Title: The Formation of Disk Galaxies
1The Formation of Disk Galaxies
- Ariyeh Maller
- Avishai Dekel
- University of Jerusalem
- Maller and Dekel 2003 MNRAS, 335, 487
- Maller, Dekel and Somerville 2002 MNRAS, 329, 423
- The Standard Theory
- Initially baryons trace dark matter.
- Detailed conservation of angular momentum.
- Problems with the Standard Theory
- The angular momentum catastrophe.
- The distribution of specific angular momentum.
- Bulge formation from low angular momentum
material. - New ideas
- A hierarchical model of the build up of angular
momentum. - Spin segregation from feedback.
3Some Notation
- Angular Momentum
- Specific Angular Momentum
- Spin parameter
4The Standard Model of Disk Formation
- Detailed Conservation of Angular Momentum
- (Mestel 1963)
- Baryons initially trace dark matter
- (Fall and Estafiou 1980)
- Adiabatic Contraction
- (Barnes and White 1984, Bluementhal et al 1986)
- Realistic Halo Profile
- (Dalconton et al 1996, Mo et al 1997)
- Bulge formation from disk instabilities
- (Dalconton et al 1996, Mo et al 1997, van der
Bosch 1998) - Supernova feedback
- (van der Bosch et al 2000, 2002)
5Problems with the Standard Model
- The angular momentum catastrophe
- Hydrodynamical simulations show that the
angular - momentum of the baryons is not conserved
during collapse - (Navarro and Benz 1991, Steinmetz and Navarro
1998, 2000, - Sommer-Larson et al 2000)
- The j-profile mismatch
- The distribution of specific angular momentum
in N-body simulations does not agree with
observations - (Bullock et al 1999, van der Bosch et al 2000)
- Other problems
- The spread in disk sizes seems to be narrower
- then the spread in ? values. (Lacey and de Jong
2000) - Major mergers should lead to spheroids, but they
also - have the highest ? values. (Gardner 2000,
Wechsler 2000)
6The angular momentum catastrophe
- In hydrodynamical
- simulations baryons
- have 10 of the
- angular momentum
- of observed disks.
- This has been associated
- with the problem of
- over-cooling also
- seen in hydrodynamical
- simulations
Navarro and Steinmetz 2000
7Problems with the Standard Model
- The angular momentum catastrophe
- Hydrodynamical simulations show that the
angular - momentum of the baryons is not conserved
during collapse - (Navarro and Benz 1991, Steinmetz and Navarro
1998, 2000, - Sommer-Larson et al 2000)
- The j-profile mismatch
- The distribution of specific angular momentum
in N-body simulations does not agree with
observations - (Bullock et al 1999, van der Bosch et al 2000)
- Other problems
- The spread in disk sizes seems to be narrower
- then the spread in ? values. (Lacey and de Jong
2000) - Major mergers should lead to spheroids, but they
also - have the highest ? values. (Gardner 2000,
Wechsler 2000)
8The j-profile problem
- Universal specific angular
- momentum profile
- (Bullock et al 2000)
- ? has a log-normal distribution
- There is an excess of low
- and high angular momentum
- material compared to an
- exponential disk.
9Problems with the Standard Model
- The angular momentum catastrophe
- Hydrodynamical simulations show that the
angular - momentum of the baryons is not conserved
during collapse - (Navarro and Benz 1991, Steinmetz and Navarro
1998, 2000, - Sommer-Larson et al 2000)
- The j-profile mismatch
- The distribution of specific angular momentum
in N-body simulations does not agree with
observations - (Bullock et al 1999, van der Bosch et al 2000)
- Other problems
- The spread in disk sizes seems to be narrower
- then the spread in ? values. (Lacey and de Jong
2000) - Major mergers should lead to spheroids, but they
also - have the highest ? values. (Gardner 2000,
Wechsler 2000)
10Modeling Angular Momentum
- How angular momentum is built up in halos?
- Tidal Torques
- Orbital angular momentum from mergers
- How angular momentum is transferred to the halo?
- Tidal Stripping
- Dynamical Friction
- How the baryons are related to the dark matter?
- Cooling
- Feedback
11Tidal Torques
(Peebles 1969)
Collapsing Shells
- Orbital angular momentum
- of merger is converted to
- spin angular momentum.
- (Maller et al 2002)
- We also include a slight correlation
- between the directions of incoming
- mergers as seen in N-body simulations.
- This formalism reproduces
- statistically the properties of
- the dark halo spin distribution.
13j-profile from Orbital-Merger
Divide mass growth in to 20 equal mass bins and
assign to each bin the corresponding J that came
in with that mass. For satellites with masses
larger then the bin size the J assigned to the
bin goes as the square of the fraction of mass
in that bin. Low j material associated
with small satellites, high j material associated
with large satellites
14Transfer of Angular Momentum
- A satellite looses mass and angular momentum
because of tidal stripping. We can assume that
the mass lost retains its angular momentum. - Dynamical friction brings the satellite into the
center of the halo, transferring its angular
momentum to the halo.
Tidal Striping
Dynamical Friction
15The Effect of Cooling
- When gas cools the extent of the baryons Rb will
be much less then that of the dark matter Rdm - Thus the baryons are not stripped from the
satellite and instead their angular momentum is
lost to dynamical friction.
Tidal Striping
Dynamical Friction
16Over-cooling leads to the Angular Momentum
- If the baryons cool
- rapidly and sink to
- the centers of dark
- halos, then they will
- lose their angular
- momentum.
- Taking Rb0.13 Rdm
- we see that the
- spin of the baryons
- is reduced by
- roughly an
- order of
- magnitude.
- The obvious solution to this problem is some form
of heating that will prevent the baryons from
contracting to the center of the dark halos. - Usually people assume that this heating will keep
the baryons exactly tracing the dark matter
however, this is not a reasonable assumption.
Instead we expect the effects of heating to be a
function of the mass of the dark halo. - Unfortunately a successful implementation of
feedback in hydrodynamical simulations has thus
far proven challenging (Thacker and Couchman
2000). - Thus we will adopt a very simplistic feedback
recipe to explore its possible effects.
18Simple Feedback Recipe
- Assume for some size halo feedback can
- balance the effects of cooling. Let the
- circular velocity of this halo be
- For halos with Vh Vfbfeedback will not
- balance cooling and the baryons will
- contract.
- For halos with Vh
- overcome cooling and the baryons may
- escape from the halo reducing the fraction
- in the disk.
19Baryonic Angular Momentum
The baryonic angular momentum is reduced in
massive halos because the baryons have
condensed and the satellite spirals into the
halo before the baryons are stripped In low
mass halos the baryonic angular momentum is
reduced because there are less baryons, the
specific angular momentum is unchanged.
Vfb 95 km/s
20Effects of Heating and Blowout
Bright Galaxies Vvir 220 km/s
Dwarf Galaxies Vvir 60 km/s
21Comparison to Data
- The data comes from van der Bosch, Brukett and
Swaters (2001) who analyzed the rotation curves
of 13 dwarf galaxies to determine dark matter
halo profiles and from them baryonic spin
parameters and mass fractions. - They also measured j-profiles for the galaxies in
their sample. - The mean viral velocity of the sample is 60 km/s
and the - mean baryon fraction is 0.04.
- We set the free parameter of our model Vfb by
requiring that the mean baryon fraction in our
model galaxies with virial velocities of 60 km/s
is 0.04.
22Baryon Fractions
The fraction of mass in the disk for the data and
in our model for bright and dwarf halos. Vfb
is set to 95 km/s
23Spin Distribution of Dwarf Galaxies
Dark Matter
Model Dwarfs
25Model Dependence
- There are a wide
- range of model
- parameters that
- lead to very similar
- results as long as
- Vfb is chosen to fit
- the observed disk
- fraction.
- Heating and cooling change the angular momentum
of baryons relative to the dark matter (Spin
Segregation). - The mean value of the spin parameter of baryons
in dwarf galaxies is increased in agreement with
observations. - The low and high tails of the specific angular
momentum profile are removed in agreement with
observations. - The spread in spin parameter values in bright
galaxies is decreased again in agreement with
observations. - The low and high tails of specific angular
momentum are sometimes removed in bright
galaxies, allowing for large bulgeless galaxies.