Title: IPC and Classical Synchronization Problems
1IPC and Classical Synchronization Problems
2How do processes communicate?
- IPC (Inter Process Communication)
- Mechanism to exchange data
- Why?
- Share information
- Computational speedup
- Modularity
- Convenience
- Why not use threads?
- Functionality, manufacturers,
3IPC Message Passing
- OS provided mechanism
- Address space is NOT shared
- Process use 2 operations
- send(message)
- receive(message)
- Size of message
- Fixed simple implementation but difficult to use
- Variable commonly used
- Direct communication
- Explicitly name the end-point
- Link is between exactly two processes
- Between any two processes there is only one link
- Symmetric
- Name the endpoints
- Send(P, msg) and Receive(Q, msg)
- Asymmetric
- Receive does not name endpoint
- Send(P, msg) and Receive(id, msg)
- Hard coding required!
- Indirect communication Mailbox or ports
- Messages sent and removed from a mailbox
- Link can be between more than 2 processes
- More than 2 processes can share a link
- Who owns the mailbox?
- Process
- Different from shared memory
- Owner is the receiver
- Other processes can only send
- OS
- System calls to create, communicate and delete
mailboxes - Ownership of mailbox can be passed using system
6IPC Shared Memory
- Memory is shared among processes
- Shared memory is part of a processs address
space - The part to be shared is decided by process and
not OS - Example POSIX
7Comparing these schemes
- Message passing
- Easier to implement
- No conflicts to consider, good for small data
transfers - Example MPI
- Shared memory
- Faster for local transfers
- Cheriton84 to make message passing fast
- Distributed Shared Memory vs Message Passing
- Distributed computation?
- Multiprocessor architectures?
8Synchronization Problems
- Producer-Consumer Problem
- Readers-Writers Problem
- Dining-Philosophers Problem
- Sleeping Barber Problem
9Producer-Consumer Problem
- Unbounded buffer
- Producer process writes data to buffer
- Writes to In and moves rightwards
- Consumer process reads data from buffer
- Reads from Out and moves rightwards
- Should not try to consume if there is no data
Need an infinite buffer
10Producer-Consumer Problem
- Bounded buffer size N
- Producer process writes data to buffer
- Should not write more than N items
- Consumer process reads data from buffer
- Should not try to consume if there is no data
11Producer-Consumer Problem
- A number of applications
- Compilers output consumed by assembler
- Assemblers output consumed by loader
- Web server produces data consumed by clients web
browser - Example pipe ( ) in Unix
- gt cat file more
- gt prog sort what happens here?
12Producer-Consumer Problem
Shared int counter any_t
bufferN Init counter 0
Producer while (true) / produce an item
in nextProduced/ while (counter N)
/ do nothing / bufferin
nextProduced in (in 1) N
Consumer while (true) while (counter
0) / do nothing / nextConsumed
bufferout out (out 1) N
counter-- / consume an item in
13Producer-Consumer Problem
Shared Semaphores mutex, empty, full Init
mutex 1 / for mutual exclusion/
empty N / number empty bufs / full
0 / number full bufs /
Producer do . . . // produce an item
in nextp . . . P(empty) P(mutex)
. . . // add nextp to buffer . . .
V(mutex) V(full) while (true)
Consumer do P(full) P(mutex) . .
. // remove item to nextc . . .
V(mutex) V(empty) . . . //
consume item in nextc . . . while (true)
14Readers-Writers Problem
- Courtois et al 1971
- Models access to a database
- Example airline reservation
15Readers-Writers Problem
- Many processes share a database
- Some processes write to the database
- Only one writer can be active at a time
- Any number of readers can be active
simultaneously - This problem is non-preemptive
- Wait for process in critical section to exit
- First Readers-Writers Problem
- Readers get higher priority, and do not wait for
a writer - Second Readers-Writers Problem
- Writers get higher priority over Readers waiting
to read - Courtois et al.
16First Readers-Writers
Shared variables Semaphore mutex, wrl
integer rcount Init mutex
1, wrl 1, rcount 0 Writer do
P(wrl) . . . /writing is performed/
. . . V(wrl) while(TRUE)
Reader do P(mutex) rcount if
(rcount 1) P(wrl) V(mutex) .
. . /reading is performed/ . . .
P(mutex) rcount-- if (rcount 0)
V(wrl) V(mutex) while(TRUE)
17Readers-Writers Notes
- If there is a writer
- First reader blocks on wrl
- Other readers block on mutex
- Once a writer exists, all readers get to go
through - Which reader gets in first?
- The last reader to exit signals a writer
- If no writer, then readers can continue
- If readers and writers waiting on wrl, and writer
exits - Who gets to go in first?
- Why doesnt a writer need to use mutex?
18Dining Philosophers Problem
- Dijkstra
- Philosophers eat/think
- Eating needs two forks
- Pick one fork at a time
- How to avoid deadlock?
Example multiple processes competing for limited
19A non-solution
define N 5 Philosopher i (0, 1, ..
4) do think() take_fork(i)
take_fork((i1)N) eat() / yummy /
put_fork(i) put_fork((i1)N) while
20Will this work?
Shared semaphore fork5 Init forki 1 for
all i0 .. 4 Philosopher i do
P(forki) P(forki1) / eat /
V(forki) V(forki1) / think /
21Dining Philosophers Solutions
- Allow only 4 philosophers to sit simultaneously
- Asymmetric solution
- Odd philosopher picks left fork followed by right
- Even philosopher does vice versa
- Pass a token
- Allow philosopher to pick fork only if both
22One possible solution
Shared int state5, semaphore s5, semaphore
mutex Init mutex 1 si 0 for all i0 .. 4
take_fork(i) P(mutex) statei
hungry test(i) V(mutex)
P(si) put_fork(i) P(mutex)
statei thinking test((i1)N)
test((i-1N)N) V(mutex)
Philosopher i do take_fork(i) / eat
/ put_fork(i) / think / while(true)
test(i) if(statei hungry
state(i1)N ! eating state(i-1N)N
! eating) statei eating V(si)