Title: West Region
1OSU Extension, West Region 1050 Carmack Road Room
204-Mount Hall Columbus, Ohio 43210
West Region County Director Meeting
Monday, April 14, 2008 900 a.m. 345
p.m. Auglaize County Administration Building 209
S. Blackhoof St. Wapakoneta, OH 45895
900 a.m. Registration/Refreshments/Reconnections
930 a.m. Administrative Update - West Region
Director Staff - State of the Region - New
Policies - Submitted Questions Answers -
Webpage and Newsletter 1000 a.m. Human
Resources Update/Submitted QA- Garee Earnest
1045 a.m. Break 1100 a.m. Education and Work
Outcomes During Transition to Adulthood
Dr. Anastasia Snyder 1145 a.m. Strategic Plan -
Bill Grunkemeyer 1215 p.m. Lunch 100
p.m. Marketing and Branding for Extension and
Emerging Technology Updates - Rob Luikart
Keira McGlone 230 p.m. Break 245 p.m. Business
Office Update - Cindy Buxton 300 p.m. Alber
Enterprise Center Eileen Smith and Frank
Gibson 345 p.m. Evaluation and Closing Remarks
2Registration Form West Region County Director
Please complete and submit the following
registration form by April 4 to Pam Assenheimer,
OSU Extension West Region, 1050 Carmack Road,
Room 204-Mount Hall, Columbus, OH 43210 or fax to
Cost 27 per person
County ______________________ Names
______________________ __________________________
______________________ _________________________
_ ______________________ ________________________
__ Please charge 27.00 x ____ (number of
persons) ________ to Org
_________________ Fund ______________ Account
_____________ User Def ___________ Signature
authorizing transfer from the above
account ________________________________________
___ Continental Breakfast will be served Lunch
menu Assorted sandwiches (ham, turkey roast
beef), veggies w/dip, potato salad and a brownie,
iced tea, lemonade
We gratefully acknowledge the continued help and
financial support of our local county
commissioners. We appreciate their input and
participation in our programming efforts. Ohio
State University Extension embraces human
diversity and is committed to ensuring that all
research and related educational programs are
available to clientele on a nondiscriminatory
basis without regard to race, color, religion,
sex, age, national origin, sexual orientation,
gender identity or expression, disability, or
veteran status. This statement is in accordance
with United States Civil Rights Laws and the
USDA. Keith L. Smith, Ph.D., Associate Vice
President for Agricultural Administration and
Director, Ohio State University ExtensionÂ
TDD No. 800-589-8292 (Ohio only) or 614-292-1868