Chapter 16 Immigration Policy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 16 Immigration Policy


It was a problem to the first English pioneers in the New World ... this law was blatantly racist since it specifically banned only Chinese immigrants. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Chapter 16 Immigration Policy

Chapter 16Immigration Policy
  • By long established custom whoever speaks of
    immigration must refer to it as a problem. It
    was a problem to the first English pioneers in
    the New World scattered up and down the Atlantic
    coast. Whenever a vessel anchored in the James
    River and a few score weary and emaciated
    gentlemen, worn out by three months upon the
    Atlantic, stumbled up the bank, the veterans who
    had survived natures rigorous seasoning looked
    at one another in despair and asked Who is to
    feed them? Who is to teach them to fight Indians,
    or grow tobacco, or clear the marshy lands and
    build a home in the malaria-infested swamps?
    These immigrants certainly are a problem.
  • (Marcus Lee Hansen, 1938)

The Goals of This Chapter
  • Summarize the various push, pull, stay, and
    stay-away factors that determine immigration, and
    introduce the role of immigration policy.
  • Use the history of U.S. policies toward
    immigrants as a case study of immigration policy.
  • Describe immigration policy in other countries
    and compare it to that of the U.S.
  • Analyze illegal immigration, its likely causes,
    and its consequences.
  • Introduce students to the bureaucratic world of
    immigration regulation by examining how people go
    about getting immigrant visas in the U.S. and
    other countries.

Push, Pull, Stay, and Stay Away Factors
  • The incentives that influence immigration fall
    into four categories
  • 1. Negative incentives that push people to leave
    a country
  • 2. Positive incentives that pull people to
    immigrate to another country
  • 3. Positive incentives that cause people to stay
    at home
  • 4. Negative incentives that cause people to stay
    away from a foreign country.

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Push Factors
  • Famine Discrimination
  • Poverty High taxes
  • Low wages Religious persecution
  • Unemployment Civil war
  • Crowding Forced military service
  • violence and crime Social immobility

Stay factors
  • Family ties Property
  • Friendships Employment
  • Social status Familiarity
  • Cultural familiarity Certainty
  • Political privileges

Pull factors
  • Higher wages Law and order
  • Employment Peace
  • Property rights Religious freedom
  • Personal freedom Educational opportunity
  • Economic freedom Social mobility
  • Civil rights Lower taxes

Stay away factors
  • Language barriers Low wages
  • Cultural barriers Lack of political rights
  • Discrimination Uncertainty
  • Low social status War
  • Unemployment Crime
  • Unfamiliarity

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A nations immigration policy consists of the
laws, regulations, and bureaucratic procedures
that address the following questions
  • 1. Is immigration to be restricted?
  • 2. If immigration is to be restricted, how many
    immigrants will be allowed to enter the country?
  • 3. If the number of foreigners seeking to
    immigrate exceeds the number of immigrants to be
    allowed into the country, what criteria will be
    used to ration the scarce entry permits?
  • 4. How many resources will be devoted to
    enforcing the immigration restrictions?
  • 5. What methods will be used to enforce
    immigration restrictions?
  • 6. How are immigrants to be treated compared to
    citizens of the country?

U.S. Immigration Policy
  • The Six Questions 1776-1875
  • 1. Restrict No restriction
  • 2. How much n.a.
  • 3. Selection Criteria n.a.
  • 4. Control Effort n.a.
  • 5. Control Methods n.a.
  • 6. Foreigners Rights Same as nationals

U.S. Immigration Policy
  • The Six Questions 1900
  • 1. Restrict Restrict Chinese, criminals, and
    people in poor health
  • 2. How much No restrictions on others
  • 3. Selection Criteria Racial criteria,
    interview and inspection at entry
  • 4. Control Effort Few resources applied
  • 5. Control Methods Border inspections, permanent
    agency to enforce immigration laws
  • 6. Foreigners Rights Reduced rights until
    citizenship was acquired

U.S. Immigration Policy
  • The Six Questions 1930
  • 1. Restrictions Country-by-country quotas
  • 2. How much Overall limit of 150,000
  • 3. Selection Criteria Country quotas not to
    exceed 2 of total number of that national
    origin already in U.S.
  • 4. Control Effort Stricter control of borders
  • 5. Control Methods Ellis Island, Angel Island,
    other border controls
  • 6. Foreigners Rights Reduced rights until
    citizenship was acquired

U.S. Immigration Policy
  • The Six Questions 2000
  • 1. Restrictions Restrict but increase the
    total number of immigrant visas
  • 2. How much Total visas issued approached 1
    million per year by 2000
  • 3. Selection Criteria Variety of criteria,
    including family reunification, special
    skills, lottery, refugees, and investment.
  • 4. Control Effort Greatly increased expenditures
    for border control, monitoring of aliens,
    and processing of visas.
  • 5. Control Methods Border checks, required
    documentation, employer checks
  • 6. Foreigners Rights Limited rights until

Illegal Immigration
  • Illegal Immigration is immigration that involves
    disregarding a countrys immigration laws,
    regulations, and procedures.
  • Illegal immigration a result of the clash between
    policies and economic incentives.
  • U.S. census data for 2000 suggests there may be
    close to 9 million illegal immigrants in the U.S.
  • There may be about 5 million illegal immigrants
    living in Western European countries.
  • Illegal immigration does not only occur in
    developed economies it occurs between all
    countries where there are substantial differences
    in economic opportunities.

Illegal Immigration
  • An interesting question is why authorities in
    destination countries often accept illegal
    immigration despite formal laws that call for
    strict punishment of illegal immigrants.
  • Some economists have suggested that illegal
    immigration constitutes a form of market
    segmentation that lets employers capture the
    gains from increased labor while minimizing the
    negative consequences on native labor.
  • Illegal immigrants are often concentrated in
    labor intensive industries that offer working
    conditions that native workers shun and wages far
    below what native workers earn in other sectors
    of the economy.
  • Thus, illegal immigrants end up in certain
    low-paying segments of the labor market where
    they do not compete directly with native workers.

Illegal Immigration
  • Illegal immigration equal to the difference ab
    gives employers surplus gains of area G in the
    part of the illegal labor market where the wage
    is w2.
  • Native workers continue to earn income equal to
    areas EF in the rest of the economy where the
    wage is w1.
  • The economy thus gains G while native workers are

Illegal Immigration
  • The demand-side effects of immigration may even
    cause illegal immigration to raise the welfare of
    native workers.
  • If the labor demand curve shifts out, then native
    workers wage rises to w3 and employers and other
    factors earn the areas D and a larger G.
  • Native labor income increases by the area J.
  • These conclusions are very dependent on rigid
    market segmentation.

Studies of public opinion on immigration suggest
  • Low-skilled workers were more likely to support
    curbs on immigration than high-skilled workers.
  • Opposition to immigration among low-skilled
    workers was weaker in high-immigrant regions of
    the U.S.
  • The authors of the study attribute the weak
    opposition to immigration in the U.S. in the late
    twentieth century to the fact that most
    immigrants settled in states where there were
    already a lot of immigrants and the native
    population was increasingly high-skilled.
  • That is, those likely to suffer most from the
    downward wage pressure from immigration are other
    immigrants, who are less inclined to demand curbs
    on immigration.

Key U.S. Legislation on Immigration
  • The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 - The first
    legislation explicitly limiting immigration, this
    law was blatantly racist since it specifically
    banned only Chinese immigrants.
  • In 1891 legislation was passed creating the
    Office of Immigration, an agency that is today
    known as the Immigration and Naturalization
    Service (INS).
  • An immigrant processing center was established on
    Ellis Island in New York harbor in 1892 to
    enforce new health and moral criteria established
    by law.
  • In 1913 Congress reacted to the alleged
    deteriorating quality of immigrants and passed
    a law requiring that all immigrants be literate,
    which President Wilson vetoed.
  • A literacy law was again passed in 1917, and
    Wilsons veto was overridden.

Key U.S. Legislation on Immigration
  • The 1921 Emergency Quota Act set strict limits on
    immigration for the first time.
  • It was followed by the Japanese Exclusion Act of
    1924, which placed an outright ban on immigration
    from Japan.
  • The Immigration Act of 1924 limited immigration
    from any particular country to 2 percent of the
    number of descendants of immigrants of that
    nationality residing in the United States back in
  • Supporters of this latter law felt that by going
    back to the 1890 census the traditional ethnic
    makeup of the United States would be preserved.
  • In 1929, immigration law was amended to set an
    overall limit of 150,000 immigrants per year,
    divided among nationalities according to the
    ethnic makeup of the U.S. population as given by
    the 1920 census.

Key U.S. Legislation on Immigration
  • In 1965, when civil rights were a popular
    political issue, Congress passed the Immigration
    and Nationality Act Amendments of 1965.
  • This Act abolished the national quota system in
    favor of a new set of criteria for the granting
    of permanent resident visas.
  • The 1965 Act prescribed that 80 percent of the
    numerical limits were to be allocated to
    relatives of persons already living in the United
  • The remaining were to be allocated to those with
    desirable skills and their family members.
  • Spouses and children of U.S. citizens were no
    longer subject to numerical limits at all.

Key U.S. Legislation on Immigration
  • By the 1980s, illegal immigration in the U.S. was
    growing rapidly, which led to the Immigration
    Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA).
  • This Act strengthened the Border Patrol and, for
    the first time, established penalties on
    employers who knowingly employ illegal aliens.
  • Employers were required to check the
    identification of their employees to verify their
    legal status in the United States.
  • IRCA also provided for a one-time amnesty for
    illegal immigrants by giving about 2.7 million
    illegal aliens living in the United States legal
    residence status.

Key U.S. Legislation on Immigration
  • Illegal immigration continued to grow despite the
    new measures.
  • Increased border patrols have had little effect
    on the number of people entering the U.S.
  • The requirement that employers verify citizenship
    may have done little more than induce a new
    industry producing all varieties of forged
  • Even though the amnesty was advertised as a
    one-time event, prospective immigrants could also
    have interpreted it as a signal that the status
    of illegal immigrants may again be legalized in
    the future.

Key U.S. Legislation on Immigration
  • The Immigration Act of 1990 addressed the
    concerns about the decline in the skill levels of
    U.S. immigrants by reducing residence visas for
    unskilled labor and increasing visas for
    priority workers.
  • The Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant
    Responsibility Act of 1996 set up a telephone
    clearing house for employers to verify the
    immigrant status of employees and expanded the
    Border Patrol.
  • the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity
    Reconciliation Act barred non-citizens from some
    types public assistance.
  • In 2000 Congress authorized an increase in H-1B
    visas, which are temporary work visas for
    foreigners with talents and skills that are in
    short supply in the U.S.
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