Title: Analysis of variance ANOVA
1Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
- By Mona Tarek
- Assistant Researcher
- Department of Pharmaceutics
- Statistics
- Supervised by Dr. Amal Fatany
- King Saud University
2- It compares variance (or means) of test groups in
relation to the associated error. - Useful in
- Designs for tests comparing more than 2 groups.
- Separation of variation due the treatment from
variation due to experimental error. (within
group variation)
3One way ANOVA (completely randomized design)
- This is the ANOVA form used for
- Comparing means from two or more groups.
- Parallel groups design
- It is the multiple analogue of the two
independent t test (unpaired data)
4- But is more accurate than t-test as
It gives the difference due to treatment only it
removes any errors ( as variability among
experimental units other experiment error
sources among a single group.) E.g. manufacture,
personal error, and time factor.
It doesnt differentiate between difference in
means due to treatment and due to error.
More complex calculations that lead to F-value
that is then compared to a tabulated F one.
A t-value is calculated and compared to a
tabulated one.
5- The design of ANOVA ( randomized block design)
- The experimental units are divided into t no.
of groups that equals no, of applied
treatments. - Total no. of observations (experiment units N) is
conveniently chosen to be divisible by t i.e.
N/t integral no. that is the no. of units in
each group.( ie the number of units in each group
is the same)
6- F-ratio relates (variance due treatment /variance
due error) - To calculate the F-ratio, we calculate
- BSS the between sum of squares ----? represent
the actual difference among the tested treatment
---?the lager value numerator - WSS the within sum of squares ------? represent
the difference within a single treatment group.
i.e represent error due to variability among
experiment units denominator -
- As the value of WSS ? F
- meaning more significant difference is declared
with more confidence due to the treatments not
7- Example Groups of three subjects were
given 1 of 10 food regimen showed the weight
gain in kgs in the following table. These are
unpaired data its a completely randomized
experiment. There are only two sources of
variation the variation between the regimens
the variation within regimens. Are all the food
regimens the same?
8Total Number of observations (N) 30 N.B. n N/t
9- First construct the null hypothesis (at p0.05)
- There is no difference between the two
- regimens
- Then construct another table
(?X)²/N is called correction term
160.54/9 17.81
10- Calculated F-value 8.22
- Then we look at a tabulated F-value at
- DF1 9 (between regimens)
- DF2 20 (within regimens)
- Tabulated F-value 2.39 at p-value 0.05
- ( There are different f-tables depending on the
p-value we are working at) - Calculated value is larger than the tabulated
value at p0.05 - . Null hypothesis is rejected
- i.e. there is a significant difference between
the regimens. -
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