Chapter Seven - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter Seven


Cathode rays move from cathode to anode. Cathode rays are the same regardless of the cathode material ... de Broglie just messed up our model of the atom. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven
  • Atomic Structure

  • History The Classic View of Atomic Structure
  • Light and the Quantum Theory
  • Quantum View of Atomic Structure

Cathode Ray Tube
Cathode rays move from cathode to anode
Cathode rays are the same regardless of the
cathode material (aluminum, iron, copper)
Cathode Ray Tube
Cathode rays are deflected in a magnetic field.
They have a charge.
Investigating Cathode Rays
  • J.J. Thomson used the deflection and the
    magnetic field strength together, to find the
    cathode ray particles mass to charge ratio
  • me /e 5.686 x 10-12 kg/C

Investigating Cathode Rays
  • George Stoney names the cathode-ray particle
    the electron
  • Robert Millikan determines a value for the
    electrons charge
  • e 1.602 x 10-19 C

Investigating Cathode Rays
  • Knowing the mass-to-charge ratio, and the charge,
    we can find the mass of an electron
  • me 9.109 x 10-31 kg/electron
  • Some investigators thought that cathode rays
    were negatively charged ions.
  • But this mass is much smaller than even a
    hydrogen atom.
  • Since cathode rays are the same regardless of
    the cathode material, these tiny particles must
    be a negative part of all matter.

J.J. Thomsons Model
  • J.J. Thomson proposed an atom with a positively
    charged sphere containing equally spaced
    electrons inside.

Alpha Scattering ExperimentRutherfords
A few alpha particles were deflected by the foil.
A very few bounced back to the source!
Most of the alpha particles passed through the
Alpha Scattering Experiment Rutherfords
Nucleus is MUCH smaller than suggested here.
  • Most of the alpha particles pass through
    undeflected ? Most of the atom
    is empty space.
  • A few alpha particles are greatly deflected
    ? The nucleus is
    very tiny and is positively charged.

Rutherfords Model of the Atom
  • can be visualized as a giant indoor football
  • The nucleus can be represented by a pea in the
    center of the stadium.
  • The electrons are a few bees buzzing throughout.
  • The roof of the stadium prevents the bees from
  • Electrons remain in the atom because they are
    strongly attracted to the positively charged

Protons And Neutrons
  • Rutherfords experiments also told him the amount
    of positive nuclear charge.
  • The positive charge was carried by particles that
    were named protons
  • The proton charge was the fundamental unit of
    positive charge
  • The nucleus of a hydrogen atom consisted of a
    single proton
  • Scientists introduced the concept of atomic
    number which represents the number of protons in
    the nucleus of an atom
  • James Chadwick discovered neutrons in the
    nucleus, which have nearly the same mass as
    protons and no charge

Mass Spectrometry
  • Research into cathode rays showed that a
    cathode-ray tube also produced
  • Unlike cathode rays, these particles were
  • The metal of the cathode M ? e- M

positive particles
Cathode rays
Mass Spectrometry
  • In mass spectrometry a stream of positive ions
    having equal velocities is brought into a
    magnetic field.
  • All the ions are deflected from their straight
    line paths.
  • The lightest ions are deflected the most the
    heaviest ions are deflected the least.
  • The ions are thus separated by mass.

A Mass Spectrometer
Which isotope of mercury appears to be most
Ions are deflected according to mass
A Mass Spectrum For Mercury
Mass spectrum of an element shows the abundance
of its isotopes.
The mass spectrum of a compound can
give information about the structure of
the compound.
The Wave Nature Of Light
  • Electromagnetic waves originate from the movement
    of electric charges
  • The movement produces fluctuations in electric
    and magnetic fields
  • Electromagnetic waves require no medium
  • Electromagnetic radiation is characterized by its
    wavelength, frequency, and amplitude.

Simplest Wave Motion
An Electromagnetic Wave
the wiggles seen here indicate field strength.
The waves dont wiggle as they propogate
Wavelength And Frequency
  • Wavelength is the distance between any two
    identical points in consecutive cycles
  • Wavelength is denoted by the Greek letter ?
  • Frequency of a wave is the number of cycles of
    the wave that pass through a point in a unit of
  • Frequency is denoted by the Greek letter v (nu)
    and is measured in hertz.

What are the units of wave-length?
Wavelength And Frequency
  • The relationship between wavelength and
  • c ?v
  • where c is the speed of light (3.00 x 108 m/s)

The Electromagnetic Spectrum
Communications involve longer wavelength, lower
frequency radiation.
UV, X-rays are shorter wavelength, higher
frequency radiation
Visible light is a small portion of the spectrum.
A Continuous Spectrum
  • White light from a lamp contains all wavelengths
    of visible light.
  • When that light is passed through a prism, the
    different wavelengths are separated.
  • We see a spectrum of all rainbow colors from red
    to violet a continuous spectrum.

A Line Spectrum
  • Light from an electrical discharge through a
    gaseous element (like a neon lamp) does NOT
    contain all wavelengths.
  • The spectrum is discontinuous there are big
  • We see a pattern of lines this is called a line

A helium lamp, a neon lamp, a light bulb emit
light each produces an emission spectrum.
Visible Spectrum of Hydrogen
This emission from a hydrogen lamp consists of
four wavelengths of light. Not an infinite
number of wavelengthsjust four
Line Spectra of Some Elements
The line emission spectrum of an element is a
fingerprint for that element. It can be used
to identify that element!
How could you tell if there was gold in an ore
sample? Look at the emission spectrum from the
sample! Do you see gold lines?
  • proposed that atoms could absorb or emit
    electromagnetic energy only in discrete amounts.
  • The smallest amount of energy, a quantum, is
    given by
  • E hv
  • where Plancks constant, h, has a value of 6.626
    X 10-34 Js.
  • Plancks quantum hypothesis states that energy
    can be absorbed or emitted only as a quantum or
    as whole multiples of a quantum, thereby making
    variations of energy discontinuous
  • Changes in energy can only occur in discrete
  • Quantum is to energy as _______ is to matter

The Photoelectric Effect
  • The photoelectric effect light striking a metal
    surface can cause ejection of electrons.
  • The photoelectric effect is used in light
  • Why does the photoelectric effect occur?

The Photoelectric Effect
  • Albert Einstein electromagnetic energy occurs
    in little packets called photons.
  • Energy of photon (E) hv
  • Photoelectric effect light strikes a surface
    hit surface electrons and transfer their energy
  • The energized electrons can overcome their
    attraction and escape from the surface

For one photon. So what is the energy of a mole
of photons of a given frequency?
Bohrs Hydrogen Atom
  • Niels Bohr proposed that electron energy (En) was
    quantized, that is, that it could have only
    certain specified values (just as energy itself
    is quantized).
  • Each specified energy value is called an energy
    level of the atom
  • En -B/n2
  • n is an integer, and B is a constant (2.179 x
    10-18 J)
  • The negative sign represents the force of
  • The energy is zero when the electron is located
    infinitely far from nucleus.

The Bohr Model
Each circle represents an allowed energy level.
Emission atom gives off energy (as a photon)
An electron drops to a lower energy level.
Excitation atom absorbs energy that is exactly
equal to the difference between two energy levels.
An electron attains a higher energy level.
Line Spectra Arise Because
  • each electronic energy level in an atom is
  • Since the levels are quantized, changes between
    levels must also be quantized.

Transition from n 4 to n 2.
Transition from n 3 to n 2.
Bohrs Equation
  • allows us to find the energy change (?Elevel)
    that accompanies the transition of an electron
    from one energy level to another.
  • Initial energy level
    Final energy level
  • Ei -B / ni2 Ef -B
    / nf2
  • To find the energy difference, just subtract
  • ?Elevel -B / nf2 -B / ni2 B(1/ni2
  • Together, all the photons of this energy produce
    one spectral line.

Energy Levels and Spectral Lines for Hydrogen
Ground States and Excited States
  • When an atom has its electrons in their lowest
    possible energy levels, it is in its ground
  • When an electron has been promoted to a higher
    level, it is in an excited state.
  • Electrons are promoted through an electric
    discharge, heat, or some other source of energy.
  • An atom in an excited state eventually emits
    photons as the electron drops back down to the
    ground state.

Electronic Transitions
Without calculation, determine which transition
(a, b, c, d) corresponds to emission of the
shortest wavelength from a hydrogen atom.
De Broglies Equation
  • Louis de Broglie matter behaves as both
    particles and waves, just as light does.
  • A particle with mass m moving at a speed v will
    have a wave nature consistent with a wavelength
    given by the equation
  • ? h/mv
  • De Broglies prediction of matter waves led to
    the development of the electron microscope.

Uh oh
  • de Broglie just messed up our model of the atom.
  • We cant talk about where the electron is if
    the electron is a wave. (An ocean wave doesnt
    have an exact locationneither does an electron
  • Worse the wavelength of a moving electron is
    roughly the size of an atom! How do we describe
    an electron that isnt in the atom??

Wave Functions
  • We describe the electron mathematically, using
    quantum mechanics (wave mechanics).
  • Erwin Schrodinger developed a wave equation to
    describe the hydrogen atom
  • An acceptable solution to Schrodingers wave
    equation is called a wave function.
  • A wave function represents an energy state of the

The Uncertainty Principle
  • Werner Heisenberg we cant simultaneously know
    exactly where a moving particle is AND exactly
    how fast it is moving.
  • The act of measurement actually interferes with
    the particle.
  • A wave function doesnt tell us where the
    electron is. The uncertainty principle tells us
    that we cant know where the electron is.
  • However, the square of a wave function gives the
    probability of finding an electron at a given
    location in an atom.

Quantum Numbers And Atomic Orbitals
  • The wave functions for the hydrogen atom contain
    three parameters that must have specific integral
    values called quantum numbers.
  • A wave function with a given set of these three
    quantum numbers is called an atomic orbital.
  • These orbitals allow us to visualize the region
    in which the electron spends its time.

Quantum Numbers
  • When values are given to quantum numbers, a
    specific atomic orbital is defined.
  • The principal quantum number (n)
  • Is independent of the other two quantum numbers.
  • Can only be a positive integer (n 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • The size of an orbital and its electron energy
    depend on the value of n.
  • Orbitals with the same value of n are said to be
    in the same principal shell.

Quantum Numbers (contd)
An orbital for which n 1 the electron spends
much of its time very near the nucleus.
An orbital for which n 2 the electron is often
farther from the nucleus.
An orbital for which n 3 the electron is often
even farther from the nucleus.
Quantum Numbers (contd)
  • The orbital angular momentum quantum number (l)
  • Determines the shape of the orbital.
  • Can have positive integral values from 0, 1, 2
    (n 1)
  • Orbitals having the same values of n and of l are
    said to be in the same subshell
  • Subshells are also designated by a letter
  • Value of l 0 1 2 3
  • Subshell s p d f
  • Each orbital designation represents a different
    region of space and a different shape.

Quantum Numbers (contd)
  • The magnetic quantum number (ml)
  • Determines the orientation in space of the
    orbitals of any given type in a subshell
  • Can be any integer from -l to l
  • The number of possible values for ml is
  • (2l 1), and this determines the number of
    orbitals in a subshell

Quantum Numbers Summary
Notice one s orbital in each principal
shell three p orbitals in the second shell (and
in higher ones) five d orbitals in the third
shell (and in higher ones)
The 1s Orbital
  • The 1s orbital very much like a fuzzy ball, that
    is, the orbital has spherical symmetry.
  • An electron in this orbital spends most of its
    time near the nucleus.

The electron cloud doesnt stop at the spheres
the electron just spends very little time
farther out.
The 2s Orbital
  • The 2s orbital has two regions of high electron
    probability, both being spherical
  • The region near the nucleus is separated from the
    outer region by a spherical node a spherical
    shell at which the electron probability is zero.

The Three p Orbitals
Three orbitals in the p subshell three
different values of l
The Five d Orbital Shapes
Five orbitals in the d subshell five different
values of l
Electron Spin
  • The electron spin quantum number (ms) explains
    some of the finer features of atomic emission
  • The number can have two values ½ and ½
  • The spin refers to a magnetic field induced by
    the moving electric charge of the electron as it
  • The magnetic fields of two electrons with
    opposite spins cancel one another there is no
    net magnetic field for the pair.

The Stern-Gerlach Experiment
Silver has an odd number of electrons, so the ½
and ½ spins do not cancel. The beam of silver
atoms is split in two.
  • Cathode rays are negatively charged fundamental
    particles of matter, now called electrons.
  • An electron bears one fundamental unit of
    negative electric charge.
  • A nucleus of an atom consists of protons and
    neutrons and contains practically all the mass of
    an atom.
  • Mass spectrometry establishes atomic masses and
    relative abundances of the isotopes of an element
  • Electromagnetic radiation is an energy
    transmission in the form of oscillating electric
    and magnetic fields.

Summary (continued)
  • The oscillations produce waves that are
    characterized by their frequencies (v),
    wavelengths (?), and velocity (c).
  • The complete span of possibilities for frequency
    and wavelength is described as the
    electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Plancks explanation of quantization gave us E
  • The photoelectric effect is explained by thinking
    of quanta of energy as concentrated into
    particles of light called photons.
  • Wave functions require the assignment of three
    quantum numbers principal quantum number, n,
    orbital angular momentum quantum number, l, and
    magnetic quantum number, ml.

Summary (continued)
  • Wave functions with acceptable values of the
    three quantum numbers are called atomic orbitals.
  • Orbitals describe regions in an atom that have a
    high probability of containing an electron or a
    high electronic charge density.
  • Shapes associated with orbitals depend on the
    value of l. Thus, an s orbital (l 0) is
    spherical and a p orbital (l 1) is
  • A fourth quantum number is also required to
    characterize an electron in an orbital - the spin
    quantum number, ms.
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