Title: Enterprise Java Beans
1???? ? Enterprise Java Beans
- ?????????? ?? ??????? ??????
- ??????? ?
- ???????? ??????????? ??. ??????? ????????
- ???
- ??????????? ???????????
- 4 ???? 6 ????
- ???. ?????. 42452
- ?? ???? ?????????? ????????? ??????????
- ???? ? EJB ?????????????.
- ???? ??? ?????????????? ?? EJB-??.
- ?????????????? ?? ????????????.
- Session Beans ??????????????. Statefull ?
Stateless Session Beans. - Entity Beans ??????????????. Container-managed
? Bean-managed Entity Beans. - ??????? ?? Session ? Entity Beans. ???????.
???????????? ?? Home Inteface - lookup ?? ??????. - ???????? ?? ?????????? ??? Session ? Entity
Beans. - EJB environment.
- Security management.
- EJB deployment descriptor.
- EJB jar file.
- Application Servers.
- ???????.
3???? ? EJB ?????????????.
- ???????????? ??????????? ? ??????? ?????????.
4???? ? ?????????????? ?? EJB-??.
- ????????????? ?? EJB-?? (EJB developer)
- ????, ????? ????????? ???????????? (EJB deployer)
- ????????????? ?? ????????? (EJB container vendor)
- ????????????? ?? ?????? (EJB server vendor)
- ????????????? ?? ?????????? ??????? (application
5?????????????? ?? ????????????.
- ???? ??????????????
- ?????? ??????????? ?????
- Home Interface
- Remote Interface
- Session ?????? ?????????? ?? ?? ??????
?????? ????? ?? ????????? ?????????? ?? ??
????????? ? ?????? ?? ???? ????? ?? ????? ??
?????????? ???? ????? ?????? ???????????
?????? ??? ? ?????????? ??????? crash ??
????????? ? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ??
??????? - Entity ?????? ??????????? ???????? ?????? ??
?????? ????? ??????????? ??????? ?????? ?? ?????
??????? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ????? ??
?????????? crash ?? ?????????? - CORBA
6Session Beans. Statefull ? Stateless Session
- ?????????? ?? dewelopera. ?? ??????????
SessionBean ?????, Home ? Remote
???????????? - Home ????????? ?????????? ?????????? ?? ?????????
?? ??? ????? ?????????? ?? Sessio
????? ??????? ?? javax.ejbEJBMetaData ?????????
??? session bean-? ?????????? ?? handle ???
??????????. - Stateless Session Beans ????????? stateless
service. - Statefull Session Beans ?????????? statefull
service. - Activation and passivation (secodary storage).
7Entity Beans. Container-managed ? Bean-managed
Entity Beans.
- Create ??????
- Finder ??????
- Remove ??????
- Bean-managed persistence ???????????? ??
ejbCreate(), ejbRemove(), ejbLoad(), ejbStore(),
ejbFind() - Container-managed persistemce
8??????? ?? Session ? Entity Beans. ???????.
???????????? ?? Home Interface lookup ?? ??????.
- ?????????? ?? RMI.
- ?????????? ?? CORBA ?? ??-java ???????.
9Home interface
10Remote interface
11Bean class
12JSP client
13????????? ?? ??????????.
- ???? ?????????.
- ?? ????????????? ??????????.
- Bean-managed ??????????.
- Container-managed ??????????.
- ?????????? ? deployment descriptor.
- ???????? ?? ??????????.
- Isolation levels.
14????????? ?? ??????????
- ?????????? ?? ???? ?????? ? update ?? 3 ???? ?
?????????? - ?????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ? update ?? 2
???? ? ??????????
15???????? ?? ??????????
- NotSupported
- Required
- Supports
- RequiresNew
- Mandatory
- Never
16EJB environment.
- ??????? ??? ??????????? ?? enwironment ????????.
- ?????? ?? ??????? ? ?????????? ?.
17Security management
18EJB deployment descriptor
- ???? ?????????.
- ??? ??????????, ????? ?? ??????? ?????
(?????????? - ??????? ? ?????????? ?? ??????
??????????). - ???????????? ????????, ????? bean-developera
?????? ?? ?????????.
19EJB deployment descriptor ????????????
- Enterprise beans name.
- Enterprise beans class.
- Enterprise beans home interfaces.
- Enterprise beans remote interfaces.
- Enterprise beans type.
- Re-entrancy indication.
- Session beans state management type.
- Session beans transaction demarcation type.
- Entity beans persistence management.
- Entity beans primary key class.
- Container-managed fields.
- Environment entries.
- Resource manager connection factory references.
- EJB references.
- Security role references.
20EJB deployment descriptor ... ? ????????
21EJB deployment descriptor ... ? ????????
22EJB jar file.
- Meta-inf/ejb-jar.xml.
- ???????.
- ???????????? ???????.
23Application servers.
- ProSyst Application Server http//www.prosyst.bg
- InQMy Application Server http//www.inqmy.com
- Inprise Application Server http//www.borland.com
- Orion Application Server http//www.orionserver.c
om - JRun Application Server http//www.alaire.com
- ? ????? ????? ?????? ? ???????? ???????...
- ?????? ???????? ?? SUN-Micrsystems ?? EJB-??.
http//java.sun.com/products/ejb - Enterprise JavaBeans ???????????? ? ?????
???????????? http//java.sun.com/products/ejb/doc
s.html - JNDI - Java Naming and Directory Interface
http//java.sun.com/products/jndi - JTS - Java Transaction Service
http//java.sun.com/products/jts - OTS CORBAservices Object Transaction Service
http//www.omg.org/docs/formal/97-12-17.pdf - ?????? ?? Enterprise JavaBeans (presentation)