Title: Sport Englands
1 - Sport Englands
- 2008-11 Strategy
- Progress
2The Background
- Focus on Active People
- Adult participation
- Broad definition of sport, embracing activities
associated with general recreation/leisure. - National Survey
- Health a key delivery partner
- New delivery system
3The Change
- Government Comprehensive Spending Review
- Nov 07 Announcement from DCMS
- tighter definition of sport
- to include a focus on young people
- Sport England to develop a national strategy to
reflect change of priorities - Jan 08 Ministerial change Andy Burnham takes
over at DCMS.
4Progress so far
- Updates from the regional office suggest that
- The aim of the strategy is to develop a World
Leading Community Sports System - Its focussing on young people, talent and
excellence, growth innovation. - It will include a tighter definition of sport and
cover areas relating to the capacity
infrastructure, such as clubs, coaches,
5The Latest News
- The most recent release from Sport England
Sport Englands 2008-11 Strategy14 March
2008Sport England submitted, earlier this
week, its headline proposals for its 2008-11
strategy to the Secretary of State for Culture,
Media and Sport and the Minister for Sport. I am
delighted that they have indicated that they
agree with the direction of travel and have
tasked us with working up, and consulting on, a
detailed delivery plan. The Sport England Board
and the External Challenge Group, who are helping
us develop our proposals, have also endorsed the
headline strategy. Sport England will
operate at a strategic level working with and
through national governing bodies drawing in
other partners including local authorities. Sport
England will have a strong national team,
regional teams with a tighter focus and would
work with county sport partnerships who will
deliver specific outcomes.This statement has
been agreed with the Department for Culture,
Media and Sport.Jennie Price Chief Executive
Sport England
6Anticipated Timelines
- Mid April
- DCMS sign off Sport Englands Delivery Plan
- Early May
- Public launch to NGBs and other stakeholders
- End 2008
- Implementation of necessary structural changes