Title: Pesticide Measures Project: Status Report
1Pesticide Measures ProjectStatus Report
- Scott Downey
- Western Regions Pesticide Meeting
- May 18, 2006
2Framework for Measures Project
Task Area Groups Develop program specific
Mission Area Groups Develop big-picture
strategic indicators
Coordinating Committee Review and refine work of
task/mission area groups
Senior Level Steering Committee Set direction
Manage process Resolve conflicts/issues
3Task Areas
- Endangered Species Pesticide Program
- Water Quality and Pesticides
- Worker Safety and Certification/Training
- Strategic Agriculture Initiative
4Mission Areas
- Protect the Environment
- Protect Human Health
- Benefits of Pesticides
5Existing EPA Strategic Plan Structure
- Goal 4 Healthy communities and ecosystems
- 4.1 Chemical, organism and pesticide risks
- 4.1.1 Reduce exposure to toxic pesticides
- 4.1.2 License pesticides meeting safety standards
6Proposed Strategic Plan Structure
- Goal 4 Healthy communities and ecosystems
- 4.1.1 Protect human health from pesticide risk
- 4.1.2 Protect the environment from pesticide
risk - 4.1.3 Realize the benefits from pesticide use
7The Measures Quilt
- Output measures
- products/services
- Outcome measures
- short, medium, long-term
- Efficiency measures
- cost, productivity
- Strategic Measures (big picture)
- EPA Strategic Plan
- Program Measures
- Internal
- OPP, ROs, States/Tribes
9Mission AreaProtect Human Health
- Reduce the level of certain pesticides in the
general population - Reduce pesticide residues in the 20 foods most
commonly eaten by children - Reduce moderate severe incidents for 6
pesticides with highest incident rate
10Mission AreaProtect the Environment
- For key pesticides, reduce the of watersheds
exceeding aquatic life benchmarks (USGS NAWQA) - Cumulative of OPP actions taken to address
Endangered Species obligations
11Mission AreaProtect the Environment
- Evaluate and manage pesticides to protect Water
Quality - Program measure implemented through Cooperative
12Water Quality Tiered Approach
- Identify Pesticides of Concern
- Short-term (change in knowledge)
- Take actions to reduce/prevent pesticide
contamination - Intermediate-term (change in behavior)
- Monitor/Demonstrate Progress
- Long-term (change in condition)
13Mission AreaBenefits of Pesticide
- Avoided crop loss due to pests measured thru the
Section 18/Section 3 program - Reduce expenditures resulting from insect
structural damage - Reports in SAI grants database show increase in
use of whole farm practices based on transition
14What questions do you have?
Contact Information Scott Downey,
Manager Pesticides and Toxics Unit (206)
553-0682 downey.scott_at_epa.gov
15Bonus Question
- What happened on this day in history?
- May 18, 1980
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