Title: Susan K. Land
1Standards Activity Board Membership
- Susan K. Land
- 2005 VP of Standards Activities
- IEEE Computer Society
2SAB Membership Issues
- No funding for SAB board activities (Travel to
required meetings for all members). The
perceived value of the SAB. - Sponsors pay to develop standards and then pay
the IEEE for the use of the standard. Paying for
participation in the SAB on top of this is not
met with much enthusiasm. If more of the
coordination could be handled electronically,
e.g. via telecon or VTC, the cost would be less
onerous. - Look for ways to ensure that standards
development is not a tedious process, and we need
to keep the mechanics we need and use from making
it boring or troublesome.
3SAB Sponsor Marketing
Let the individual standards sponsors manage some
of their marketing. With direct funding, they can
accomplish much more in the area of direct
visibility, they support a direct
market. There is difficulty in maintaining
high levels of volunteer activity under the
present economic conditions. There is a need
business/marketing to community for industry
support of volunteer activities. Need some
effective way to better market standardization
activities. Explore industry partnerships as a
way to fund standardization activities.
4SAB Sponsor - Funding
- Funding would help standards activities move
along more smoothly. No line of funding for
various SAB sponsor groups, making it hard to
recruit participants in support of existing
standards development and even more difficult to
expand into new areas. - A standards volunteer does not see much return
for the membership fees. We need to show IEEE is
spending more in its members by showing some
effect on the services. A one way street can only
lead to complaints and reduction in membership.
5IEEE Standards Cost
- From a membership point of view I have seen most
people not willing to pay the extra fee for
Standards. They have complained about the raised
fee. - Explore ways of bundling standards and services
together. This would be value-added to any
customer. The idea is that the services have an
associated fee, while the standards are free. - Many standards development organizations make
their standards freely available need to
explore how they work this into their business
6IEEE Standards - Perceived Value
- People generally do not realize (a) the value of
standards and (b) the value of the standards
process. - The standards development process is viewed as a
bunch of picky people writing really dull rules. - In fact the process is research, design
engineering, and consensus. -
- Need to make everyone who is an IEEE member
eligible to participate fully in the standards
7IEEE CS Membership Issues
- We need to expand membership in the emerging
countries like China, India, Brazil offering
membership on a scale based upon average per
capita income. - We have so few members in these countries that
lowering the dues there can only cause an
increase in revenues. We may have to customize
what is offered in support of each countrys
membership in support of the lowered cost.