Title: Qualities of a Healthy Church
1- Qualities of a Healthy Church
- 3. A Committed Family
- Acts 242-47, 432-37
2For this reason I kneel before the Father, from
whom his whole family in heaven and on earth
derives its name. Eph 314-15
3Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a
tribe, call it a family we all need
one. Jane Howard
4Qualities of a Healthy Church 3. A Committed
Family Acts 242-47, 432-37
They devoted themselves to
1. learning together 242
2. meeting together 242, 44, 46
a. in the Temple Courts
b. in homes Acts 542, Heb 1025
5Qualities of a Healthy Church 3. A Committed
Family Acts 242-47, 432-37
They devoted themselves to
1. learning together 242
2. meeting together 242, 44, 46 Acts 542, Heb
3. eating together 242, 46 1 Cor 1017
4. praying together 242
5. each other! 432 Eph 19-10
6Qualities of a Healthy Church 3. A Committed
Family Acts 242-47, 432-37
Mark 1230-31
7Qualities of a Healthy Church 3. A Committed
Family Acts 242-47, 432-37
They devoted themselves to
1. learning together 242
2. meeting together 242, 44, 46 Acts 542, Heb
3. eating together 242, 46 1 Cor 1017
4. praying together 242
5. each other! 432 Eph 19-10 Mk 1230-31
a. through sharing 432
b. through caring practically 245, 434-35