the
    group and agreed it would be dependent on the
    outcome of the 21C customer experience event and
    the systems interface roadmap web call being held
    in January.
  • The web call to discuss BT Wholesales systems
    interface roadmap was held on the 16th January.
    It was very successful with 40 people from 15
    organisations joining. 60 said they would like
    to be involved in developing the roadmap and
    reviewing its contents.
  • NICC B2B progress includes
  • L2C Standard The development process and
    milestones have been agreed with new team member
    and consequently the project is now set green
    again. March is now the target for completion of
    development phase.
  • T2R Standard published and development of
    generic schema is on target
  • Documentation 11 standards, best practice,
    guideline documents that represent NICC B2Bs
    first years work now formally agreed and
    available from NICC web site
  • International standards Work to align with
    international standards going ahead as follows
    ITU - alignment complete TMF waiting for
    response OBF agreed to help
  • Work stack review we plan to review progress
    and priorities for the 2008 work stack on 30th
    January and would encourage all CPs to be
    represented. Please contact
    for more information or visit the NICC B2B web
    site _at_
  • Jan/Feb Work plan
  • The next SP WG meeting will be arranged shortly
    to discuss the BTW systems roadmap.
  • The SP WG would continue to provide support to
    IM WG on operational support systems issues as
    DSP progresses and product WGs as required.
  • NICC B2B will hold its review on 30th January and
    continue the L2C analysis phase and set up review
    meetings as required.
  • RAG Status Green
  • Key Issues (For Discussion)
  • Issues discharged from here to the relevant WG,
    ie IM WG in most cases.

Time (G)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Sat. (G)
Information (G)
Interconnect Portfolio
  • RAG Status Red
  • Key Issues
  • RAG status overall now Red due to the lack of
    SVLAN and conversion indicative pricing,
  • Concern on DSP impact on NGN CC.
  • Key Milestones
  • Dec/Jan Achievements
  • NGN CC Interoperability discussions continued
    with CPs
  • Interoperability Validation testing (IVT) Test
    Specification agreed.
  • Detailed discussion held with CPs on NGN FOA0
    testing phase
  • Jan/Feb Work plan
  • Continue with NGN CC Interoperability
  • Progress NGN CC / MSIL trials
  • Contracts for NGN CC

Time (R)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Sat. (R)
Information (R)
Key Milestones
  • RAG Status Red
  • Key Issues
  • CPs still await DDQ Assured Rate elements of
    WBC pricing and Indicative Launch pricing for
    WBMC to allow CPs them to prepare business
    cases/make supplier and product decisions for
    2008 onwards
  • WBC DDQ pricing is key to a successful
    consultation on IPstream Datastream sunsetting
  • January Achievements
  • BBWG held on 23rd January covering
  • IPstream Connect pricing re-engineering
    process/testing plans
  • WBC Sell-through model, pricing (minus DDQ,
    Assured Rate and real time QoS), trial approach
    and customer experience
  • CP view of principles for IPstream sun setting
    (ahead of formal consultation)
  • Bell Wire problem update on I-plates
  • WBMC Update
  • Weekly calls continue with WBC Triallists
  • WBC Rollout plan inc WBC interconnect nodes
    availability schedule published (until March
  • Review of Industry SoR for WMBCC overview of
    Industry Condoc C21-LA-009 (on CP voice
  • February Work plan
  • next Working Group is to be held on 13rd
  • ADSL2 availability checker
  • Consultation closure WBC FTTP DDQ
  • Bi-laterals on IPstream Datastream sun setting

Time (R)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Satisfaction (A)
Information (R)
Point to Point
  • RAG Status Amber
  • Key Issues
  • Industry still require a fuller consultation on
    Openreach ORCHID product.
  • Openreach have issued indicative prices and plan
    to increase product collateral shortly.
  • Openreach are progressing with their
    re-examination of their product launch processes
    including how to engage with industry. This will
    be managed via a third party and is reported on
    at the Steering Board.
  • Exchange Openings and Closures. Industry require
    a much more extensive report on BTs processes
    for timely communications with CPs of exchange
    openings, closures and changes in network roles.
    Note agreed with BT Group Property to have a
    joint session to revisit existing closure process
  • Industry await Openreach input on the future of
    TDM products to align with the TDM Condoc

Key Milestones Dec/Jan Achievements The Working
Group meeting was held on 14th January 2008,
attended 6 CPs plus Openreach, BT Design and BTW.
Key issues covered at the WG were Openreach
Update, TDM Condoc, MSIL (1G trial progress 10G
options) and exchange management. Initial
responses to TDM condoc issued on 21st Dec
07 MSIL contract documentation for 1G IBH, ISH
and APH notified on 24th Dec 07 Jan/Feb Work
Plan The next P2P WG meetings will be held on
22nd Feb 08 and 19th March 08 TDM Condoc - final
responses document to be issued by end Jan
08 Continue Openreach TDM bilaterals with CPs,
coordinate with BT Group on approach and
outcome. Look at exchange management scenarios to
tune opening/closing process
Time (G)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Satisfaction (G)
Information (A)
Implementation Migration (CT)
  • Key Milestones
  • Dec/Jan Achievements
  • Launched Deployment Strategy Plan multilateral
  • Pre-migration scheduling consultation concluded
    (C21-IM-030 refers) all feedback reviewed and
    requirements formally with project team
  • Launched re-scoped weekly Pathfinder Review
    calls, including operational readiness updates.
  • Jan/Feb Work plan
  • Continue Deployment Strategy Plan consultations.
  • Issue the Bedlinog In Life learning closure
    report and review with industry.
  • Develop an outcome based plan further in-life
    learning/end user feedback processes to support
    Pathfinder activity
  • Final review of WG comms action plan with CPs.
  • Complete development of migration customer
    experience scenarios (network features and
    incident comms)
  • Conclude ISDN Testing consultation inc scheduled
  • Integrate WBC implementation work into IMWG work
  • RAG Status Amber
  • Key Issues (for discussion)
  • Availability of Pathfinder schedule/plan,
    national migration schedule and clarity on the BT
    21CN implementation strategy information _at_ red
    reflects this concern
  • Lack of clarity on dates/timeframes for
    migration/implementation activity is affecting
    CPs ability to plan for implementation/migration
    and keep motivation and focus within their
  • Deployment Strategy Plan seen as fundamental
    shift in policy on new/existing products, which
    impacts on CP investment plans.

Time (A)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Satisfaction (G)
Information (R)
PSTN Migration (Wick Bedlinog re-migrations)
Wick Bedlinog re-migration tbc
Update 17/01/08
RAG Status Amber
PSTN Migration Phase 2
Update 17/01/08
RAG Status Red (see commentary)
Broadband RAG Status
Update 15/01/08
RAG Status Amber (subject to dependency
milestones being achieved)
Line Access

Key Milestones Dec/Jan Achievements The Line
Access Working Group met on 22 Jan 2008 with 25
people representing 9 CPs plus BT Design, BT
Wholesale and Openreach. Topics covered were
21CN Deployment Strategy Plan Update VLA and WBCC
product development and project plans Condoc on
Industry requirements for 21CN Meeting dates
agreed for remainder of year January/February
Work plan The next meetings are to be held on
21st February 2008. .Industry issued a Condoc via
the Consult21 process (LA-009) on 21CN Access
Products with responses due in January 2008 Owen
Gardner has now taken over as the Buddy for Line
Access. Industry to progress ISDN requirements
within 21CN.
  • RAG Status Amber
  • Key Issues
  • Industry eagerly awaits Indicative Pricing for
    both VLA and WBCC
  • Further work is required in NICC to support VLA
    phase 2. Industry are concerned that the
    publication of NICC standards may be on the
    critical path due to BT resource
  • The 21CN Deployment Strategy Plan Update has
    raised a number of issues on the future of Voice
    and ISDN..
  • Responses required to the Industry Condoc, then
    an SOR to BT Group covering a number of key
    issues on the future of voice and broadband
  • Industry seeking confirmation that baseband will
    continue to be part of BT portfolio

Time (A)
Cost (A)
Quality (A)
Customer Sat. (A)
Information (A)
Interconnect Route Migration Review
  • Capacity distributed mid November
  • SPOC in CTC for CMR issues
  • T3a programme almost complete bar some
    renegotiated dates
  • BT has announced that the principles on which it
    was planning/prioritising its 21CN implementation
    activity in 2008/early 2009 will no longer be
    network engineering driven but rather centred
    round the implementation of new services and that
    the proposed CP migrations from the DLE layer to
    the NGS's will instead now be determined by the
    Communication Providers themselves. Further
    discussion to assess the impact of this strategy
    is due at the next Prov Experts meeting on 18th

Key actions/Next Steps
Element Description
  • No O/S issues

Admin Phase
  • VCONN reports being improved

Preparation Phase
  • All T1 circuits now complete.
  • T2 circuits now complete
  • T3 commenced

Transfer Phase
  • CMRs to be analysed, reviewed and fixes applied.

Post Transfer Phase
  • Assessing billing for BAU VIC

VIC Product
Migration Communications
January 08 achievements / February 08
plans Webcalls BTWs system process roadmap
webcall held 16th January - 44 web
connections, 41 by audio An overview of WBCC
product development and agile working planned
for 5th February invite sent Corporate
communications - several corporate communications
experts group have been held. Agreement reached
to proceed with vertical and horizontal sectors.
A further call to progress/define the work
required is being held 23rd January 08. Broadband
communications a series of communications to
help CPs with broadband communication are planned
a white paper/briefing on WBC, schedules and
breifing note to explain previous strategy versus
new strategy. Aim is to issue these prior to
Christmas. Further communications will also
follow (see below in planned work) End of
January/February 08 work plan WBCC product
development and agile working webcall to take
place 5th February. A separate Broadband
communications experts meeting will take place on
31st January to ensure CPs have sufficient comms
for their own communications on the new broadband
strategy, speeds and exchange footprint
etc. Another corporate communications experts
meeting will be planned to progress the corporate
communications piece. Next working group planned
for 8th February.
  • RAG status Green
  • Key issues
  • 1) how to reach non-engaged CPs.
  • 2) Perceived lack of clarity on migration
  • 3) Time status changed to amber as CPs have
    frozen their own comms depending Voice Strategy

Time (A)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Sat. (G)
Information (G)
Migration communications reseller communications
  • RAG status Green
  • Key information
  • 1) Perceived lack of clarity on migration
    strategies. Michael Eagle reported a perceived
    disenchantment due to lack of uncertainty
    information on the programme
  • 2) Time status changed to amber as CPs have
    frozen their own comms depending Voice Strategy

January 08 achievements / February 08
plan Webcalls see details on first slide for
webcalls held/planned. E-newsletter there are
currently 457 people registered on the reseller
database to receive future newsletters, invites
etc Measurement of reseller communication
campaign effectiveness Questions developed and
the three groups for surveying are decided (those
on the reseller database who attended one of the
events, those on the reseller database who did
not attended one of the events and those on the
Miles Publishing database. However the timing of
the survey is currently being reviewed. End
January/ February work plan Next working group
planned for 15th February. Reseller communication
effectiveness research timing is critical and
is currently being reviewed before the surveys
are progressed.
Time (A)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Sat. (G)
Information (G)
Contracts (MSA)
  • RAG Status Amber
  • Key Issues (For Discussion)
  • SLA numbers for MSIL were included but too late
    for a considered industry view
  • WBC product due for launch in April 08, need to
    commence contract review immediately

Key Milestones Dec/Jan Achievements MSIL
notification undertaken on 24th December (!G ISH,
IBH and APH variants Draft Working Group ToR
discussed and offered for industry
endorsement Sequence of future WG meetings
agreed January meeting held with feedback from
initial NGN CC experts meeting and an update on
WBC product description and time plan given
Jan/Feb Work plan

Commence WBC driven discussions with view to next
issue of MSA to incorporate shortfalls
identified February meeting put back to 25th Feb
to accommodate draft issue of WBC product
information March meeting now 17th March
Time (A)
Cost (G)
Quality (G)
Customer Sat. (G)
Information (A)
WG Issues RAGs
  • Working Group Issues are defined as problems that
    are within the WG scope and will impede the
    progress of the WG and cannot be totally
    resolved, without delaying known milestones, by
    the WG without outside help.
  • The outside help will be triggered by a formal
    escalation. Any WG that has one or more
    escalations currently flagged will be deemed to
    be in status Red (shown against time indicator).
    If an issue has the potential to delay a key
    milestone it should raise an Amber status flag,
    but no formal escalation will be raised. Once the
    escalation has been dealt with and appropriate
    guidance given the escalation will be closed and
    the WG status will revert.
  • Other WG RAG status influences will be Cost,
    Quality Customer Satisfaction Information, as
    in table below.
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