Title: Cascading Style Sheets XHTML
1Cascading Style Sheets XHTML
2??sa???? st?? ???t?ta
?a pa?ade??µata e??a? ap? t? XML by example,
Benoit, Marchal, second Edition, QUE
3Cascading Style Sheets
- ?a Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) e??a? ?d???e? ??a
t? p?? ?a eµfa???eta? µ?a se??da web - Me ta CSS µp??e? ?a e?e???e? ? eµf???s?
e?at??t?d?? se??d?? ap? µ?a ?e?t???? p??? - G?a pa??de??µa, e?? ??e?a ???e se??da ?a ??e? t?
?d?? ???µa ?p?ßa???? µp??? ?a - ???? t?? ?d??t?ta BGCOLOR se ???e se??da
- ? ?a ???s?µ?p???s? ??a style sheet ??a ?a t?
???µa - ?e t? style sheet µp??? ?a a????? t? ???µa
?p?ßa???? se ??e? t?? se??de? µe µ?a ap?? e?t??? - ????? t? style sheet ?a ?p?epe ?a a????? ???e
se??da ?a? ?a a????? t?? ?d??t?ta BGCOLOR
4Cascading Style Sheets (s????e?a)
- ?a p?e??e?t?µata t?? CSS ?a ?????? eµfa??ste?a
st? s????e?a - ?e ta CSS µe???eta? ? a????? ??a ?a µp??? tags
p?? af????? st?? eµf???s? t?? ?e?µ???? - ??a ?? se??de? ?a ????? ????te?? ??d??a?µ????te??
µ??e???? ?????ta? ta??te?a st?? browser - ?e ????te?? ??d??a ?? se??de? µp????? ?a
epe?te????ta?/a??????? e?????te?a
5S??ta?? CSS
- e?t???? CSS ???f??ta? se ?e????st?? ??aµµ?? p??
?a????ta? ?a???e? - ???e ?a???a? ??e? t??a µ???
- SELECTOR propertyvalue
- St?? pe??ss?te?e? pe??pt?se?? ? selector e??a? t?
tag p?? ?????µe ?a e??????µe - Property e??a? ? CSS attribute ?a? ? value
p??sd?????e? p?? ?a s?µpe??f??eta? ? property - O s??d?asµ?? property/value ?a?e?ta? d???s?.
- ?a??de??µa ? a???????? CSS ?a???a? ??te? t?
e?????sµ?? ???µa t?? se??d?? st? purple. - BODY colorpurple
6S??ta?? CSS (s????e?a)
- ?ta? ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ??a selector µp??e?te ?a
??ete p????? d???se?? (s??d?asµ???
property/value). - ??? d?a?????ete µe t?
- ?a?? ?d?a e??a? ?a ?p???e? µ?a ?e????st? ??aµµ?
??a ???e d???s? - ??e? ?? d???se?? pe??st???????ta? µe ta
- BODY colorpurple
- background-coloryellow
- margin-left 50px
- margin-right 50px
7?µad?p????ta? selectors
- ?p????µe ?a ß????µe p?????? selectors µa??
- ?.?. ? ?a???a? CSS ?a e????e? ta tags H1,H2 ?a?
?3 - ??a e??a? ta ?d?a e?t?? ap? t? µ??e???
- H1, H2, H3
- color000066
- background-colortransparent
- text-aligncenter
- font-styleitalic
8Contextual Selectors
- ?p??e?te ?a ???sete selectors p?? ?e?t???????
µ??? µ?sa se ?????? selectors - G?a pa??de??µa, t? ltBgt tag a????e? se bold t?
?e?µe?? - ???? µe t?? ep?µe?? ?a???a t? CSS ?a ???e? t? ltBgt
?a a????e? t? ?e?µe?? se ??t????, ???? ?ta? t?
ltBgt tag eµpe????eta? se µ?a pa????af? (ltPgt...lt/Pgt
tags). - P B color000000
- background-coloryellow
- font-weightbold
9???s?µ?p????ta? ta CSS
- ?e t?e?? ?????? t??p??? ?a ???s?µ?p??e?ta? ta CSS
??a ??e??? t?? se??d?? web - Linked Styles? ???st?? e????e? p???ap??? se??de?
µe ??a linked style - Embedded StylesO ???st?? e????e? µ?a se??da
- Inline StylesO ???st?? e????e? ??a section µ?a?
se??da? web - ?p??e?te ?a ???s?µ?p???sete ??a ap? ta t??a ?
s??d?asµ??? ?p?te ??ete ta cascading style
10Linked Style Sheets
- Ta linked style e??a? ?da???? ??a e??a?a e????a
t?? d??t?a??? t?p?? - ???µa ?p?ßa????, ??aµµat?se????, e?d??
??aµµat?se????, e?d?? ep??efa??da?, e??a? µ????
t?? HTML ?a? p??pe? ?a e??a? ????? se ??e? t??
se??de? - ?e CSS e??a? ap??
- ????? CSS ?e????st? ?d??t?te? ???e se??da??
d?s???e? ?? a??a??? - ??µ??????a linked style sheet
- G???te se ??a ?a???????? a??e?? t??? ?a???e? CSS
- ?p????e?este t? a??e?? st? ?d?? directory µe ta
.html a??e?a - ??ste t?? ?at????? .css
11?a??de??µa Linked Style Sheet
- BODY colorpurple
- background-coloryellow
- margin-left50px
- margin-right50px
- ???s??ste µ?a ??aµµ? HTML st?? pe????? HEAD
- ltLINK REL"stylesheet" TYPE"text/css"
HREF"xxx.css"gt - RELp????f??e? t?? browser ?t? t? linked file
e??a? stylesheetTYPET?p?? a??e????e?µe?? ??a
.cssHREF???µa ?a? ??s? a??e??? css
12Embedded Styles a
- Embedded styles e??a? ???s?µa ??a ??e??? µ?a?-d??
se??d?? - ?st? ?t? ??ete ??a µe???? web site p?? e????eta?
ap? ??a linked stylesheet - ???? t? ß????af??? sa? ???ete ?a ??e? d?af??et???
stylesheet?embedded style - Embedded styles, ?? ?a???e? ?p?? ?a? sta linked,
a??? a?t? ??a d?af??et??? a??e??, t??? ???fete
st? tµ?µa HEAD t?? se??da? p?? ???ete ?a
e????ete - ?p?s?? ß??ete ?a? t? tag ltSTYLEgt
13Embedded Styles ß
- ltHEADgt
- ltSTYLE TYPE"text/css"gt
- lt!--
- BODY colorpurple
- background-coloryellow
- margin-left50px
- margin-right50px
- --gt
- lt/STYLEgt
- lt/HEADgt
- ?a tags (lt!-- ... --gt) µpa????? ??a pa?a??te????
browsers p?? de? µp????? ?a d?aß?s??? CSS. - ??t? ta tags e??a? s????a p?? ???ß??? t?? css
code, - ?a????????? browsers ?a d?aß?s??? ta CSS pa?? ta
s????a - ?a ltTITLEgt, ltMETAgt tags ?a? ta ?p????pa t?? HEAD
µp????? ?a s???p?????? µe ?p??ad?p?te se??? µe t?
14Inline Styles a
- ?a Inline styles e??????? ??a section µ?a?
se??da? web. - ?a??de??µa, ?st? ?t? ???ete ?a a?a?????sete ??t?
st?? ????a se??da t?? d??t?a??? t?p??, a?t? ?
a?a?????s? ?a e??a? ??a ???e? ?µ??e? µ??? - ? p?? ap?? ??s? e??a? ta inline styles
- say you want to put a special, attention-grabbing
message on your main web page. You'll only need
the message there for a week or so, so you don't
want to add CSS rules to your linked style sheet
or you embedded styles. You can use inline
15Inline Styles ß, s??ta??
- ltTAG STYLE"property1value1property2value2"gt...
lt/TAGgt - ????se?? inline style ?? d???se?? t??e?ta? ??
t?µ?? µ?a? ?d??t?ta? STYLE - To TAG ?a?????e? t? ?????µe ?a e??????µe
- ?a??de??µa t? inline style ?a t???se? t? s?et???
?e?µe?? - ltH1 STYLE"coloryellowbackground-colorred"gt?p
? ?atas?e??!ltBRgte??te ?a?? se µ?a
eßd?µ?da.lt/H1gt - ?? inline style ?a ep?d??se? µ??? st??
s???e???µ??? ep??efa??da H1 - ??e? ?? ???e? H1 pa?aµ????? a?ep???aste?
- ?a stylesheets µp????? ?a e??a? ?a? eµf???asµ??a
(cascading) - ?.?. a? ta H1 ????? ???ste? ?? ?e?t?a??sµ??a se
linked ? embedded style - ??te t? pa?ap??? d???s? ?a ???????µ?se? a?t? t??
?d??t?ta (?a s??e??se? ?a e??a? ß?ßa?a ??t???? se
??????? background)
16Styles ?a? Class a
- ? ?d??t?ta CLASS ????e? ta st???e?a (elements)
p?? e??????ta? ap? t? CSS - ?a??de??µa ?? ???ete ?a ???s?µ?p???sete t??
a?a?????s? (ap? ta inline css) se p????? se??de?
st?? d??t?a?? t?p? - ?p??e?te ?a ???s?µ?p??e?ta? inline style ???e
f????????ast??? d?s???e? ?? a??a??? - ??a??a?t??? µp??e?te ?a ???s?µ?p???sete t?
.selector (te?e?a-slector) - ?a??de??µa se ??a e??te???? style sheet ß??te t?
- .attention coloryellow
- background-colorred
- font-size 14pt
- St?? html page (p?? e??a? LINKed to this .css
file) a? ß??ete - ltP CLASS"attention"gt Check out this hot, new
17Styles ?a? Class ß
- O .selector de? af??? µ??? ta tag pa?a???f??
- ?p??e? ?a µpe? se ???? t?? e?d?? ta tags
- ??. se Headline tags ltH1gt - ltH6gt ?a? se ltDIVgt
- ?p??e?te ?a d?sete ?t? ???µa ???ete se .selector
- ??? ???s?µ?p???sete ?µ?? ?e?? ? ?efa?a?a
18pa?ade??µa e?t???? css, ??a background
- BODY background-colorblue
- background-imageurl(image.gif)
- background-repeatrepeat-y
- background-attachmentfixed
19pa?ade??µa e?t???? css, ??a links
- Alink colorblue
- background-colortransparent
- text-decorationnone
- Aactive colorblue
- background-colorred
- text-decorationnone
- Avisited colorltblue
- background-colortransparent
- text-decorationnone
- Ahover colorpurple
- background-colortransparent
- text-decorationunderline
20pa?ade??µa e?t???? css, ??a pa?a???f???
- P color000066
- background-colortransparent
- text-indent.5in
- line-height1.5
- P A colorblue
- background-colorred
- text-decorationunderline
- .quote color000066
- background-colortransparent
- font-size11pt
- font-styleitlaic
- line-heightnormal
21pa?ade??µa e?t???? css, ??a headings
- H1 color000066
- background-colortransparent
- margin-left100px
- text-aligncenter
- text-transformuppercase
- H2, H3 color000066
- background-colortransparent
- margin-left100px
- text-alignleft
- font-styleitalic
- H4 color000066
- background-colord7d7d7
- font-size12pt
- font-weightbold
- font-stylenormal
22?a?ade??µata e?t???? ??a ??ste?
- UL LI color660000
- background-colortransparent
- list-style-typedisc
- list-style-imageurl(image.gif)
- UL LI LI color660000
- background-colortransparent
- list-style-typecircle
- OL LI color660000
- background-colortransparent
- list-style-typeupper-roman
- OL LI LI color660000
- background-colortransparent
- list-style-typelower-alpha
23G?a pe??ss?te?e? p????f???e?
- HTMLGoodieshttp//htmlgoodies.com/beyond/css.html
- W3C Cascading Style Sheetshttp//www.w3.org/TR/RE
C-CSS1 - Web Monkey Style Sheetshttp//www.hotwired.com/we
bmonkey/98/15/index0a.html - Microsofts IE supported Style Sheet