Title: The use of SDMX at the ECB
1The use of SDMX at the ECB
- Xavier Sosnovsky
- European Central Bank
- Bonn, 2009-04-02
- Data exchange SDMX-EDI
- Data storage SDMX Information Model
- Data dissemination SDMX-ML
3Data exchange SDMX-EDI
- 27 NCBs
- 7 NSIs
- Eurostat
- Using SDMX-EDI
- Data exchange SDMX-EDI
- Data storage SDMX Information Model
- Data dissemination SDMX-ML
5Data storage SDMX Information model
- Data stored in FAME and Oracle databases
- Based on the SDMX information model (concepts,
code lists, key families, dataflows, etc)
- Data exchange SDMX-EDI
- Data storage SDMX Information Model
- Data dissemination SDMX-ML
7SDMX-ML on the ECB websites
- Export functionality on the ECB Statistical Data
Warehouse - Bilateral exchange rates euro area yield curves
- Publication of national contributions
- ECB visualisation tools
8The ECB Statistical Data Warehouse
- Full support of extractions in SDMX-ML format
9Bilateral exchange rates and euro area yield
Extractions into SDMX-ML format
10Publication of national contributions (1)
- The problem Need to improve the accessibility of
ESCB statistics (user request). - Time-consuming task
- Accessibility issues
- The solution To present euro area aggregates and
national contributions in one table,
simultaneously on the ECB and participating NCBs
websites. - The benefits
- Increased user-friendliness
- Consistent data and presentation
- Minimised maintenance work
11Publication of national contributions (2)
- Technical overview
- SDMX standards SDMX-ML 1.0 Compact format data
files published on the ECB website - XSLT a programming/scripting language (i.e.
Java, PHP, etc) - Multi-channel output (HTML, CSV, etc)
12Publication of national contributions (3)
- NCBs implementations Own added values.
- Localization
- Database with wizard and personalization features
- Display of metadata
- Additional download formats
13Publication of national contributions (4)
- Benefits
- The ESCB statistics sites appear as a
co-ordinated network with an entry point in all
NCBs - Users do not have to leave the NCB website to
consult ESCB data - Look and feel of NCB website is preserved
- Translation into national languages
14ECB visualisation tools (1) Current applications
- ECB dynamic visualisation tools use SDMX-ML as
format for data feeds. Examples - The bilateral exchange rates graphs
- The euro area yield curves
- The inflation dashboard
15ECB visualisation tools (2) An SDMX
visualisation framework
- Develop libraries that can be used to build
visualisation tools for statistical data and
metadata - Written in ActionScript 3 (Flex/Flash
applications) - Based on the SDMX information model v. 2
16ECB visualisation tools (3) An SDMX
visualisation framework
ECB SDMX Framework
SDMX-ML Readers
SDMX Information model
Visual display
17ECB visualisation tools (4) An SDMX
visualisation framework
- Open source project
- Code hosted and publicly available on Google Code
- Strict commit policy and change management
procedures - BSD license
- Roles
- Leadership roles (Project Manager, Project
Advisor and Project Architect) - Committers three individuals
- Contributors contributions are welcome from all
- Users the code is available to all
18ECB visualisation tools (5) Planned work
- Generalise the use of this technology to other
sections of the ECB website (e.g. effective
exchange rates, HCIs, Eurosystem joint
dissemination sections, etc.) - Replace charts of the ECB Statistical Data
Warehouse with similar interactive visualisation
tools - Add new statistical domains to the ECB dashboard
19SDMX Web services on the SDW (1)
- Available 2009 Q3
- Possibility to get all statistical data stored in
the SDW - Support for the SDMX-ML Query format
- Possibility to get all the data or updates and
revisions only - Possibility to retrieve data snapshots
- Possibility to filter data by dataflows,
datasets, dimensions, attributes, date ranges,
etc - Data returned in SDMX-ML Compact Data and SDMX-ML
Generic Data formats (v. 2)
20SDMX Web services on the SDW (2)
- Possibility to retrieve data structure
definitions, code lists and concept schemes - Possibility to retrieve the category schemes,
organisation schemes and dataflow definitions
(including constraints) - Metadata returned in SDMX-ML Structure format
21SDMX Web services on the SDW (3)
- Possibility to submit subscription requests and
receive update notifications, when specific
actions occur on data and metadata - Possibility to receive notifications via email
and via an HTTP request