Title: Solidarity
2What does solidarity mean?
- Loyalty
- Strength
- Divided
- United
- Solid
- Together
- Group
- Team
- Co-operate
- Individual
- One
- Many
- Can you agree on a group definition?
- What does this mean?
- Do you agree with the statement?
United we stand, divided we fall. Aesop -
Greek slave fable author (C620 BC)
4United 1
West Ham Manchester Newcastle Sheffield Peter
borough Leeds Colchester Scunthorpe Southend ???
- Why do some football teams
- have United in their names?
- Is this a good description?
5United 2
- Can you think of other groups that call
themselves United - Why do you think they use the world?
- Is it appropriate?
United Nations United Biscuits United
Kingdom United Airlines United States of
America United Reformed Church
6United 3
- What other words do people use that mean
The Co-operative Group Trade Union
Congress Confederation of British
Industry Football Association European Union NATO
7Solidarity Things to do
- Find out who wrote this quote and in which book?
- Find out which country has this quote as its
unofficial motto? - Write your own motto for Solidarity
- Design a Solidarity logo.
All for one and one for all