Title: Interviewing City Council Members
1Interviewing City Council Members
- By Victoria Blount, Britney Stewart, Caroline
Grasso, Libba McKinsey, and ,Chris Hunter
2Group Members
- Asheville Middle School Students
- Libba McKinsey
- Caroline Grasso
- Victoria Blount
- Britney Stewart
- Chris Hunter
- UNCA Students
- Carrie Dunham
3Analyzing/Summarizing Interview of Brownie
Newman, who is a member of City Council.
- He talked a lot about smart growth
- Transportation
- Taxes
- Homelessness
4Personal Information on Public Official
- He used to be a gymnastics teacher
- He ran the WNC Alliance air quality in the
mountains - He ran twice before he won
5Job other than public official
- He ran the WNC alliance
- He used to be a gymnastics teacher
6Description of duties of Council/Commission/Board
of Elections
- They have to go to City Council Meetings every
week - He feels like a responsible role model
7Top six important issues and where Public
Official stands
- Taxes
- Water
- Paving the streets
- The ten year plan to end homelessness
- Smart growth
- I-26
8Other interesting information about Public
- Hes only 10 months into his term.
- He has a strong background in environmental
issues. - Hes the youngest person on the board.
- He has one of the most interesting hairstyles.
9How does this person represent the everyday
person in our community?
- Brownie Newman cares about the people .
- He is very down to earth.
- He wants to see our people come together and stop
being divided. - He really wants change for the people.
10What are important characteristics of a good
public servant?
- Honesty
- Trustworthy
- Responsible
- Good public speaker
- Represents the people.
- Courageous
- A good listener
- Good communication skills
11What are the top three important issues in our
community, according to the Public Official?
- Homelessness
- Smart growth
- Lowering the taxes for the city
12If you could ask this Public Official one other
question, what would it be?
- What would you like to accomplish in your four
years in office and how do you plan to do that
and still be a good role model?
13In what ways has this project been of value to
- This project has been of value to me because it
taught me that every city official is not the
same and that you cant expect them to all do the
same thing but even though they arent the same,
they can and will get the job done.
14How do public officials demonstrate moral courage?
- They stand up for what they think is right, even
if they have to stand alone. - They never give up trying to reach their goal.
15How do public officials demonstrate civic
- They fight the issue that they begin with, they
dont switch in the middle of their term and Mr.
Newman shows this.
16You hold the office of Citizen. What are your
responsibilities in holding this office?
- You need to vote.
- You also need to fight for what you believe in.
- If someone is in office and you dont like what
they are doing, youll do all you can to make
that situation better.